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RE: Sega VS Nintendo Documentary - The Greatest Console War of all Time - DLive Exclusive

in #dlive6 years ago

as a kid, i had an SNES and my best friend had a Megadrive/Genesis... and even though we would argue a lot over who had the better console and better games... i secretly preferred the games that were available on the Genesis. like the Sonic games, micro machines, echo, but when it came to StarFox, the SNES ruled supreme.

Nintendo had the market, and Sega, although a much older arcade company, couldn't settle on a fixed mascot and could not compete with Mario.

to be fair, i have owned and played on a lot of consoles, and the late 80's, early 90's... aka the golden age of gaming, is when games were at there purist, and imaginative.

''my console is 16bit...'' .... ''yeah well, mine is 32 bit so there... ''


Oh man first time I saw StarFox running on a big TV I thought Star Wars had come to home video game consoles. Funny tho in hindsight it's not that impressive anymore.

oh yeah. it is one of those games that has aged very badly, but the team in the UK that developed the Super FX chip were the creators of Starfox, to ''show off'' its 3D potential, as ever game before it on a home console had been... at best, 2.5D. the story behind the game and for what it was at the time was very impressive indeed.... i think i did a post about the history of Nintendo some time last year. i will dig it out... there is some interesting stuff i found out during my research.

  • Edit

It wasn't the complete history,,, just the NES i covered a while back... still a good read though, and one of my more popular posts.... you can find the post HERE

Great read. We should collab on a video at some point ;)

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