Forget 5D...that's so last week. Let there be LIGHT!

in #discussion6 years ago (edited)

Li-Fi! Wireless Data from every light

Sorry're gonna have to find something else to be terrified about. No micro-waves. So sad.

Yeah I know...there are those of you who won't watch the video, or even read the article, and yet you will get your panties in a twist because........................

Well just because...

It's what you do..

"How will we SLEEP?" I can hear the alarmists explain. "If it's light all the time?"

Do people really have to turn the lights out to sleep? I've been a 'day-sleeper' for decades. When I need to go to sleep, I just lay down and go to sleep. Who cares about light?


The TL;DR version for millenials.

Light is electromagnetic radiation too...just like scary microwaves.
Data can be transmitted using light...much faster and much cheaper.


now if only they could direct that light down some sort of optical fiber. My brothers father in law has been getting his internet via a laser beam from an adjacent mountain for years now.

laser or microwave?

laser, he is a higher order nerd, he wrote Powerpoint

will the world ever forgive him for that?

LOL, what's funny is that he himself has probably never had to sit through one! He retired in his early thirties.

he went into hiding huh?
wise of him.

A couple caveats. The first is the video just glosses over the fact that windows exist in houses, so data security because the light isn't passing through walls is disinfo. He points out it can reflect off walls, and it can sure as hell go through windows. He also points out it can pass through automotive windows, so it's a caveat hard to miss.

Another is what @funbobby51 pointed out, that light can be transmitted without wired connections, through lasers if necessary, so the video is also misleading in that regard, predicting we'll laugh at wireless connections in the optical fiber connected future.

Regarding hacking and data security, this won't change that at all. Vehicles have already been hacked, as have computers, by flickering light at the lights of the vehicle, and the LEDs on computers. Physics demonstrates that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, so just as sound waves come out of a speaker when it's electrically stimulated, so do sound waves hitting the speaker produce electrical signals. [note: if you can get your hands on an old-timey dial telephone, you can prove this for yourself, by removing the speaker and mic, and installing them in the wrong ends. The phone will still work.]

Every speaker is a microphone, and every microphone is a speaker. Every light is also a receiver of light, producing electrical signals, and this is how the computers and vehicles were hacked. Not conspiracy theory. Physics Fact.

I find the disinfo...disturbing. LiFi is certainly not any more insecure than WiFi, but it's also no more secure. Weird...


I find it disturbing that you are disturbed.

You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

DR version for millenials.
It should be millennials instead of millenials.

Well i mean, Wi-Fi uses Radio waves, and that is light too. and it has advantages over visible light for info transmission, like being able to pass through walls and less energy needed to produce this type of light. also as day creatures human beings are, we are not made to be day sleepers
(we can kind of adapt). blue light makes our brain secrete cortisol and it affects our sleep in a bad way

you didn't watch the video, or read the article, which answered those questions.
thereby fulfilling my predictions.

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