Why Alien Visitation to Earth

in #discussion6 years ago

is not likely
Speed and distance

The disk of our home galaxy – the Milky Way – is bigger than we previously thought. A new study shows it would take 200,000 years for a spaceship traveling at the speed of light to go across the entire galaxy.

That would be traveling the speed of light which is also unlikely. The Juno Probe is the fastest manmade object. It's speed is 185,000 mph. The speed of light is 186,000 miles per SECOND.

math is hard....

since there are 3600 seconds in an hour therefore it would take the Juno Probe 3600 times as long as light to traverse our galaxy.

The nearest star is 4 light years away. A light year is the DISTANCE it takes light to travel in one year. 31,536,000 seconds per year times 186,000 = rilly big number. times 3600 ....oh yeah..times four.

If an alien civilization could travel a hundred times...a thousand times...faster. It would still take (rilly big number of years) to go take, galacticly speaking, short hops. Star to Star.

Note...assuming we have a handle on Physics. It MIGHT be possible to travel FTL...there is zero evidence to suggest it so it's unlikely though.

Assuming it IS possible to travel Faster than light...

...it'd STILL take years. It'd take longer to go from star to star, even then, than it took Sail Boats to circumnavigate the globe during the age of sail. MUCH longer.

Why bother?

A sufficiently advanced technology, given sufficient energy and raw material...can make any thing they want.
Given sufficient energy the raw materials themselves be made.

Or...virtual reality....ready player one

Which may be the answer to Fermi's Paradox

Why leave their own solar system?


Assuming it IS possible to travel Faster than light...

If you ever see Lucy notice a 10 baht coin lying unclaimed on the ground, you would know that moving faster than the speed of light is more than possible..


OR....if you ever leave a (headless) snake on a bomb trailer and the local workers roll the bombs back and see it..

That's why the GI's called them 'zips'....
it was a funny once thing...

The guy who did it promised to never do it again..
I knew him well.

More importantly if aliens did come here why would they tell us about it? Do we talk to ants when we see them scurrying about?

I think the speed of light is not a barrier to a significantly advanced species, they will have mastered time travel, they could arrive before they left. Or take a wormhole. Or they would do what we do and send robotic probes around to gather data instead of personally trekking around on some sort of star trek.

Do you REALLY think that?
or are you just jabbering mindlessly before you have jump started your brain with coffee?
what evidence to you have that any of that is possible?

I am still a little foggy, I have only had my first scoop of Pre Workout Explosion Ripped thus far. Time is relative. This is pretty interesting https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms5145

there are a lot of different people working on time travel https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_dilation

that and of course Trump has a time machine:

They've been 'working on' fusion for a long time too.
Fusion is possible...hydrogen bomb and the sun tells us that.
Nothing tells us that time travel is possible...except SOME very esoteric math.
Well actually time travel IS possible...one way.
Into the future...no evidence of reverse travel..

Depending on your perspective, those at high altitudes experience less time than those going more slowly they are technically back in time. They have to constantly recalibrate the GPS satellite clocks due to the effect. Probably some aliens have figured all that shit out.

altitude has nothing to do with it.
what matters is speed.
the root equation is E=MC^2...
you can work it out from there.

Those going rilly, rilly fast..
and by fast I mean an appreciable fraction of the speed of light....
travel into the future SLOWER than those who are going slow.
kinda paradoxical isn't it?

Altitude determines your relative speed, items at a higher altitude are moving faster than those at a lower altitude as the Earth spins round. A satellite in low earth orbit is traveling about 17,500 MPH. And in your equation the speed is not a variable. The speed of light is a constant.

no it doesn't
altitude is not a pre requisite for speed.
the CERN particle accelerator is underground yet it propels particles to near light speed.

Time dilation
According to the theory of relativity, time dilation is a difference in the elapsed time measured by two observers, either due to a velocity difference relative to each other, or by being differently situated relative to a gravitational field. As a result of the nature of spacetime, a clock that is moving relative to an observer will be measured to tick slower than a clock that is at rest in the observer's own frame of reference. A clock that is under the influence of a stronger gravitational field than an observer's will also be measured to tick slower than the observer's own clock.
Such time dilation has been repeatedly demonstrated, for instance by small disparities in a pair of atomic clocks after one of them is sent on a space trip, or by clocks on the Space Shuttle running slightly slower than reference clocks on Earth, or clocks on GPS and Galileo satellites running slightly faster.

The first article deal with the 'quantum level'.
At that level the rules change.
There is no evidence that it works at that level although the math MIGHT indicate that it would.
but even if it did...how would that affect us at the macro level?

one model suggests that to make a time machine first you have to make a sphere 5 meters in diameter with the same mass as Jupiter, then just solve a few other problems... But maybe the aliens have that figured out.

make one and let me know how it works out.
the point being..unless you have empirical evidence.
observations of reality.
you're just day dreaming..

the topic is alien technology, something we can only speculate about. If we have something that is theoretically possible, like time travel, there is a chance they have achieved it.

I contend that the 'theory' of time travel being possible is flawed.

There is decent math support on warping space, the biggest problem with that is the amounts of energy to make the fold (warp) is astronomical! It may be possible to look for focussed Gravity lines also, which some math predicts will fold space in nature. One thing is sure, life will NEVER be Boring, LOL!

If this type of travel occurs, it will be for harvesting raw materials that are needed at the other end of the trip. Colonies to mine said materials would then be likely too.

I was just thinking the opposite, reading about the various designs for time travel they all seemed to assume a human passenger, I bet we could make an AI that was much much smaller/lighter than a human and only require a fraction of the energy. Perhaps we won't even get that far but with some of these particles we can send through time perhaps we could send information through time and that would be pretty great. Anyhow its not really our problem, the super intelligent aliens have to do it. I still wonder why super intelligent aliens would ever want to talk to us, we don't announce our presence to mold before we exterminate it. What raw materials would be valuable enough to justify time travel?

Actually, this warp or gravity lens projected means of travel, is more moving outside of the time stream, and not modifying time itself. But to you question; travel for resources will encompass whatever resource is lacking, and needed, at the other end. Could be radioactives, could be simple Iron. If we both went to the same store, to buy a months worth of groceries, we would both have full carts, with a lot of different items, because our needs are different. They might, for instance, harvest Chernobyl for the valuable resources contained there.... :D

mostly they seem interested in the insides of people's butts.

Those are not aliens. I believe it is much simpler than that. The Bible speaks of warfare between the fallen Angels, and GOD's Angels; taking place on the Earth. These "aliens" match those descriptions; they have been recorded fighting for millenia, some are benevolent, and some like to explore butts!.

I think there are just a lot of people who can't admit to themselves that humans explored their butts.

There is that sub culture for sure! Keep your NSFW filter on, or you will find that out right here, LOL! :)


Good that someone is delousing them.

considering where they are likely from.
I wasn't going to mention that.

notice '' . like every other news coming from outside rotten US . 100% FAKE .

ah..you crawled back out from under your rock?
and only read the headline before you commented.

I feel so guilty now for not reading that deep state article .

from a European news source...The 'Independent" from the UK.
there's video!

thanks but no thanks

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