5 Daily Practices for Healthy Union

in #earthnation6 years ago

First of all, what is sacred union? Sacred union is a connection between Source, Your Soul, and you and your divine counterpart. Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies are emanations from the Source that have divided, explored, co-created, and are now releasing creative attachments as you return to Source with the essence of your union's love.

I recommend these 5 Daily Practices for a healthy union.

This is probably not going to be new information for you; however, being reminded that these 5 simple daily practices are super-­duper internal, emotional hygiene? Well, leads to that wonderful feeling of being deeply connected to Source, yourself, and your divine counterpart Only you know who this is and whether you meet in this lifetime.

These 5 daily practices for a healthy unoin lead to another perk! Better quality sleep. Try being mindful of these practices daily for one month and notice the quality of your overall energy improving!

#1: Practice Presence
When we live in the now, we’re being present to ourselves, to the people most important to us and to everyone we encounter .

Living in the 'now' is the hardest thing to ‘accomplish’ in modern culture but it’s the simplest thing to bring into our lives. We practice presence when we notice our thoughts moving too far into the future or too far into the past. Take a breath and ask yourself what is happening now? What is my consciousness connecting to and vibrating with?

As we practice presence, the 'now' reminds us of we’ve learned in the past and we how to apply what we’ve learned to creating new options with every choice set that arises. This is fabulous for maintaining a healthy union because you are free to attend to vital energy, information and choice-making - soul time to real time.

#2: Listen to Your Body
Our everyday awareness only interpret and interacts with 4% of the information we receive.

Our subconscious minds have access to the other 96% comprising the sea of energy and information in which we swim.

When we listen to our bodies, we access more of this 96% of energy information. This contributes to having a healthy union because we make choices from the more grounded and heart connected place within us. For example, choosing what we eat. When we listen to our bodies with loving attention, we’re drawn to foods that nourish, sustain, and bring us pleasure, too. Sometimes this is a green smoothie. Sometimes this is chocolate ice cream.

Staying connected to our body's bliss channel is how you vibrate the energetic connection between you and your sacred counterpart and communicate soul to soul.

#3: Cultivate a Playful Imagination
Remember playing dress up? Ever make a mud pies? Jumped into the personas of Greek gods, Wonder Woman, or Superman? How about the time you created a character from within your own imagination? Ever play mermaid in a bathtub?

Cultivating a playful imagination is essential to enjoying a healthy union. Slipping into playful imagination opens up worlds of discovery about all of our relationships! The moment we stop taking ourselves so seriously, we open a mysterious and magical portal; we experiencing the joy of not knowing what’s going to happen next.

And, frankly? Not caring what happens next for just a little while is a vacation for you over-worked mind that disrupts your inner connection to Source and to your divine counterpart. Playful imaginations resolves challenges that our stressed-out minds can't resolve on its own. Stress and a healthy union are strangers to one another.

Our playful imaginations entice us into the great unknown, the place where surprises and synchronicities are born.

#4: Seek to Understand
Seeking to understand rather than being understood unclogs our emotional pores!

Unclogged emotional pores lead to insight, compassion, and to light-­hearted forgiveness of those pesky, daily miscommunications between ourselves and our sacred union counterpart. When we seek to understand, we’re letting the Universe know we’re responsible for our intentions and our mistakes. The Universe gives back to us; greater clarity, focus, and sense of personal freedom. We look better, we feel better, and we love better. Ask yourself does it feel better to be right or does it feels better to be loving and emotionally transparent?

#5: Don't Worry About What Others Think of You
What other people think of you really is none of your business. Another person's thoughts about you are highly likely to be tainted by their psychological projections and unseen dysfunctional emotional templates. Do pay attention to what someone says directly to you. That is your business.

When a person speaks directly to you about an interaction you have with them, they takeing the risk to be wrong about what they think. This indicates being open to discovering who you really in truth and transparency are rather than this person continuing to have an imaginary relationship with the person they think you are or believe you “should” be.

When we are in sacred union, we see with the eyes of our soul. We open to being seen with the eyes of another person's soul. When we consciously withdraw of our emotional energy from self-judgment, or the judgment of others, we are free to welcome ourselves into the sacred circle of those who recognize our union and the power we share because of our union.

Anaiis Salles

Life Coach, Author, Spiritual Mentor
Rise Multiversity
The Wellness Universe
Conscious Co-Creation Catalysts
Rise Multiversity.Org

#livinglessons #consciousness #co-creation #sacredunion #acceleratedevolution

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