Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 08/11/18> We now resume our normal broadcast of… Saturday SBI gives away.

in #dailydose6 years ago (edited)

Right on time…

After having screwed the pooch last week on getting the SBI selections done I wasn’t about to let it happen this week so here we are right on time. I am not even going to take a chance on getting side tracked and then running out of energy or time so we are delving right into the announcement. I will bring up a couple other things today so don’t run off just because you don’t see your name listed up here near the top.

Numero Uno

@natubat is at the top of my list this week and deservedly so. She responded this week in a very special way by providing us all with a link to a 45 minute video that explains all about money in the Western World and even the Eastern World for that matter. If you live in a country that is part of the International Money Fund (IMF) cartel then you are going to want to see this video. Even if you have seen it, you are going to want to watch it again. This film gives you all the details and verifies exactly what I have been telling you about “money” so do yourself a favor and watch it as soon as you finish here. The link will be at the bottom of today’s Daily Dose.

Fire breathing no less...

Next up we have @moderndragon , who has been a regular here with me for quite a while . He is a very talented artist who specializes in drawing modern dragons, imagine that, he is so damn creative with his art and the best he could do with naming his business and his name here on steemit was to tell exactly what he does in plain English.

Simple could be...

There is a lot to be said about keeping some things simple for sure, and business names are certainly one where it makes a lot of sense to do that. So he could win today’s SBI just for his awesome display of common sense, but that isn’t why. He could also win it for being nice enough to point out a mistake I made earlier in the week when I tagged one of the Daily Dose columns as the “Daiky” dose. Sorry to say, but that didn’t get it for him either, what did get is because he has had to take some time off from here at steemit as he and his lovely wife had to pack up everything they owned and move to an island from their home in Cape Town, RSA.

Moving and getting settled in a new place, both home and business, has kept him away but things are starting to settle down and I just wanted to make sure that I helped in making sure that each of his posts going forward has at least a little SBI vote on it from me.

Simple might run in the family...

The same goes for his lovely wife, @simplylizzle , she is quite a talent in her own right and has been missed on here as well. She was also the one who clued me in to @schoolofminnows and I think that is a good program and I enjoy being a part of it. Had she not been responsible for me finding it I may never have, so for her she also gets a share of SBI. Right now she has been limited on what she is posting but it won’t be long before she will be cranking out some more of her awesome work.

Only in South Africa...

There is something about the name Lizelle and the Republic of South Africa. I only know and have only known two Lizell’s in my life and both are from RSA. So my question today is just how many Lizelles do you know and what country are they from?

Glad I'm not perfect...

It just so happened that the second Lizelle came about from an error I made in a previous Daily Dose, and I’ve told that story before, but another question I have is do you think that there is anything in the name a person has that might be some indicator as to what a person might be great at?

Both @lizelle and @simplylizelle are both very good when it comes to baking and detailing the steps to create these delicious looking baked goods. I don’t know if that is just a coincidence or if some college professor might need to apply for a grant for some research into the study of names and talents.

Heaven knows that there have been far worse ideas that have had grant money thrown their way to study things that could be of no real value to anyone. Well, I take that last part back, no real value to anyone other than the professor who got the damn grant money.

One last question...

Since I am asking a few questions today, I’ll go ahead and ask just one more. What is the craziest or worthless research project that you have been aware of that got grant money to fund the research? This should bring in some real topics for some upcoming daily doses; I can’t wait to see what we get.

Just in case...

Thanks for being here today, and in case anyone is wondering, @lizelle is also receiving a share of SBI since she was mentioned. Now go watch this video if you haven’t watched it recently, click here to go

Until next time,


great post my friend, i'm so glad to see more and more people giving away SBI and sharing. it's a beautiful sight to see! blessings, eagle spirit

Thanks @eaglespirit been doing it pretty regularly now on Saturdays for the last three months or so, although last week I missed it by one day.
Thanks for the blessing and same to you.

Congratulations to the winners and the sponsor. It's really great to see talented people get their 'just deserts'. Thanks for doing this.

Ahhhhh. Who'd have ever thought there was a conjunction between names and talents? Some brainiac probably good set up some sort of a data base search to at least get preliminary results to publish in the newspapers if not a scholarly paper.

That is what really irks me about 'funded research'. The damn fools need another 3 years to finish up but their grant is expiring so they take some 'preliminary research' and announce something to the press. If I had a nickle for every time somebody decided that coffee was lethal to human consumption I'd buy my own roaster so I could have my coffee precisely my way. I've long since had my lifetime dose so I might as well enjoy myself before I die of coffee exposure.

I've heard of some odd sounding grant funded research, but I don't pay too much attention to it, because there is no possible way to know the whole back story and what actually precipitated the research. We only hear about the abject fails, and those occur every place. I've had a few really good ideas that just didn't work myself.

