Make Your Posts Count!

Don't Miss Out on Daily Lifetime Upvote.

As a SteemitBuilder member you are receiving daily upvotes for life, so if you miss posting on a daily basis you are missing out on your upvote. We encourage all our members to posts on a daily basis, this way you are maximising your returns with SteemitBuilder. So, planning ahead, set a time of day each day to sit down and write an article, whether over a cup of coffee in the morning or in a mid-afternoon break, choose a time that suits you where you have 10-15 minutes free to post on Steemit.

Help us help you! Don't forget to also upvote our posts, in fact, we have our own curation trail on Steemauto, visit (Ensure you are logged in first.) By helping us we can offer more value to our members (you) and by working together to achieve our common goals of increasing earnings from Steemit, everyone is a winner.

Also, if you are yet to maximise your Phase 2 builds, (66 Builds) consider topping up as and when you can, we are quickly running out of builds with just 123 builds left, so grab them whilst you can and increase your daily upvotes.

Thanks for reading.


Thanks For Reading!

Check out some of these handy links.

Use the Builds Lookup Tool to check your voting weight and number of builds.

Join Kryptonia and create tasks to get upvotes, followers, and resteems for your posts!

Posted from with SteemPress :


Great program! I'm glad I've joined! :-)

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