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RE: 😠 People Using Fake Accounts To Get Dmania Picks 😡

in #dmania6 years ago

No, I actually my make my own memes, I paid for bidding bots, and I can only be picked once a day by dMania Bot.

The others are getting picked multiple times a day (15 of the last 20 picks past time I checked), using 50-100 fake spammer accounts and automated scripts to upvote and leave the same comments over and over, almost always they're just downloading a random GIF that they found on the web and not modifying it in any way whatsoever.

There's a huge difference really. Especially when just about everyone uses bid bots at this point. I'm all for bid bots being banned entirely to be honest, but as long as so many other people are using them, it is the only way to get any visibility as a minnow.

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