Deceptive Look, Contributed By @Olawalium

in #deception5 years ago


It is hard to know what is buried on the inside
They might wish you evil and still lay by your side
They are nice but deep within they want woe to betide you
Not all that glitters is gold, they have come to say
Deliver us from evil; we all need to constantly pray
Deceptive look, regardless of the time of the day
Study every man’s content first, and then keep them at bay
Their words are as slick as oil, but those words cut like a knife
They can come as a husband or even as a wife
That is what we have come to see in this life
Not everything is as they first appear to be
They might be smiling with you but their heart isn’t
They might tell you what to do but then ruin it after
A lot of acts can be found with different humans
A lot to see in everyone even with the changing faces
Study every man’s content before feeding it to your soul

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

If you enjoyed this post, follow @Olawalium


How i wish human being has the tendency to see beyond the physical 'realm'. Then we would have known what each and every one of us has against one another, whether good or bad. It is not good to always judge people by their appearance because it could be deceitful. No one can tell who is happy with one with just facing impressions which is why we need to always pray against enemy as friends. Human being is the devil one needs to fear.

You are right. We have a lot of sheep in wolves clothing. They come to you with peace but they are scheming evil within.

The lady you mentioned earlier said she loved you only for her to change her mind. She deceived you with love when you thought it was real. A lot of people will show deception just to follow through with their own agenda. We need to study every man's content and time reveals all things.

Behind every face a real mask is hidden, which hides its real existence.The person's face only reflects the external condition, whereas in reality what is going on in the person's mind,It is hardly possible for someone to accurately assess.In fact, the person discovers the character of 2 ways, one that is to show the world and one that is to awaken darkness.
The person's mask is targeted only in front of us when negative tendencies within us increase.Or say that when our negative tendencies dominate, then our second face comes out.Goodness always prevails on evil, or the matter has always been applied and will continue to happen if we are suppressing our negative thoughts, do not let them dominate.

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