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RE: Daily Dose Sultnpapper 12/01/18> Ho, Ho, Ho… it is SBI Saturday

in #dailydose5 years ago

I believe that jajajaja is the same as our hahahahaha. It certainly makes sense in Spanish...

That's a just a gruesome story about the co worker. Made my nose wrinkle up when I read it.

I've worked the trades most of my life, and I know some of those guys have a record. I didn't know of any axe murderers though...

I did work with a guy that I know did two 'bits' for murder in two different states, but those were drunken bar fights in which somebody died. Neither time amounted to ten years and he was a pretty good lesson for sobriety for me.

I did hire a guy in the cleaning business that I knew had a dope record. He ended up in Florence (AZ hard time) because he got his third strike and while he was waiting trial he beat a guard and attempted an escape.

A good guy that basically couldn't keep his nose out of the dope bag. I did have him with me on a federal job and believe me, his jail/prison record was on the disclosure form. He was a good employee and I'd have kept him on even if the feds disqualified him, but they didn't. All employees had to have one of the two owners on site when they were working... The Army and the general contractor were pretty fussy about that. One day I had three guys on the job and got a call that I was urgently needed in town. I had to go to the general's job shack and get one of his foremen to monitor my guys for the probable two hours I'd be gone. Worked out, but for a time I thought I might have to take the crew with me...

Well, I'm glad you've kept the funding source active for the SBI initiative going strong. Congratulations!


You bring up a good point about the federal contracts and the Army in particular. I know that we have a couple of contracts along those lines with Brooks Army base and Randolph Air Force in San Antonio and those would have been in the area he was responsible for working in so he may have just decided to leave rather than get let go if he had left the second degree murder charge off of his employment application.
I wouldn't have a problem or issue working with someone with a dope conviction tagged to them but violent crime is a area I have reservations about.
The first of the month is when you can cash out over at the poker site without having to pay a "rush fee" for withdrawing funds so I had put in my slip for enough SBD to fund December before the game on Friday night. By the time the game ended I had built my account back up over there to an amount just about equal to what I had submitted for cashing out so SBI Saturday is looking good for the next couple of months if not longer.
That makes sense also on the jajajaja, and that does sound familiar now that you mention it.

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