Drop in the Ocean: [012#] Humour

in #dropintheocean6 years ago

Not Funny

Eyes down here.

Welcome to this weeks Drop in the Ocean roundup, bringing you all the great posts shared in Mondays show.

Whether you are a bit more serious or the one cracking the jokes we are all capable of making people laugh. Whether you find yourself in a awkward situation or observing people going about their day, chances are you have had the pleasure of observing humour in unlikely situations bringing a smile to your face.

This week at Drop in the Ocean it was all about humour and I am happy to say that we had quite a few "Haha" moments during the show. So let us see the posts from this week as we dive right in.

photo by Richard Boyle on Unsplash

The votes have been rolling in from the attendees of the show and we have the posts ready to share with you all.

The top two voted writers will 'level up'. When a member has leveled up, they will receive a daily upvote from the BuddyUP account at 50%. The member keeps their level for 2 weeks, unless they level up again on DITO within those 2 weeks. Every time you level up, you will receive an additional 10% on your daily vote, maxing out at level 5.

The writer with the most votes will be resteemed straight after this post. This is so we can all look back at the BuddyUP blog and see the winning posts from each week.

And the winners are...

Voting on the Drop in the Ocean posts have been opened to now allow every @BuddyUP member to cast their vote, instead of only those who attended. With all the votes in for this weeks Drop in the Ocean posts, we are happy to present the two who will level up this week.

If you are wondering how you can join the Drop in the Ocean show, you will find all the required information at the bottom of this post.

Now, let's find out who gains a level this week...


@Jan23com brings us an objective look at the topic of humour. Showing us a few prime examples of when we laugh and hinting at why this might be.

I'm too serious to write about humour.

To open the post, he states that he is too serious to write about humour. He still did a great job of including a humorous story though!

photo by Scott Snyder on Freeimages.com

A good overview of humour in all its forms. @Jan23com, in his own serious style, still includes a few funny lines for our benefit. Be sure to check out his post here


Shares the importance of being able to find the humour in our daily lives. She also points out that during more challenging times, laughter is still good medicine.

Humor can be found in any situation and if not, then sometimes you simply have to laugh...


Not only pointing out the value of humour when times are challenging, she includes a great example using a humorous poem that uses traits held by a few of our @BuddyUP members

When life gives you lemons
You make lemonade
Let's add some tequila
And have a freaking parade

For some healthy advise and a chuckle be sure to check out her post here

Current DITO standings

@monchhichi233 (70%)2 weeks
@poetrybyjeremy1 (50%)1 weeks
@jan23com1 (50%)2 weeks

Our runners up for this week

Surprisingly, humour was very a difficult topic so thank you to everyone who still pushed through and created something to bring to the show.

Whether you can make people laugh on demand or respond to a serious situation with something that will crack granite, humour will show itself everywhere in our daily lives. Our members did a great job of showcasing all the aspects of humour. Be sure to visit their posts and have a chuckle... maybe leave a joke in the comment section.

So where are the rest of the posts?

A practical example of everyones favourite kind of humour, and another of maybe what humour is not?
@poetrybyjeremy - Tomfoolery

A funny story showing us how hindsight is a wonderful thing, based on true events!
@kchitrah - The Ghostly Faculty

A hilarious poem sharing some humorous misfortune.
@andysantics48 - When Murphy Came to Call

Perfectly showcasing how one can be situationally funny.
@bluefinstudios - Humor -

Sharing her favourite jokes which without we couldn't have had a show about humour.
@dreemsteem - Humor is in the Ear of the Behearer

Laughter that starts out pure may end up being tainted.
@calumam - Cackles and laughter

How do you get involved?

Have you been reading through and wondering how you can get involved with our community/show? Below I've listed the steps to take, so you can jump into the action and share your perspective and views, with all of us here at BuddyUP.

  • Head over to our BuddyUP server. You can do this by following the SafeLink post here.

  • Think about the topic for next week, which is...


  • Write a post about that topic and come by to the Drop in the Ocean show on Monday (20:00 UTC) to present it and join the conversation.

If you are new and you don't have a membership to BuddyUP, you will receive free access if you present in Drop in the Ocean.

The final and the most important piece of information is... do not publish your post until Sunday or Monday. This is so we can give you all the best amount of exposure possible on your posts and also so you get paid out on the day of the show; so you can come back with an even bigger smile on your face!

photo by Peter Lloyd on Unsplash

You can come and speak to any of us in #the-pond (general chat channel in our server) or if you have any further questions, you can direct message myself, @dreemsteem, or @penderis, and we will get in touch with you.

We're looking forward to seeing you all next week for the sixth show, clear your schedule, Drop in the Ocean is here to stay!

We all grow together


This has been @penderis, thanks for reading.

All headers are credited in this post here & images are credited individually or are from the authors post.

top image: photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash


@buddyup Thank you for not using bidbots on this post and also using the #nobidbot tag!

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