Donald Marshall talks about the cloning center, its unknown location and some countries involved.

in #donaldmarshall6 years ago (edited)


Donald Marshall has been sharing for years every bit of information that he has gathered by being a clone victim of secret organizations.

He has written several documents, including the one that we will use as reference today. The document in question is called “Exposing the Illuminati’s REM Driven Human Cloning Subculture Volume 1”.

In that document, Marshall explains a lot about his discoveries, but there is a specific part in which he shares an interview he previously have had. In that interview, among other things, he speaks about the countries involved in the cloning center (the place where they fabricate new victims) and its unknown location.

About Australia and Greece

Marshall was asked about Australia, and below you will see his answers in quotes:

I'd actually love to go to Australia. The leadership there is also involved with the Illuminati and the Australian leadership attend the cloning centers as REM driven clone versions of themselves. But when the leadership of Australia realized just how senile and crazy Queen Elizabeth II is (as a REM driven clone at the cloning center) Australia decided to declare independence from England finally. Australia declaring its independence happened somewhat recently, and it is directly because of the cloning centers.

As we all know, Australia has been independent for more than a century ago, starting in 1901. So when Marshall says it declared its independence recently, he must be talking about the year 1986 when Queen Elizabeth was already ruling in the United Kingdom.

1986 is the year of The Australia Act, which stated “that the British government is no longer responsible for the government of any state and that the Westminster parliament can no longer legislate for Australia. Most important, they transferred into Australian hands full control of all Australia's constitutional documents”. | Source

The reason they decided to become independent was mainly because they realized the level of craziness and cruelty that was going on in the clone center. Australian politicians were willing participants in those organizations and its activities, but not anymore, they didn’t like at all when they discover Queen Elizabeth true personality (a sadists that likes to torture children as Marshall explained in his confession). The independence from England could be seem as a gentle way to show their discomfort towards what was happening (and still is) in the cloning center.

I asked the Australian leaders who attend the cloning centers as REM driven clones: “Why don’t they just boycott the cloning stations in Australia [and stop attending the cloning centers]?” The leadership of Australia said (as REM driven clones at the cloning center) “They [Australia] have to remain status quo and stay in the REM driven cloning / cloning centers business or Queen Elizabeth II or the economic vultures (loyal Illuminati members who want to keep REM driven cloning, and the cloning centers) will make the economic climate rain on Australia like they did to Greece.”

The considerable amount of power these organizations have in the entire world is so big, that they blackmail countries into being “ok” with their hidden and immoral activities. Australia is apparently one country that even if they don’t feel comfortable with everything that is happening, they prefer not to take any action because of the possible economic consequences.

It is surprising (or perhaps not too surprising if we already read the original confession from Marshall) how aggressive Queen Elizabeth can become when she feels someone might try to stop their criminal activities. We need to take into account that Queen Elizabeth also rules other nations besides UK, and in those nations Australia is included. Yet, that doesn’t stop her from threatening to make economic damage to Australia if they don’t comply and accept the perverse rituals that take place in the cloning center.

This proves to us that Elizabeth priority is to continue with their secret activities, without any regard whatsoever to the well being of the world. Her cruelty has no limits.

GREECE is NOT at the cloning centers. There are no Greek leaders who attend the cloning centers as REM driven clone versions of themselves. There are no Greek leaders at the cloning centers. As a consequence of boycotting the cloning centers Queen Elizabeth II CHOSE Greece to suffer economic troubles. Queen Elizabeth II made Greece suffer economic troubles to boost the economies for other countries that attend the cloning centers as REM driven clone versions of themselves and are loyal to Queen Elizabeth II. Seriously. I was there at the cloning center as a REM driven clone when this decision by Queen Elizabeth II against Greece was implemented.

It turns out, that the economic collapse that happened in Greece was indeed manufactured after all, the part that can shock us is the reason why it was manufactured.

You see, Greece doesn’t have any representation nor they take part in the activities done by these organizations, the reason is the same as with Australia, they don’t agree with all the horrors that are committed in there, and they don’t support nothing that is related to that. But unlike Australia, Greece was brave enough to go with the consequences and ended up suffering the crisis we all know about.

Since Queen Elizabeth is the leader in there, she was the one who took the decision to economically harm Greece.

Regarding the economic crisis, Globalresearch mentioned the following:

The Greek and subsequent “European Crisis” was entirely fabricated by the banksters for their benefit, at the detriment of Greece and Europe. It had nothing to do with the Greek or European debt. But nobody questioned it. Those European and international top economists and politicians who knew, didn’t dare to speak out. The voices of those who did dare to speak the truth were muffled. The people of Europe were lied to, including the Greek, as usual by the presstitute media. | Source

So there are several people who truly believes that economic crisis was on purpose, and Marshall is giving us now a reason for it, although a very shocking one.

Regarding the location of the cloning center, Marshall said this:

Unknown. Most people who are activated as REM driven clones at the cloning center do not even know the location of the above ground cloning center in Canada... The cloning center (which I unwillingly have my consciousness transferred to my REM driven clone whenever my original body enters REM sleep), looks like a small sports forum. Outside of this small sport-looking-forum, there is no civilisation around. There is grass and trees, which extends further out from the above ground, Canadian cloning center; then as far as the eye can see there is nothing... There is nobody nearby enough to hear screams... I am exposing many, many people who attend the cloning centers as REM driven clones…. However the cloning center which I am activated as a REM driven clone is above ground and located somewhere in Canada... However, there are more than one cloning centers, worldwide

This is an example of how Google hides certain locations in their maps

It comes to no surprise for me that not even the people attending the center are aware of its actual location, because in case they had a traitor, this person could easily exposed them and finish them off for good.

The way the are present in their activities is through the use of their clone that Marshall calls “REM drive”, REM being a common a phase of our sleep process and where the mind is totally unconscious.

This place is strategically built in a remote area, with no other construction nearby, so no matter how much their victims are suffering no one will be capable of hearing.

And thinking about the huge influence these people have in the entire world, I think there is a strong possibility that they are the ones moving the strings to hide zones in maps like the ones from Google. Perhaps some of those secret zones are cloning centers Marshall is speaking of.

Here you can see a video about those places Google is hiding:


We can see without doubt that these organizations really know what they are doing, taking enough measures so their criminal activities aren't stopped nor disclosed.

As far as I am concern, Marshall is probably the only opportunity for this message to go out and be made public so actions start to be taken against them.

He has told several times that they are scared of him and the message he is bringing to the public, but either way there is still a long way to go for these information to be known worldwide.

You can check the related articles by clicking the following images

Donald Marshall explains the different types of clones
Donald Marshall on how to stop the Illuminati and start with a new and better world
Analyzing the original confession from Donald Marshall. Part 13

As a way of promoting the Steem platform, this article (its link) was shared on reddit

This is informative
Didn't know much about cloning centers till I read this.
Lovely write up

I am glad you enjoyed the article!

This is my first exposure to both the person and the hypothesis.

"Anything's possible. And almost all stories have Easter eggs that point towards the truth. It just takes a little digging..."

Namaste, JaiChai

Good thing to see you learn something about Donald Marshall!


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