Buddy Up, (D.I.T.O.) contest word, Humour.

in #dropintheocean6 years ago

Buddy Up DITO word for the week Humour

I'm too serious to write about humour.

I am guessing that line alone will not suffice as a post about humour. I could list a few jokes here to illustrate some humour. If I cannot think of enough to write. That is exactly what I will do. Covering this topic in full may also not be in my capabilities.

So let's get to it, my thoughts on humour.
Well there are many kinds of humour or ways to interpret what humour can be. I am going to start with, funny things that are not funny.

Not everything we laugh at will be something funny. We see a kid trip or go splat while learning to ride a bike, skateboard or roller skate and we crack up with laughter. Then we go to their aide, well sometimes. We see people use a swing by a lake or stream to swing out on, belly flop and we laugh at them. One particular thing I find really funny.

Once upon a memory in a far-off land called Manchester, England. While visiting relatives for a birthday bash, A cousin of mine was using the lavatory. You probably already guessed. Yup! the bog roll was empty. The cousin shouted out for someone to bring him some Jax paper if I remember right. Unfortunately, for my cousin, an uncle with humour heard his plea and brought him 2 sheets of sandpaper. While we all laughed who were not seated on the throne. The seat warmer was not impressed.

Image 1

We laugh when we get a fright. We do this even as babies. Ever play Peek-a-Boo with a baby, the fright the baby gets is the reason they laugh, or maybe you just look funny? Games even get created around this for us to play. Scare and shock to make us laugh. Mr potato head, or its predecessor Buck-A-Roo, where used in this manner to make us jump. We use horror movies to make us laugh, Generally, this laughter comes with the relief of ok I'm alright it's just a movie. Unless you got a really bad fright and now you too need some of that bog roll.


Then we also laugh at injury, how many times have you smacked the elbow and the pain you got you laughed at. I was going to stick a picture in here of an elbow to illustrate the funny bone, Funnily enough, there was none. We are at times in a bit more serious of a situation. Maybe a slip on a banana peel, as we lay there being comforted by another they may say something about what has happened or about something totally abstract, this will make us laugh for some reason. We tell them it only hurts when we laugh. We seem to find humour in every situation. (sometimes) At every stage of our lives, we find humour in all kinds of things which at face value are not funny at all.

cant believe.jpg

We all know politics is a joke, and while jokes are funny by design in general terms. The condition politics has placed the world, it is not funny at all.

I just had to throw that line in cause I thought there was humour in it.

Then there are the times we laugh while making fun of others. I do not mean this is a bully sense of the word. In this case, I mean such as at a marriage ceremony. The best man will more often make some humorous puns about the groom. This is generally taken in jest and laughed at by all, even the groom as he is made fun off.
This same thing happens at family get-togethers or friend meet-ups stories are exchanged.

friends laugh.jpg

The reasons why we laugh can vary to a wide range of circumstances and what was said when. The best laughter is had when we are with friends.

Image 1 Scott Snyder. Freeimages.com. Image 2. Ems Van Goth. Freeimages.com. Image 3. Brissa Aguilar. Freeimages.com.


Yes I am sure we are capable of finding the humour in almost anything. I wonder if this is an innate ability to find something positive, or just a type of shock like "I ain't even gonna deal with that. Hahaha".

It's specific to the situation and individual experience, maybe

You're British! You even have a type of humour named for it! Hahaha.

Fresh air, sunshine, and laughter! The bare essentials of life! Xx

lol no not Brittish. Human

Whoops , so sorry, pardon my mistake human earthling!

;) Hehehe!

Irish Human

Hahaha! I just realised that when I saw Jan23 on discord . Whoopsie!

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