If the Democrats regain control of Congress

in #discussion6 years ago

The economy WILL crash

Just like it did when Obama was elected.
Possibly worse.
Venezuela comes to mind.
How will that effect BitCoin and other cryptos?


If they do regain control and the economy crashes, I'm guessing it will drive smart money more into cryptos. That will drive up demand and price. Not that I want Democrats to run things.

I tend to be more an optimist, but the same month Obama took office bitcoin was born and look where we are now. Of course the biggest run up was during Trump's first year. Certainly, the democrates will most likely screw things up worst than the republicans. So know knows really. LOL

based on past performance the Dhmikrats will make crypto illegal.

It's a win, win, for Trump...

It's gonna crash anyway, better on their watch - it still opens up the 'fed. res. can of worms' that is Trumps long term strategy...(I hope).

If it crashes without the dem majority - it still opens the can of worms...

I'm not so sure it's gonna crash if Trump has his way.

It has to happen at some point.

It has nothing to do with Trump, good or bad. The socialist economic system as we know it is dead.

Socialism has to collapse. This 100 year experiment in debt based banking has to end....

Hopefully- it's on Trumps watch - this will mean the death of the fed and central banking worldwide.

I hope that's his plan anyway. Because it's not, we have a nice big war to look forward to....and decades of living out 1984..

When the Democrats get control of anything, it crashes.

Really anxious to see how it all plays out (the presidential election). The midterms should set the tone for where we'ready headed

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