DTube Fitness Motivation - How To Make New Habits Stick With Tapping and Visualisation

in #dtubefitness6 years ago

Greetings Steem Stars and DTube Fitness Fanatics

Today was the second day of my new fitness habit of getting up early and doing my workout before eating anything.

I'm really excited to do this and I want to make sure that the new habit sticks, so I've been using a powerful habit forming technique that combines EFT tapping with visualisation techniques.

This is incredibly effective and I use it with many of my clients when they are trying to change their ways.

So, I decided to share it with you.

It is great for any kind of new habit - whether to do with fitness or anything else.

So that you've got everything you need, I've written the steps down here.

The first thing to do is to decide clearly what the new habit or behaviour is and write that down. The more positively emotional that you can make it the better.

For example, you could decide that you want to "celebrate your commitment to a daily morning practice" or "enjoy the feelings of successfully VLOGing on DTube each day".

Something that feels exciting if it was part of your life!

Then, use the tapping routine below, which I demo in this video.

Please note, that if you decide to use tapping on your own, you must take full responsibility for your own mental, physical and emotional health, as it is still considered an experimental process.

However, this is an overwhelmingly positive exercise and it feels great to do this!

  1. Tap the karate chop point and repeat x 3,

“Even though I haven't always .....................I accept myself”

  1. Tap on your head .... "I haven't always ...”

  2. Tap on your eyebrow...., "I want to always ...”

  3. Tap on the side of eye .... "I choose to always ...”

  4. Tap under your eye .... "I love to always ...” then list out loud the reasons why you wish to carry out the new habit or behaviour

  5. Tap under your nose .... What would life look like if you carried out the new habit. Bring to mind all the positive pictures you associate with the new habit

  6. Tap on your chin .... What would you hear if you carried out the new habit? What would others say? What would you say about yourself?

  7. Tap on your collar bone .... Choose some actions you would need to take in order to regularly carry out this habit? (This can include visualisation, tapping etc, as well as specific actions)

  8. Tap under your arm .... How would you feel if you frequently or constantly carried out the new habit or behaviour? Get into the feelings of achieving this and allow them to travel through the body

  9. Tap on your thumb .... Choose 1 image that you associate with the positive habit. Be sure you are in this image and then take this image into your mind

  10. Tap on your first finger .... With the image in your mind, imagine all the neurons in your brain connecting to make this image your reality

  11. Tap on your middle finger .... Send a signal to every cell in your body that the new habit is your new reality

  12. Tap on your ring finder .... Take the new image into your heart

  13. Tap on your little finger .... Make all the colours around the image really strong and bright and connect to all the positive emotions that you associate with the image

  14. Tap on your wrist .... Send out the new positive from your heart.

Spend a minute or two doing this so there is a very strong sense of the new image out there

  1. Tap on Karate chop ... Bring to mind all the things you are grateful for in relation to your new habit. Speak them out loud.

  2. Finish with a dance of gratitude to seal the new habit with positive emotions.

Repeat this process for 21 days to create new neural pathways and make carrying out the new habit a doddle!

This exercise is adapted from the Field Clearing Technique created by Sasha Allenby and featured in the Matrix Reimprinting Book.

As always, if you want some general information on EFT, you can check out some of my earlier VLOGs or my website at https://eftnow.co.uk/eft/

I'm so excited to be sharing this with you. I'd love to hear how you find this process and what habits you are using it to imprint into your life!

To your outrageous success!

Sam x

▶️ DTube

This is great! Tried it for the first time today and it felt great! Let's see how this experiment goes! Lol

Epic - keep us posted on how it goes Jamie xx

Congratulation eftnow! Your post has appeared on the hot page after 31min with 41 votes.

love it man! :)

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