What do you fight about???

in #dtube6 years ago

We don't fight about a whole lot, but this thing we have been fighting about all summer! The farmer and I don't get too worked up about too many things. We try to work everything out and be as calm and collected about disagreements as we can. We have little eyes watching us. :) We are on the same page for most things in our life. This is one of those not on the same page moments! Remember that verse in Lamentations..."a time to kill"... just sayin....

Hope you are all having a wonderful week! Thanks for watching!

▶️ DTube

The swallows will be gone by the end of August after that you need to get rid of that nest. Barn Swallows belong in the barn. Next year they will try and rebuild that nest, don't let them, there are plenty of places for them to build.
By the way Barn Swallows don't nest in trees, the nest is made of mud.

Yes I know this. Thank you. We have 150 bird boxes for tree swallows and bluebirds. These barn swallows I can do without! They are ready to fly away. They are as big as their mom and dad! The farmer allowed them to build. He wouldn't let me get rid of them!

I can see how that would cause frustration. He should have never let them get started.

Reminds me of the hubby and me! LOL fights over minor things. Sorry, Bowen. I am with your wife on this one. Move the birds to a tree, away from the house. Birds get to live, the house stays clean, the wife is happy and no more reason to fight. That's a win in my books!

Thank you! Thankfully they are ready to fly away any minute!!!!! 🤗

Thank goodness. We had a birds nest on my patio. Nasty poop. Where they were they just managed to poop on the stonework so we could hose it down every day...why they chose there is beyond me. We have lots of trees around.

My wife and I don't really fight. Never really have. I mean we have disagreements, but it's never turned into a "brawl" or nothing. It is funny though about the birds, because we have had the same discussion. The birds like to nest on the front porch and poop everywhere. I leave'em be, but my wife is like, "There's poop all over my clean porch!" I am like, "yep, that's what they do...they poop." I always clean it up. I can see her point of view. However, the birds are just trying to survive. Save the birds!

Noooooo! How could you say it?!?! My husband did not clean it up. But thankfully the house washer got rid of 2 nests on the front porch! Ugh!

This year they didn't nest under the front porch. They decided to nest under my carport. I have had to wage war on them this year. They attack me when I go out to my jeep. They have finally flew the coop though. I'll be ready for them next year. They do eat the heck out of the mosquitos though.

I know. That's why we did the bird boxes. Not one bite this year!

I feel like all the ladies are ganging up on me

Lol well we typically prefer a clean home!

Haha you two make me laugh! The birds nest was the first thing I noticed when the video started. I was thinking today how I need to wash the outside of the house too.
Look at that poop! No way, just move the nest into a tree at the very least.
Of the things we fight about, I’d say most of them are “trivial” things. Like selling his guitars and old video games that he never plays anymore. They take up space but he just can’t let go!

Exactly! Isn't that nasty!!!!!!

Funny the things we fight about!

You are one cute couple <3 keep entertaining us :)

Awww thanks! Trying to! :)

I usually see your videos and those are all very cute :) Thank yo for responding back

howdy tonight @thefarmerswife! hahaha! like you guys really fight over something like that! ha. and then you want us to choose sides! lol. first of all, who ever let the birds build a nest right there in plain sight needs disciplined!

when a bird starts building a nest on our house we take all the materials away and they leave and build somewhere else.
God bless you guys, fun video!

Exactly! That's what I was trying to do! I was pounding on the window and going out there shooing them away. He got upset with me and said they kill bugs waaaaaaa! So it's my fault too. I'm a dripping faucet about it. As soon as they leave, I'm tearing that thing down and he's scrubbing poop!

haha! yeah it's fine to keep them away because they just build one on one of the other buildings and will still be around to kill bugs! lol. if that's the biggest disagreement ya'll have then that's about as close to perfect as you can get!

A wise saying..."It is never a good idea to pick sides" Hum...well something like that! Thanks for sharing :-)

We fight the most about the small things!

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