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RE: What Are Your Thoughts On The Population Crisis?

in #dpoll5 years ago

Voted for I Don't Care About Any Of This.

I am reminded that it wasn't even 50 years ago that Paul Ehrlich was going around saying the world would starve the moment the 7th billion person was born on the planet. His book, "The Population Bomb" [1] was used to justify some horrible crap in third world countries like India that are still an issue today, such as forced sterilizations. The best thing that came out of that was some inspiration for "The Green Revolution," the boom in agricultural technology that led to massive advancements in food production. But these advancements would most likely have occurred regardless of his apocalyptic rantings.

So, I put very little validity into the whole, "OMG! The world will run out of kids in 50 years!" This is also because I'm a Transhumanist and I know when people live to be 200, 300, 500, 1000, or older, there'll be no reason to have a high birth rate, or hardly any birthrate at all. Heck, once Transhumanism achieves what would amount to immortality, at least against ageing, then the birth rate may fall to practically zero across the whole of the populace. The only reason then that the human birth rate would increase would be if/when we expand to other planets, but that population boom would occur on those other planets, not here on Earth.


I'd actually go as far as to say that defining trait of humanity is transcendence. Out of all known species that is what separate us from the rest. It's also the reason why I always look down on people talking about the importance of society, upbringing and other external conditions when it comes to defining a person or when most people talk bout basically anything related to attraction with some caveman BS.

Here is one of my favorite quotes from the greatest TV Series ever:

Not understanding this is the reason why most stories don't have powerful heroes or villains. Except for Hannibal Lecter and Joker I can't even think of a real force of nature character from west with the exception of Steven Moffat involved creations like several characters from Sherlock and Doctor Who.

On the other hand I'm glad to see lots of great materiel from Japan which also turns out to be place that is most accepting of all sorts of weird things (they made a masterpiece involving a gender flipped teenage King Arthur) embraced automation way before it was even a discussion (I was a kid when they started robot waiters and fully automated shops)

when people live to be 200, 300, 500, 1000, or older

Keyword is "older". If you actually look into old Hindu texts it describes of a Golden age where humans lived 100,000 years. Buddhist texts goes even further saying that human lifespan actual cycle between 10 years (and depending on the interpretation) 10^140 years. I don't have any reason to doubt these numbers. What I'm more interest in is the effect on our memories.

For an example I've heard of some people who forgot to speak a language or lost a certain skill over time. Human relationships will obviously be forced to be based on fundamental values to be sustainable. I've been saying that humans have two evolutionary tree - 1 biological and 1 psychological/spiritual - Cavemen and Modern men don't have much genetic differences. What they have is memetic differences. Along with transhumanism will come a legitimate form of racism/specism that is fully detachted from genetics.

In simple terms what I'm saying is that you and I don't belong to the same species as:

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