
I am hoping for you too. but you can start with many homesteading projects wherever you live. and maybe you find a garden that needs help. Like mine 😉

I have a very small yard and did a little this summer. But now it rainy and cold so stuff wont grow. I am hoping to get something going in door but still trying to work that one out. I'll have to post about it when I finally get my act together! 💯🐒

sounds great!! make sure to tag me so I can read your post. I have a grow tower in my yard that holds over 50 plants. I might be moving to Arizona to a colder area. I would take it with me to grow indoors. Might need some growing lights but it makes a lot of food...

Wow that sounds ideal maybe I check ones of those out, thanks for the tip. Not sure how i'd tag you in a post but will try. The more food I can grow the better in my book as it should be in anyones I think 💯🐒

i will try to remember to tag you when I make a post about it. It might be from my podcast account. @sustainablelivin - it is dead right now, but I am planning on reviving it and probably, it will be mostly garden and permaculture stuff.

Sounds great looking forward to it 💯🐒

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