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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 10/11/18> Just what I needed… not really.

in #dailydose6 years ago

Ohhhhh, man. I get it. The biggest contract I took from the landscape company was designed by a top flight architect out of a big firm in Seattle. The buildings were as close to flawless as you can get with a project that size. The irrigation was a freaking nightmare. There were courtyards where pressure, flow and wind had to be considered. Not so much. There were 4 football fields (the game field and 3 practice) 3 soccer fields (the game field could go either way.) 5 baseball fields and 5 softball fields. I didn't start the project, so I didn't have any part of the ordering or look at the design. I came to the project to bail out an electrical nightmare in the wiring. The guy before me dropped a 116 wire bundle of wires that were rumored to be cut to length for the valves as designed. Literally dropped them. With out labeling on either end. I got that figured out in time and we used almost all the wiring that he dropped. I argued for radio control valves, but that technology was brand new and every freaking one is hard wired. Oh yeah. 4 common wires for the whole bunch, cut the same length as the longest control wire. The wires were already bunkered when I got there so no change possible,

I told the company owner at one point "This f@#$% project makes me wish I could still drink. I'd get a bottle of JD and head for the back side of the lake. When I woke up I'd have an idea what to do next."

Anyway, long story short (I'll probably let Cleo tell some of this) it turns out that the Architect had his daughter the engineering student at UW draw the irrigation plans for 'practice'. Teach the girl for not going to WSU. There was a huge lawsuit and everybody with a piece of the irrigation got a nice hunk of change from the General. The General Foreman loved me. I'd show up for coffee every day early and show him what I was going to do to bail his ass out of the fire. That guy would sign a change order for me with out looking.

I'm glad you have a fallback, or even multiple fallbacks. Always a good idea even with the perfect job.

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