Deconstructing The Culture Episode 3 - Supreme Court, Kavanaugh, or Kava-yes ?


"Believe the women", "lying bitch", "scheming democrats", "sexist republicans" were words said by people on both aisles of political parties, government figures were confronted in elevators, streets and restaurants. Social media were all over it, you couldn't escape the names of Judge Brett Kavanaugh and Doctor Christine Blasey Ford. Did Judge Kavanaugh sexually assault if not rape doctor Ford when she was 15? That was a question that no one can answer truthfully. So what's with the political and social nightmare? Should Kavanaugh be a life-time judge? While the answer to whether he will be or not will be answered shortly today, the deconstructing of the culture is happening now. My name is Amir and this is Deconstructing The Culture Episode 3.


Considering the continuous media coverage of this subject that went on and continue to happen at such a large scale, I may not have knowledge or may not to be able to cover all aspects of the case in question. Nor will I have answer to the most important question at hand which is "Did judge Kavanaugh rape Ford?". Much like the first episode about kneeling for the flag or Tess Holiday, the point of this post is more about the culture surrounding such events. With that being said let's get into this.

The Victimization of Christine Blasey Ford

As mentioned above the question of whether the rape or sexual assault did occur will not be answered here. Instead I want to talk about how much of a victim Doctor Christine Blasey Ford has been. We start with Senator Dianne Feinstein who has received a letter from Doctor Ford about the occurrence of such event. While the motive behind Doctor Ford's action can be somewhat put into question, the same can't be said about Dianne Feinstein who waited three weeks before bringing the letter out. I find it hard to believe that her actions weren't fully politically motivated, or at least mostly motivated by politics. If the concern about women was such a priority we'd have seen her take actions earlier. So at best we can say that her actions weren't rape victims based. The credibility of Doctor Ford was damaged by politicizing the issue to such extent, although the argument about time being not only convenient but actually the reason behind these actions as you don't want a rapist at the supreme court, or anywhere really other than jail and if it was up to me I'd say death or castration as that for me is proper punishment for rape. That argument is something I could take from Ford not only that but I hail her for it. Dianne Feinstein and the democrats not so much.

Ford was handed very weak cards, should the leak be proven to be done by other parties. Senator Feinstein did in fact use Dr. Ford and then threw her under the buss. Such actions were kind of forgotten about in the great scheme of things. Dr. Ford was politically weaponized, and if the leak is proven to have happened despite her will or through a sort of depiction, just for the democrats to overthrow the nomination of someone they disagreed with immensely, rightfully so or not isn't the issue. That and President Trump mocking her in a rally and yes despite how much coloring Trump supporters would like to put on this, Trump MOCKED Ford in one of his presidential rallies that are more like a comedy routine, so whether you agree or disagree on whether she had it coming or not, call a spade a spade, and call President Trump mocking of Dr. Ford as mocking of Dr. Ford.

While Trump's mockery is indefinable I still have to throw the blame on Senator Feinstein and the democrats. Maybe Ford was still recollecting her thoughts, maybe she was considering not going through, maybe trying to remember well, but all of those options were taken out of her hand the moment she was forced to participate in the hearing. Yes, you might argue, she didn't have a gun held to her head but with so much on the line and your team pressuring you, you have almost no chance but to participate. The changing of the lawyer, and having a team of politician acting on your behalf hurts your case. It was less than 24 hours where the New York Post released an article about how her friend was pressured to change her statement. These kind of actions simply cannot be the idea of Dr. Ford, these are politicians at work. In the end I find myself agreeing with Senator Ted Cruz regarding Dr. Ford in that she was a victim of politics, as Dr. Ford was stripped of all choices by an outside force, perhaps for the second time of her life.

Ford's Inconsistency

This one is really to be expected when recalling events that happened over 35 years ago. Few days back I was attempting to write about the death of my mother in an explosion in Iraq but upon revisiting the events through my memory and looking at what I wrote, I found there to be some contradicting parts. My mother's death happened less than 15 years ago so Ford's Inconsistency doesn't mean it didn't happen. However the argument that the even was steamed into her memory does come out kind of short. Not remembering the place, the time, who drove you there, who drove you back, does make the rest of confirmed details come off kind of missing some credibility.

Human memory isn't as reliable as we hope it to be. How many times have you been so sure that you locked the door then you go back home and realize you didn't? The hot air balloon experiment or the Mandela Effect shows us that memory isn't as aiding as we hope it is. Memories that are carved into your brain isn't as probable as missing details or overhaul a very different interaction, mixture of timing, falsely created memories, the human brain does a lot of work to stabilize itself. No one wants to believe if the insincerity of their memories, especially in the case of such significance, but it is only slightly less probable as you remembering that you turned off the stove or not. Add to that a time spam of 35 years or 29 at least, as that's the time the first mention of the assault occurred. There's just so many inconsistencies to let it just be, and if we were to defend her inconsistency it would only protect her integrity but still keeps the shadow cast over the events.

