The Island Movie: Cloning Made To Look So Beneficial- But Is It Really?

in #donaldmarshall6 years ago (edited)


Image Source- Pixabay

Over the weekend as my dog recovered from tumor removal surgery, I settled in and watched The Island movie from 2005 again. It's been quite a few years since I viewed this movie, and this time instead of for entertainment purposes, I watched it with pen and notebook in hand for research purposes. I actually had the chance to make lists, see things I had missed years ago and really started to connect some dots.

The two main reasons dignified that cloning is beneficial in the movie are:

  • Surrogate and adoption of babies - Lima One Alpha gives birth and immediately is "killed"- which Lincoln Six Echo witnesses and continues to realize the compound is not all it's "cracked up" to be, the beautiful Island that's sought after in the Lottery does not exist and that the outside world is NOT contaminated. So much to grasp onto when you're a clone and have no knowledge of so many things in life; except what the compound staff is informing you of to be real and correct.

  • Organ transplant and harvesting- Yeah you knew this was going to happen. This REALLY comes into play when in NYC and Jordan Two Delta's true human Sarah Jordan needs transplants to survive and come out of her coma.

Both surrogacy and organ transplants COULD BE considered a positive for human cloning, but not the way Dr. Merrick is running the compound or conducting business within the institute.

Personal NOTE Loved the idea that the president of the US has a clone- oh, c'mon, tell me you never once thought that couldn't be true

My recent post about Human Cloning Benefits... Let Me Tell You What I Think.

Can Clones Recall Memories That Are NOT Their Own?

In the movie, Lincoln began having memories, or nightmares, that were not his own; but instead his "host" human, Tom Lincoln.

I am in no way or means a science person nor do I have ANY science background (unless you consider junior and senior high school science classes as a science background), but I have to say... if REM cloning is done, then why wouldn't memories be transferred from human to clone.

Image Source- Pixabay

Now, I am not positive this is how the clones in the movie were created, but you would almost have to imagine it was. See my explanation of REM cloning in this previous post.

And What About Feelings?

I wrote down emotions and feelings I saw Jordan and Lincoln experienced all throughout the movie, see if you agree, or if I missed any.

  • Fear- Lincoln's nightmares, Jordan hanging from the building before Lincoln saves her
  • Anger- Lincoln wants bacon and someone stole his left shoe
  • Love & Happiness- Lincoln gets his bacon from Jordan and you can see the underlying affection between the two- especially after Tom Lincoln is shot (yeah the kiss and all that kind of gave it away)
  • Concern/Worry- Lincoln recalling his nightmare and the boat/drowning
  • Pain- when Dr Merrick implants probes into Lincoln- yeah people, or clones, don't scream like that cause they are pain-free
  • Anxiety- Jordan feels unsure of Lincoln going with Tom Lincoln- NEVER doubt a woman's intuition
  • Confusion- when Lincoln and Jordan are arrested... court of law? what's a court of law? Jordan asks.

So, regarding Donald Marshall and having the REM - Mark 2 cloning, how are emotions and feelings transferred?
Thoughts, ideas and perhaps more are conveyed from the person to the clone, but does that include feelings and emotions? Just thinking outside the box

Disclaimer- this post as well as others with topics and tags containing Illuminati, Donald Marshall, Vrill, human cloning, conspiracy theories and other related topics of discussion on this page are a result of @fulltimegeek's quest to assist Donald Marshall, expose people who are tormenting or stealing other person's livelihoods and/or bringing justice forefront. See FTG's post here. Friendly, mature debate, discussion and viewpoints are encouraged. All posts and articles written on this page and shared on other social media websites and platforms must be known to be of speculation and hypothesis origins.




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I'm going to have to check out that movie! A lot of people suffer from "night terrors"..something to think about! I just mentioned all this info about DM and PC to a family member because we have a sister who has really bad "night terrors". I think you could write an awesome post about a possible connection if you haven't already. I'm still playing catch up but am finding your posts informative and fascinating! ❤

lol- you have definitely given me a potential new post topic!

The movie is decent enough... not for special effects, etc but more for the story line and process of thinking... could this really happen/be happening

This was a great movie! I remember when it came out in the theater. Have you read the book Altered Carbon or watched the series on Netflix? I am about halfway through the first season and it adds a whole other level to the cloning debate with bodies just being considered sleeves to hold the consciousness that can be moved around here and there. Very interesting stuff!

I actually added Altered Carbon to ur Netflix watch list. Hubby was watching some.... ummm.. weird sci-fi show over the weekend while I was doing some household things and taking care of the dog.

But yeah.. I have that show ready for a weekend of binge-watching soon.

I honestly didn't know there was also a book Altered Carbon... I also have the show Orphaned Black (on AMazon Prime not Netflix) in the batter's box for viewing too.

I think I have that one in my queue as well. I have heard Black Mirror is supposed to be really good as well. I usually watch the SciFi stuff when I have some alone time because my wife doesn't care for that genre.

Black Mirror keeps sliding by as a receommended show... hmmm, maybe they are telling me something- lol

Hubby was watching something from the Scyfy channel called Helix... it had the cheesiest music I have ever heard

The wonders that we can do with technology and modern medicine. Some of these things can be helpful but most times it harms someone for the good of another.

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