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RE: My Technology Process

in #dtube4 years ago

Your forecasts are more pragmatically useful than most astrological forecasts I've heard lately. I'm at a bit of a crossroads in regard to my software business. Embarcadero which sells cross platform development with a single code base isn't really delivering in the Firemonkey (FMX) environment and I find that while my software is stable in the Windows environment, the behavior in Apple leaves much to be desired, not to mention the forced updates in both platforms. The future of Microsoft and Apple to me seem questionable as the security flaws are immense in both environments.

Many don't develop apps for download anymore and are instead developing inside web browsers. SaaS has been a trend for over 10 years now, but that doesn't feel right to me either. The problem there is lack of independence, but it's a good business model for those who are parasitic in their business practices. Typically this model follows a monthly subscription model that looks cheap on the surface, but quickly ends up being more expensive and takes away data control from the users and stores it in the cloud where eventually all data will become compromised and public.

I think the various Linux distros are the best environment right now, but of course, Embarcadero holds this compilation option at an extra 2K USD. I see a lot of developers using different tools now that require more work from the programmer but allow for developers to keep their independence. Developing 3rd party tools and components on an IDE that isn't open source is a recipe to get owned. I've developed over 50 components for the Delphi IDE and Embarcadero held that code hostage for an additional 2K upgrade fee. This proves that FOSS is the way to go.

Then there's the astrology cartel in the USA (long story, but relatively unimportant compared to the massive importance of what's going on in the blockchain industry). I still hear very few astrologers talk about crypto in their forecasts and wonder how long it will be before they catch on.

I'm still called an "astrologer", even though I've spent at least 75% of my time in the last 20+ years working with code. I wouldn't have gone down this path at all if it wasn't for Robert Schmidt. Most of the astrology cartel rejects his work as being "made up", but nobody came close to matching his credentials.

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