Believe The Women Vs Believe The Accused

This is easily the most infuriating thing about the whole debacle. In every smearing campaign a long list of very unrelated details occur. Ones that in an all confirmation bias method are believed to be factors of the judgement. Let's start with the support that each side have gotten in the process. Ford have gotten her support from woman from all walks of life including celebrities in a joined statement.

While Kavanaugh had over 75 women showing him support in a joint statement as well.

And to both side I have to really ask, in the fact that this is an event that may or may have not occurred, who cares about the statements of people who WERE NOT THERE. I mean Julianne Moore, Eva Langoria and the rest haven't even met Christine Ford nor Kavanaugh to determine who's telling the truth. Same goes to the woman supporting Brett Kavanaugh, they're offering nothing of value to whether he sexually assaulted her or not. Meryl Streep called Harvey Weinstein "a god" Oprah praised him as well, your knowledge of a person and how nice they are to you doesn't mean that they haven't done something horrible. This is not a moral argument, everyone involved knows that rape is wrong. Supporting a statement of someone doesn't at all, nor should it, effect the outcome in a court room.

This goes as well to all the friends of both Kavanaugh and Ford who weren't in attendance at the event , whether it happened or not, to confirm or deny it legitimacy. How can you say whether something happened or not without physically being there? Without putting the intentions of taking the spotlight into question, this is extremely distracting and overall harmful to the process. Believing anyone doesn't have a face value at court and nor should it, especially when people's lives hang in the balance.

Now this point is kind of a headache to go through; women do lie about rape. From men thrown to jail for years to woman caught early on with their lies, women do lie about rape and sexual assault. In my life in Qatar I have witnessed girls lying about getting raped and sexually assaulted. One who said she was raped by her father, one who said she was raped by a friend, and ended up having an abortion, 3 who said they were sexually assaulted, I even found myself as a target of a woman who said I raped her. Among all of those, only one case turned out to be true and it was by the one of the three who said they sexually assault. So what does my apparent horrible taste in friends have to do with this? Well, simply stating that it can happen. There are plenty of reasons for women to mention such events despite not happening, attention seeking, form of revenge, I'd argue even there are those who genuinely get themselves to believe it whether intentionally or not. The study that states it's only 2% of women who say they were raped are lying is overwhelmingly wrong. In fact depends on your standards it could go up to 40% considering that's around the percentage of cases that don't make it to the police. Rape is a great thing, and in my opinion is worst than murder so obviously we don't want to believe that someone would lie about it, leaving us to wonder whether we're applying those thoughts into our consideration of an allegation regarding believing it or not.

She Gained Nothing, She Gained a Lot, And The FBI

Honestly Those points aren't worth a paragraph put together but I'll do it anyway. 1) She did gain some stuff, from publicity, to even monetary benefits as we found that she has gotten to at least a million dollars from this, so to say she's got nothing to gain is clearly false. However, this leads us to the next point 2) She did gain a lot, but that shouldn't disqualify her legitimacy, while publicity can be a good thing, it can also be a bad thing and a list of threats that she has received proof that. And really as much as I'm concerned, women (Or men) who stand up against powerful people with powerful backing such as the accusers of Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, Kevin Spacey, Asia Argento, etc.. should be paid for standing up to people who could cost them their living. While I have my share problems with the Me Too movement as it tends to lose sights sometimes, a movement to expose, punish and jail rapists and people who commit sexual assault is a great thing that the world needs. So if Dr. Ford getting paid some money is a bad thing, how do you honestly expect others to risk their income and really life to come out against powerful people? Finally the FBI and this is a short one rule. The very same people at the testimony hearing who were asking for an FBI investigation have more power to get people to testify than the FBI does. I'll leave Joe Biden to explain this

In the end; the FBI did do an investigation and the results didn't change minds.

The Damn Share Button, Kavanaugh and Ford's "Body Language"

One of the things that infuriated during this is my Facebook feed. Honestly, how much mindless sharing can a person do? I saw so many people who didn't watch the hearing or read a full article properly share posts blindly. One about Vox break down of Kavanaugh's "melt down" another about how Ford started smiling as she reached for a sip of water. Honestly? These are your evidences? Do Ford's actions after the rape and doing her line of work and political alliances really means she wasn't raped? Does Kavanaugh's "boofing" and likeness of bear really means he did it? How hard is it to just say "I don't know" or "I don't have facts to confirm my opinion"?