Research is often a cascade. Project A spawns project B which inspires some guy to see if fruit flies can be used to decoy mosquitoes into breeding with them and ending the threat of Malaria to the earth. For the record, Malaria kills more people every year than most anything but governments. If that guy figures out how to do that the governments will have to pick up the death pace and since it's relatively expensive to kill people taxes will rise. Does anybody really want THAT?

Thanks for a great Saturday post, and again. Congratulations to the winners.

Oh so true on "Research is often a cascade", our niece while working on her PHD at the A&M university in Texas was involved in doing a grant funded study on tiger shit.
When I say "shit" , I mean like real poop, do do, excrement. the project had zoos from all around the world sending freeze dried tiger shit to them so they could do a DNA study to put together a paper on how all the tigers were genetically related, or some shit like that. She worked like two years on that project. Almost like an ancestry project for tigers who couldn't look things up online to see who they were related too.
I guess if you were looking to breed tigers that might be of value to you, but other than that I don't think it would help any common folk.

One of my best buddies had his first PHD interrupted in 1968 by the US Army. PHD studies were not deferment material, and the fact that he had a child didn't mean doodle either. So he spent 13 months in Vietnam.

He came home, used the GI bill to get his teacher's credentials. He says " I just couldn't see myself as a geneticist working for Frito Lay." The world is a much better place because of that change. The potatoes he might have bred for FL pale in comparison to the youngsters he molded in his career. And he was able to get his PHD later in life. One in education and one in botany (after he retired the first time).

So like any good cascade, they don't always go where planned.

My oldest brother spend a year or so in Vietnam and when he got out used the GI bill to get his masters degree in business and worker his way up in a medical insurance company to VP level, about that time he reached that level the "cross" and the "shield" merged into one company and since he was upper level management of the smaller one of the two he only survived a short while after the merger.
He also cascaded right back into doing the work he actually loved which was working outdoors mowing grass and taking care of the city parks in the small town we grew up near. A job that he had as a summer job when he was in high school was his passion and his severance package from the insurance job was enough that he was able to then actually do what he enjoyed for work.
I'm not going to say that the world was a better place because of my brother, but the parks he looked after were damn sure mowed, weed free and never had any trash laying around for very long. So in his own way maybe he actually did change a small part of the world now that I think about.
Thanks Tom.

Congratulation to today's recipients of SBI and kudos to you for doing this. As far as lame-brained research goes, it would seem that any yahoo can put in a paper and get loads of government cash (our tax dollars at work). One o the silliest I heard of was whether or not eating boxed cereal (the sugary type) actually had more nutritional than eating the box it came in! I believe they must have watched a Myth Busters episode and thought that they could put some actual numbers to it.

Ah yes the old phrase, "lame-brained" , haven't heard that term in a while but it is time for a resurgence of its use and I vow to use it more in helping that revival.
I hadn't heard of this one about the cereal box study but I wouldn't doubt it was funded and I wouldn't doubt the box was healthier than the contents if the contents were sugar coated GMO variety grain.
The card board box would have plenty of fiber in it and the printing on the box was probably done with soy based inks so that only leaves the glue that seals the box as the wild card and chances are it was a water based formula glue much like Elmer's glue that kids end up eating all the time with no bad side effects.
Sugar, well it is just plain terrible on so many different levels I don't where to start and it only has one redeeming quality, it makes stuff that taste like shit to kids , taste like good shit. The kids then grow into adults and have a tendency to love white powders, all of which are bad for you, including flour and cocaine. So sugar really is a dangerous gateway drug in reality and with the help of that study you mentioned we will probably be eating empty cereal boxes at some point in the future as a nutritional meal.

Thanks, but no thanks! We don't eat processed foods of any kind. No GMO either. Advantages of living on the homestead. Nothing has chemicals on it either. I wonder how much they got in grant money for that study?

i might just have to look and see through the use of google and find some information on that study when I have some free time. Homesteading certainly does have advantages, and not hard to see why so many people are going that route since now the food we are sold can't even be trusted, so much for the Food and Drug Administration and the purpose they were supposed to serve.

A greta post off to chekc them out, I think giving out SBI shares is a good way to help the community grow

I sort of feel the same way and that is why I am doing it. With steem dropping below the $1.00 mark this morning I think there will more and more people heading for the exits of this platform. Those SBI votes may just come in handy in the future for those that have them.

@sultnpapper yeah it has already got so much quieter, but I still believe in the platform and I am not going anywhere

Neither am I ,as long as I am breathing and can think I'll be here.

Neither am I ,as
Long as I am breathing and
Can think I'll be here.

                 - sultnpapper

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

You didn't detect haiku you jackass bot, you detected the truth.

@sultnpapper were both here for as long as it lasts

Thank you @sultnpapper :) That's very kind of you!
Much appreciated :)

You are very welcome.

Awesome! Thanks so much!

You are also very welcome as well. Thanks for keeping an eye on me too.

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