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RE: The 45 Goals Needed to Bring Communism to America

in #dtube5 years ago

really really excited to get our shitty system taken care of and move past the awful industrial capitalist shithole we live in. demsoc -> socdem -> socialism -> communism -> win


Please tell me how communism is a good thing.

everybody working together for the common goal. Look at how we got to the moon? That was communism. Look how we handled WW2? That was communism. It works when we put are minds to it. If you're propagandized by cold war 80 year olds, then communism is a trigger-word for you, but it actually has a definition.

Whats the common goal? My idea on the common goal might be different then yours or theirs, so who decides which is more valuable or important? Your making big claims & the utopia your wanting cannot be created because of something called love. But please explain your claims about the moon and ww2. There are tons of people from Venezuela on here i implore you to talk with them.

the common goal is the continuation of our species, dude. If you don't want to live, don't force the rest of us to die.
Again, you're propagandized by cold war losers, do actual research.

Oh my you didn't. Research? Who brought Socialism to Russia? Do you know? Who paided for it? Im not triggered ive done the research. I have 115 videos on this. Get the fuck out of here.
Commies and The Vatican:

hahahahahahaha, I tried. Again, just because you wanna kill the planet doesn't mean we all should. Get off the internet bud

Kill the planet, tell them to stop spraying our skies first. #wedonotconsent. You dont know me stop making accusations and assumptions, thats the problem, you dont think for me but wait thats what you want. Again you never even answered my questions so you get off the internet bud.


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