During this whole debacle I encountered couple of posts. Two were highlights for me. First one is the sharing of this.5555Book.jpg

A friend shared this, making the rape of children (Boys AND girls) by priests and the catholic church actively covering it up the same as Ford's case. So as I commented the following "It wasn’t one man coming out with a sexual assault that’s happened 30 years ago. But rather a continuous total of sexual assaults at kids for the time period that was buried by the church

The other case is because the woman first asked to speak. They said go ahead. Then said she won’t. Then made a list of non-reasonable demands including the FBI investigate it which isn’t their job, defense going first which can’t possibly happen when you don’t know what you’re being charged off details wise. She also wants there to be no Kavanaugh or his lawyer during her hearing to question her. All of that and more comes without even bringing up the change of her lawyer and the timing of the accusation resurfacing. Yes there’s doubt. Not enough if you ask me When bunch of famous people who weren’t there make a video saying we believe you. Or paid protesters saying the same even though they weren’t there. There are way more reason for anyone to doubt this. The two situations aren’t even comparable." Which I got the reply with a picture of tweets

The fact is those pictures and copied posts are easily a lazy person's argument. The idea of "shut up" or agree with us is extremely problematic especially when you don't even both properly researching what you're talking and top it off by shutting off the opposite side when they're presenting their argument. "You're sexist" is simply not an argument it's a smear that should be taken way more seriously than it should. It's mostly to blame for such disconnection between people. And eventually to the state of mind such the other post I encountered


This is of course a reaction to people saying women kind of deserve to be raped or sexually assaulted. Both arguments are silly, just because a woman heads out she shouldn't get raped or sexually assaulted, and on the other side just because a man heads out doesn't mean he should be accused of rape or sexual assault, while of course the first result is more sever than the latter admittedly but ultimately both are bad. And despite the evil intentions behind both kind of statements I'd argue that both are very sound advice and as a parent I won't be letting my children go out to parties without adult supervisions or shady places, both genders. But that fact doesn't change that if they were to head out to such places shouldn't make them face such horrible occurrence.

Politicizing Rape

Much like my previous two deconstructing the culture episodes, it was apparent that cooperations were commercializing social movement, now I see the politicizing of these movements. Minorities, women, men, shouldn't be a political tool used to win votes and bury opponents and people/media shouldn't be so eager to destroy a human's life without due process.

Due Process

This is simply how things went on eventually despite all the outside interference, I agree with the final verdict here. And I don't give a damn about what the democrats wanted out of this politically, no cooperative evidence while don't necessarily mean Ford is lying, they sure as hell don't mean Kavanaugh is guilty either. I still don't know for a fact if Ford is telling the truth or not, and if you were to say you do then you're simply lying. Outside interference shouldn't mean the dismantling of due process and the number of people believing one side over the other shouldn't either. Once cooperative evidence come to light the case should re-open and Kavanaugh should go to jail despite how long ago it happened as the argument of rape being a part of a phase of his life isn't only not a rational argument but a disgusting take. The right of forgiveness is held by the victim alone and no one should forgive anyone on the victim's behalf. If a man rapes or sexually assault a woman I want him punished even 70 years later. And that's what due process is, it's a right for both the accuser and the accused, you get to seek out the punishment of who hurt you, and if you were accused you get to defend yourself. The rest is up, not for the public opinion, not the political parties involved, not to the government, not to the opposition, but for the evidence to decide. And if due process falls in one case, what's stopping of overthrowing your rights when you're facing such allegations.

No Longer On The Left

This one isn't really related to the the subject, at least not directly. But the politicizing of Dr. Ford has been a disgusting actions committed by the democrats and their media one that carries on a list of despicable actions they have committed over the years, from protecting a rapist in Bill Clinton and his rape victims silencing wife Hillary all the way to protecting the Senator leaking eventually victimizing a citizen in Dr. Ford. The republican party is more united than ever, and no protest led by Amy Schumer could change that. The media has proven a bias an incapability to be credible even after their actions were main part of why Trump won in the first place along with the corruption and stupidity of Clinton. There's too much that the left have that I, as a liberal, no longer feel represented by them. I don't see anyone who have hurt used, abused, and took advantage of women and minorities more than the political left in an attempt to take over a country. I may not be on the right, but I'm definitely NOT on the left. And many people are starting to have a similar mindset.

In Summary

We're at a situation that the best outcome out of is a woman lying or at least being manipulated by politicians for a political advantage, and the worse is a man who committed rape or sexual assault being promoted for a life-long job as a supreme judge. For the current evidence at hands the latter being less likely, overall I'm just glad due process won despite all the Nazi-like tactics of harassing public officials in their private time. Rape shouldn't be a commodity used for political reasons and that is that.


As I said earlier in the disclaimer, I don't claim to have all the information regarding this. This is after all a solo effort. There are points that I may have missed as after all there are information still coming out till this moment. Some things I haven't dove into the specifics off such as the support statements as I haven't gone through them one by one, the other accusers, the ex-boyfriend statement, the guy who "knew" someone witnessed the sexual assault etc... mainly because I didn't see the point of mentioning other unconfirmed statements with no cooperative evidence.


Nice read @amirtheawesome1. You put out some really good points and things to think about.

I liked this line:

your knowledge of a person and how nice they are to you doesn't mean that they haven't done something horrible.

Thanks. It’s good to know at least one person read it.

The whole thing is fill with assumptions on both sides it drives me nuts.

I always enjoy your posts Amir but I do miss a few now and then.

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