Is There Really a Flat Belly Cure?

in #dlike5 years ago

Dhared From Dlike

If you're expecting a few crunches or a special vitamin pill to shrink wrap your middle like you're wearing three pairs of Spanx, think again. Yes, it's possible to improve the appearance of your belly -- and in some cases achieve that coveted flatness -- but it takes an incredible amount of hard work and dedication.

Lowering your body fat is a big part of the equation. However, you're predisposed to lose weight in a certain way from certain areas of your body, so genetics play a big part in the results you can ultimately expect. If your mother, sisters and cousins all have poochy tummies even at their thinnest, prepare yourself for a major jelly belly trimming mission. Other things like hormones, having a baby, your posture and your age also factor in to how much dedication it will take to slim down your waistline.

Okay -- enough with the discouraging info. For the best advice on how to work your core, follow these five tips that come courtesy of fitness pro Jessica Smith, star of the "Abs Diet Workout": Ultimate Bootcamp. I feel she's uniquely qualified to give advice on how to make your middle look like you've flattened it out with a rolling pin. The best part of what she has to say is that it's all so sane and sensible -- and ultimately good for your overall health, not just the vanity parts that frame your belly button.

Eat fewer calories than you burn. A flat belly is one that certainly isn't covered with extra layers of body fat. So in many ways, diet is the most important part of attaining flat abs. That's because it's much easier to consume calories than it is to burn them off. (Of course you do want to burn off as many excess calories as you can with regular cardio exercise.) A diet high in fiber (fruits, veggies and whole grains) helps keep you regular and full on fewer calories, a big plus for a taut tummy. However, eating too little sets you up for failure. Smith promises that crash dieting or "cleansing" won't get you any closer to your goals in the long term; in fact, you are more likely to end up bingeing and gaining back any lost inches -- and often more. Also, Smith recommends skipping carbonated drinks as part of your flat belly diet efforts, even diet sodas. Regular sodas are just empty calories, but the artificial sweeteners in diet soda can really increase bloating. Smith's advice is to avoid the bubbles altogether and stick with plain old water.

Engage your transverse abdominal muscles. This is the long, flat sheet of muscle that lies directly below your main abdominal muscles. Their job is to stabilize your body while it either tried to remain in place or while other parts of your body are moving. For example, when you throw a ball, your TVA muscles help keep your trunk supported so you don't throw your back out along with the ball. When these muscles are strong and toned it goes a long way to giving your abs that true "flat" look. Smith says one of the best things you can do to train these muscles is bracing your belly button in towards your spine, not simply "sucking in your stomach," but by creating a sort of stomach girdle by drawing in your belly, pulling your ribcage in and towards your hips and "capping" your core by pressing your shoulders down. Start by holding this 30 seconds or so and building up by holding for a longer period of time or by doing up to five reps. A nice bonus is that this move helps you stand up taller, which also gives you a leaner appearance.

Strength train. Pumping iron on a regular basis helps decrease your body fat faster than just doing cardio. As a consequence, abs become more defined and prominent, especially if you have low body fat and high lean body mass. Yes, you could just focus all your efforts on your abs, but Smith doesn't recommend it. Taking a full-body approach will make you appear leaner, longer and slimmer overall including your midsection.

Tons of crunches don't work. Thousands of crunches just aren't effective or safe. Too many crunches can put excess strain on your neck and back, and they may actually wind up pushing your tummy outward, especially if you don't have good technique. Ab rockers, rippers, pumpers and cyclers are also a waste of time (and money). Instead, moves like the ones described in previous That's Fit posts, such as Super Ab Moves that Anyone can Do and The Best Core Moves Ever are your best bet. These tend to work all of your core muscles as a team which is the best way to strengthen and flatten them.

Be realistic. Yes, we'd all love to abs that look like they were etched in stone, but they don't have to be chiseled to look great. Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez and Jennifer Aniston are all great examples of women with gorgeous middles that don't have a ton of definition around their centers. They look toned yet curvy, firm yet feminine. Even if you won't be bouncing grapes off your stomach in this lifetime, you can always make amazing changes to your entire body, including your belly.

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