Welcome to December! An Open Letter to December...

in #december5 years ago


We are finallllllly here!

I sort of feel if we can survive this month then we can survive anything. I gotta say this has probably been the toughest year for me since joining this cryptoverse. And even though I may have gotten a little too drained in the last 2 months or so, I am glad I didn't give up and kept n going wherever I could.

Man! The Blood Bath was Brutttaaallllll....... Still is, but the thing is, with new months comes new opportunities, fresh vibes, fresh energy....

I kind of having a feeling (or maybe call it hope), that this month is going to be as favoring as the last December. We could use a break. But even if we don't get one, I am more than thankful for all the wonderful lessons this hard times have taught me. I don't think I'd have it any other way.

If you are still here you are most likely one of the most resilient, passionate, hard-working, loyal,optimistic people I have ever met.

Dear December,

You have been known to be a magical month, please don't let this be any different. We certainly could use a bit of your cheering spirit. Spoil us with your warmth, feed us with all the good things we have been holding off for the sake of our weights, get us merry and drunk, but while you're at it, please fill our pockets with as much fortune cookies/cones as you can.

We Don't usually ask you for much, heck, we try as much as we can to celebrate you, my only prayer is you will be as good to us as you were last year.

We Deserve it,



What Would you Like to Say to December?




I may have seen tougher times in my life and what i have come to understand is we are all on a wheel just going round and round
And being grateful for the good I have at present has helped me keep my sanity... most days haha
So December, please make that list of things I am grateful for nice and longggggg .... 😁

Posted using Partiko iOS

That's such a great response. It's truly very easy to lose sight of the things we already are blessed with at hard times. I used to be great at that lol, definitely given me sth to think about <3

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