Dtube music lifestyle "Satu Nama Tetap dihati" - foways [cover]

in #dtube6 years ago (edited)

This is a song that has been popularized by "EYE" one of the Slow Rock Band group from Malaysia State. This song tells of a deep longing felt by a man who has lost a woman in the past, whom he greatly misses to come back in the future. The song is titled "Satu Nama Tetap di Hati" which means "One Name Remains Hearted"

Here is the lyrics

Original lyrics:

Ada satu nama, satu masa dulu pernah bawa dan beri bahagia.. hingga saat ini, masih ku abadikan di dalam hatiku..

Dengan satu rasa, dalam satu cinta
Sewaktu kita bersama dulu..
hanya kita yang tahu, dalam mana
telah cinta kita memutik..

Walau akhir ini
seakan terpisah, oleh masa
dan suasana tak dipinta..
namun percayalah, tidak sedikit pun
kasihku kepadamu surut dan berubah..

pasti suatu masa, kan bersama lagi
engkau dan aku pasti jua nikmati
cinta yang istimewa

walau ku tak pasti, bilakah masanya
kau dan aku akan bertemu
untuk kita kembalikan keindahan dulu..

Walau akhir ini
seakan terpisah, oleh masa
dan suasana tak dipinta..
namun percayalah tidak sedikit pun
kasihku kepadamu surut dan berubah..

pasti suatu masa, kan bersama lagi
engkau dan aku pasti jua nikmati
satu cinta yang indah

walau ku tak pasti, bilakah masanya
kau dan aku akan bertemu
untuk kita kembalikan keindahan dulu...

Dengan satu rasa, dalam satu cinta
Sewaktu kita bersama dulu..

ku semat didalam hati
hingga kita kan bertemu
kemudian hari..

Lyrics in english:

There is one name, one time I used to bring and give happy .. until now, I still make in my heart ..

With one flavor, in one love
When we were together first ..
only we who know, in which
have our love twisted ..

Although the end is
as if separated, by the time
and atmosphere is not asked ..
but believe me, not the least
my love for you receded and changed ..

must be a time, together again
you and I must enjoy
the special love

though I'm not sure, when will
you and I will meet
for us to return the beauty first ..

Although the end is
as if separated, by the time
and atmosphere is not asked ..
but believe me not the least
my love for you receded and changed ..

it must be a time, together again
you and I certainly enjoy
a beautiful love

though I'm not sure, when will
you and I will meet
for us to return the beauty first ...

With one flavor, in one love
When we were together ..

I am in the heart
so we will meet
later ..

▶️ DTube

Pajan tajak karaoke sigo 😂

NEujak keunoe laju pah taplah mic!

That tiga neutarek bang euh
Tapi bereh lah lagu jih

Lage ta tarek pukat kiraju :D

Keren suaranya @foways


Orang nya juga keren,,,😀😀😀

@foways Boleh reques lagu ?

@yeni 17ribu perlagu yes!

Hahahaa,,, kurangi lah 15rb aja,,

beureutoh DTube kalinyoe beuh, sep bereh adow kuh saboh.... hambo lom

Ubat batoek jak keudeh, Ubat mumang jak Keunoe! :D

Meu asap barang 😁

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