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RE: I Have An Idea! Meetup/Event dApp? Bringing Creation Into The Real World - D00k13 Digest #210

in #dtube5 years ago (edited)

Thank you for the kind words. I read through on how to make a dapp. The first step is to come up with a cool name for the app. Can't start without a name. It's needed for registration. Maybe you could post a contest for the coolest "steem meet-up" dapp name? This is a project that can't be done by one person alone.
A successful project takes:

  1. knowledge (in this,
  2. Connections (in this case....popularity on Steemit or someone who has lots of influence with words ),
  3. Our initial financing (in this case....enough steem+sp to start out even with no delegation)
    For example, contests take money and so does registration and other things)
  4. Human resources (in this case....delegation)
    which leads back to #2 and #3.
  5. Organizer (in this case....someone who has a business/marketing mind who can lead the project).
  6. Designer - a person with creativity

I dont think one person has all those skills or qualities. I also thought....another popular dapp would be a parenting dapp where moms (or dads) can get together and their kids are similar age for playdates, parties, babysitting, nanny finder and other events. We can run a steem store on it? I dunno. I really like brainstorming for great ideas. Maybe the parenting section can be on the meetup dapp...hmm

Are you a laidback kind of person and let things go with the flow? Or are u more of an organized style with set plans ? I can do both styles but we should choose one for the success of the project. This project will definitely make steem be used more by the common public, I believe. Friends are key. Being spread out is the enemy.

And if we don't use my site, I don't feel bad. I learned a lot by making it. That's how I gained understanding and skills. Did you see the SteemShop I made? It's on the Dashboard of nannysworld. Real shippable products and virtual products. Selling raffle/lottery tickets! But that's just me imagining again! Lol! Or playing around? Ha ha! But seriously! That's a big industry. Of course, the shirt and hat are not real products, but I was just envisioning. Maybe we could use my site as a tool for earning initial financing until we can get mega steem power to run the app. I don't know.


Well I’m a go with the flow kinda guy, I basically just try empower people to use their skills while doing my part to promote and network! I started OneLoveDTube from my rewards and grew with SP from participants so this system seems to find success, encourage users to delegate for some sort of in app reward?

Still need to look at that closer, things got busy in my RL but I’ll be a bit more available in 24 hrs to really contemplate and I can spend a few hours brainstorming.

If we are looking for investment, I’m so out of the loop with what’s needed to run something like this, I would suggest seeking the investors for input possibly finding the people needed for the projects success and having them apart of the entire build. That kinda idea anyways many of the people whom would be willing to invest may also have the technical know how.

Honestly I don’t want to figure head the whole thing, someone more influential then myself should do that. I will however try help everything along, if I described myself in the project I’d say I’m a marketer 😅

I’ll get back to you about the site when I have a good chance to sit down at my pc and review, it does look pretty enticing I’ll give you that I’ve always been into faucets but how sustainable are they was always my thought 🤔 but most likely we can include much of what you were thinking.

Need to message a few people directly and see what they say 💪

Posted using Partiko iOS

Well, in the beginning of making the site, I originally had a vision of focusing on the market outside of encourage new people to use the STEEM currency. I wanted to leave the door open and invite people IN who have never heard of steem or steemit. I wanted to find people who don't have ACCESS to purchasing Steem/SBD. Generally, people are afraid of using something that they don't know or understand. I was looking to break that barrier. None of my family members or friends have ANY idea what cryptocurrency is... let alone know what steem is! And probably this is the usual case. These days, I can't even have a normal conversation with the people around me anymore.

So, as a result, I thought that it would be easier to invite people who enjoy sites such as faucethub,io, coinpot, and THESE are the people we need to be inviting in. There are literally MILLIONS of users on these sites and they all love crypto and understand what it is (most of them anyway!) How easy it would be just to say, "come on in and join!" If I just gave them a chance, they would come.

I met this one person on faucethub. They asked me, "how can I make 1,000 satoshi a day!?" And I thought to myself, dude, 0.00001000 BTC is only 0.1395 STEEM!! (I didn't say anything; I just thought and it made me realize.) Generally, these people are good people of intention. They have the will to use effort and earn. They are experimenting with crypto and have interest, but something is lacking. A bridge.

