Lets say I am wrong with what I say about about celebs being down with REM Cloning, Consciousness recording Etc. If i am so wrong as many seem to think then.. Answer me This

in #donaldmarshall5 years ago (edited)

Why is it that Jose Canseco is talking about Cloning? Quite alot.. Apparently Being very down with the idea.. Saying that evolving to a new stage is achieved through cloning?

I'll tell you now, Jose did not just "Figure out a Way", as if the concept were some new fangled fucking theory he just thought up... Like.. "Heyyyy we could use CLONES to live longer and TRANSFER our minds its the next STAAAGE of human evolution"... Sigh

It is Ridiculous. Jose knows EXACTLY what he is talking about because he's lived with it probably most of his life, this system goes back before even a 50 year old man does, this shit is fucking normal to them and they would LOVE for it to be normal with you too.

Before, they Had to keep this a secret but they want people to accept it openly now and so you end up with stuff like this.. Jose Fucking Canseco making consecutive posts about the same fucking concepts that Donald has been talking about literally since 2012.

And because Jose talked about it a buncha impressionable people are gonna think its a good thing and it Should be done, when the harsh reality is that its Been done and has been Done for so long that its actually old news to everyone in the know, its boring there, all these people going to these places these facilities while they sleep using clones for messed up purposes.

Its so boring and so overdone that Jose Canseco can comfortably talk about it like its some new thing and no one really bats an eye.

Well I bat an eye.. In fact.. I bat both eyes so much I could use them to replace Jose Fkin Canseco A concept I doubt he'd have much issue with, Just my two eyes on the pitch, fkin staring down Jose and his army of clones.

I feel like i'm going insane sometimes. You go through life, think you have a handle on things then suddenly you read a letter from a guy and now all the time strange and weird and strange weird shit in the world keeps coming out as if to confirm all of it..

I mean Fuck.


Srsly what the fuck? He knows exactly hoe long it takes to do cloning.. Hes a cloning Hoe.

Jose fkin Canseco.. Of all people.. You couldn't fkin make this shit up.. A point which I hope is becoming clearer by the fucking day. Fuck.

He was my childhood baseball star. Until that time when the ball bounced off his head and over the fence for a home run.
He does sure seem to know an awful lot about this cloning subject. Maybe all the steroid use has left his body in shambles.

Like @fulltimegeek said “we would be naive to think otherwise..” They used to do this in the dark and have it kept as a “conspiracy theory” of sorts. Now it’s coming out in the open and it’s not a big deal to anyone. Crazy times we live in don’t we

Posted using Partiko iOS

They've probably been cloning for decades.

We would be naive to think otherwise ...

Some people are oblivion of this you know? But this is the little we can do to store valuable content like this on the blockchain in case of posterity.

They won't be oblivious much longer b/c the news is spreading.

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Thank you :)

"I feel like i'm going insane sometimes."

Going? That train the left the station a long time ago

Approaching this with an open mind, some thoughts/questions that arise.

  • Are we really sure how far back this would go? It would explain the rise of certain families into positions of dominance. I would have to imagine that a person who has lived hundreds or thousands of years would possess a knowledge and view that would make normal men seem ignorant, even normal life span men who were geniuses. It would also probably tend to erode empathy of the human condition as one watched people come and go, generation after generation.

  • Why would a host body have to be identical to the original host body? It seems this has been implied from what I have read regarding this, and if true it would indicate there being some form of dependency between mind and original body.

  • In the recent push for trans-humanism, I already fear that it would allow some kind of mind control/override of the intent of the original host. Reading this brought to mind the question as to whether a mind chip would allow for a "possession" of sorts by the elite into bodies at will, like installing one program over another. Just in this case it would be a mind.

It seems a given that when they admit to having this or that technology, it means they have had it for some time and are many levels above what they admit to. Wouldn't be logical to assume that cloning would be the exception to the rule. I have thought for many months now as I read more on trans-humanism that there are probably some already walking among us with it installed, making them possibly some sort of supermen among slower thinking beings.

Sadly I do not have time in my schedule to watch/listen to a 4 hour video at this time. You may wish to consider making shorter videos down the road as I am guessing a video the length of two full movies probably stop many from watching.

right now Im too busy to re state the the answers that you asked for, Im already working on condensing information, answers are in this video. Anyone seriously interested in this info can find the time to watch it. If you prefer to wait thats your choice.

If you want short answers to your Bullet points they are: Super far. No And Yes.

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