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Monday, May 7, 2018.

My Dove, My Perfect One Is Unique!

Song of Songs 6: 1; 7:9

Qs. 2. See Questions HERE.


In Africa, we have traditions that contribute to the extermination of society through diseases like HIV/AIDS. In my culture, it is not normal for a man to tell his wife of his whereabouts when he is not at home. We have a saying that "man belongs everywhere", and "man spreads like a cucumber or pumpkin." No wonder the threatening scourge of HIV/AIDS! Is there anything worthy of emulation in 6:1-3? What a different woman who is neither ignorant of the direction of her husband's movement nor ever doubtful of his love (vs. 2-3)! Godly women win their straying husbands by love that trusts and hopes (6:3, 11-12; cf. 1 Cor. 13:7) with prayer and not by harsh treatment. This is equally true of godly men.

What is your understanding of 6:4-9? The man describes his beloved as perfect and unique! Indeed, from our readings of yesterday and today, we see the beloved as having a blend of inner beauty and admirable appearance. People hardly appreciate the strength of their spouse until they become unfaithful or lose the spouse. It is helpful to take account of your spouse's beauty every time your heart is straying. You will realize there is none out there like yours (vs. 8-9). When your spouse has touched your heart with inner beauty, it is important to make him/her know how much you appreciate him /her.

What next?

Read the beautiful simile in 7:1-9 again! Write a similar note about your spouse and read it out to him /her. Then, thank the Lord for each other's uniqueness.


Use Psalms 139:14 to praise God for your spouse today!

©Scripture Union Nigeria



Yes! Great post! I love the Song of Songs! And am so happy to see so many making posts about this glorious book recently!

And we are Jesus' inheritance! He calls us his dove, his perfect one!

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