This is just an example. I just checked your stats on steemworld and you make about $25 a day, which is 800,000 satoshi a day. You are making 800% or MORE a day than that guy wishes for on faucethub! This would be ridiculous to that guy (if I told him...which I won't) and I bet I could invite a lot of people to steem/steemit thru my method and approach.

I don't have a plan to entice Steemians to use faucets. That would be absurd. 800% remember?! My intentions were the other way around. Find and invite people in... to our community. At least, we can have a decent conversation with THOSE people....

Most new people would come on to the platform with zero. It's hard to get established when you're a zero, making 0.001 steem a day! They quickly give up because they don't know the steemit system or its ideals and theology behind it. And most importantly, no friends. So, when you mentioned about a meet-up dapp, you grabbed my heart. It is a must.

So, that's why I have a point system on my help newbies earn until they can get on their own feet so they don't give up. With this point system, we can attract them and make their dreams come true. We are dealing with people here who are satisfied with 1,000 satoshi a day (=0.14 steem)!! But their dreams could be bigger! The advertisement companies pay big for lots of traffic pointing to their ads. I have the complete ability to make the Alexa ranking skyrocket. This is not the issue. The money from advertisement companies would be used to feed the program in a sense.

If my thinking is wrong, please let me know. Any plan could have a hole in it. We need to cement those holes thru collaboration to solve the problem.

(And the purpose of the online store was to show new people that the STEEM/sbd currency CAN INDEED be used in real life. They can even start their own little business there!)

Oh! And by the way! The steem store function (code/script/whatever) has only been available to the public for like 4~6 days or something. It's piping hot new. As far as I know, we are the second existing store! (Don't have any real products though, but we need to market the first store did. Maybe I'm wrong? Last time I checked, I was the second person to download it and it only took 10 minutes to install. So we're good to go.

Alright so I talked with a few people and sadly I am getting resistance, main point is we don’t have the active users available to sustain the meetup side of the dApp. I can agree with their points but I don’t give up on anything so my opinion we must build the ideas and features as best we can and be ready for release when the timing is right!

I have a few people interested in using the service but no one has yet said they will help with it so much, most have their own projects building right now. Partiko mentioned it’s an amazing idea they will definitely include in future but as of right now they are focused at on boarding with their mentor ship program and like mentioned we need the users to support the idea to make it go viral and succeed!

I see what you mean about the new users being able to use it as a jumping point I think that will be what helps get it funded but again timing, currently we are seeing a big retraction in engagement and posting activity and anything new launched in the near future is somewhat destined to fail based on what has been explained to me.

So... I don’t give up know that... and I see the use case for my own interests but for now I’ll keep reaching out for further input till we get some takers 🙏 it may only require one green light to get this ship sailing 💪

Posted using Partiko iOS

In response to your last post, I guess….since I've already started the project, I'm still going to follow through with or without a backer. If you use your cell phone and go into

Visit SteemHub!

I have done a lot of work over the weekend on the app.

Even so, we still are officially the second steemstore, and I will actually be making an announcement in a day or two about the new app and its features. People can start their own store online. There will also be a database that can filter people by location, interest, and by whatever criteria. All of this will be a point-based system.

To me, this is a big deal because not everybody can make a store like Amazon with Steem!! Steemazon, how's that for a name?! Hahaha! For the social networking, I only came up with the name SteemMeets. Hmmm...grr

No, I'm not gonna wait for Partiko to take my site/app idea and creation away and then take credit for it. This is a decentralized social platform where no one can take or steal a person's intellect.

I understand from the inside out, but I would like to work from the outside in. I'm a laid-back, easy-going gal who likes adventure and loves the steem community, so I'll try to get this thing launched and get it rocking as soon as possible!

What do you think of the name
"Steemhub"? If you can come up with a better name, let me know. Because my site is multi-functional, we have to have a general name. Anyway, go ahead and take a look at it on your cellphone.
More changes to come! But you get the general idea. You don't need a PC desktop to enjoy the site.

I remember Partiko talking about how you need to come out of some computer engineering degree and come from Silicon Valley. You don't need any of that. The reason why partiko is so popular is because he has his own point system. Now, we have our own point system, too.

By the way, if you are interested in having your own coin or badge in the app's point system, I'll make one for you ‘cuz you're my friend. But you will have to come up with your d00k13 logo. But no one else I will allow. And I understand if you are hesitant in the beginning and maybe you want to wait. That's okay. I understand.😉

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