Contest Updates! #eatlikeasuperstar (100SBD) + #veganwednesday!

I'm calling in "busy"! Life is on fast forward and I don't have a magic remote to press pause!


Haha (isn't that meme just the best!?) Here's my update to you all! Read it or not! ;)

Long story short, I decided to run 2 contests here and they are intersecting at prize time while I just had my whole world turned upside down!

One is a long-time running #veganwednesday which is a weekly contest open to everyone and the other was a 22 day challenge with 4 contestants with the winning prize of 100SBD!

Thing is, I just quick-fire moved into a new house when my old one started fighting with me and now the internet isn't co-operating with me here so the new landlord is fixing that but also, this is the first time I've opened my lap top in about a week with so much stuff piling on top of eachother and trying to smother me whole!

Actually, just an hour ago, when my landlord answered my distress calls is when I finally found out the password to the wifi so... that's where I'm at right now. (Crazy, right?)

Until my wifi gets it's act together, I'm going to settle in and use this time to calm down the chaos that just appeared with the moving and life choices and all ;)

This was just a quick update to let you know that I'll continue looking over the entries and really making sure that the prize goes where it is deserved. I'll be bringing in some guest judges to help me as well! Since some of the final blogs got posted a bit late we need some more time to really look them over and make sure every word is read and every photo seen! ;)

I am SUPER PROUD of all 4 contestants for #eatlikeasuperstar and can't wait to share your stories!

As for #veganwednesday, if you haven't checked out that tag, seriously do it! There are so many incredibly talented people sharing using this tag! You're guaranteed to drool!

I've started a score sheet for the #eatlikeasuperstarchallenge and hope to have it posted by early next week at the latest. I've been reading your entries on my phone every chance I get and am so excited to hear more about your journeys! I'm on Bali time so I'm hoping they get me set up online soon!

Sending you all a big hug!

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My heart's in charge here. I write about what I feel in the moment. What inspires me, what drives my passion. Here are some of my recent additions:

It's the best thing I have ever done for myself!
Here's a look at why!

💁Want to Stay in the Loop? AUTOVOTING Can Make Your Life MUCH Easier!💁
Your dream has come true- NEVER MISS a post again!
show some love.jpeg

Rewarding content we love, rewards us back! Yay for curation rewards!

My Challenges:
Have you heard about #veganwednesday?
Check out the contest update here!

That's a lotta mooulah! Update here!

Sending you love through food, travel, inspiration and epic storytime!
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I hope everything settles down soon! We'll keep trying to make you drool as always. ;)

I don't think you could help it if you tried ;) I finally got wifi so I am only now getting caught up! I just finished #eatlikeasuperstar, can't wait to see what #veganwednesday has been up to without me ;) <3

Yay! Glad you are back in action! :)

so glad to hear from you - was starting to get worried. but i figured life just got in the way, as it so likes to do :)

congrats on getting wifi! that must feel like christmas ;p

also - YES! that is the best meme!!! :)

I just got wifi today so it was some time without it. That was a pretty intense, challenging experience on its own haha <3

I've just posted the announcement and sent out the winnings, congrats <3

We also have infuriating (but ongoing) wifi problems so I sympathise @heart-to-heart. Great meme. I wasn't sure where to post last week's #veganwednesday but it's CHOCOLATE and I don't think you want to miss this one

This looks GREAT! For future, just link in any of your contest entries into the last contest so my judge for that week won't miss it! I'll make sure this gets in the pot this week though ;) Thanks for entering! I am drooling!

Anytime you go radio silent I get a little nervous. Glad to hear your okay

hehehe me too!!!LOL

Awww exactly what my mom tells me! It can be hard with internet here sometimes. Bali isn't known for high speed or reliability when it comes to internet! Don't worry though, safe and sound just haven't been online very much at all! That is it's own experience ;)

lol I love your meme! So true how things have changed...nothing's supposed to be personal anymore. That is so funny! Glad to hear you are getting settled, it is so stressful to move and then when nothing works ugh! Miss your lively posts! Hurry back!

Haha isn't it crazy? I saw this and laughed so hard as I posted my diary entry here ;) I'm back, my wifi got connected today! In the time without wifi I got involved in a lot of non-online projects so I don't know how much I will be here but at least I'll be able to be here sometimes <3 I love seeing your delicious posts!

A hug for you too Cece. I know what it is to be moving, divide the tasks into smaller parts, that always works. Thanks for taking the time to read the post! and thanks for always being there! I hope you settle well in your new home.

I was always reading your posts on my phone Poly but I don't have Steemit or Esteem so I just was only able to read, not respond <3 I'm really happy to be able to get caught up! You did such an amazing job on the challenge! Thank you for this advice, I am finally settled and so happy to be connected again ;)

I am just glad you are okay Sweetie........every time you disappear, I wonder XOXO

Wow, I really need to find a way of letting everyone know I am ok when the internet goes off! :) I started thinking the other day, it must drive my parents loony LOL!

I'm back though and I missed you! <3

I hope you soon have internet again dear!! Miss you here!

I just got it today! Hallelujah! I like not being online all of the time but not at all was a little much ;) I'm back! <3

Haha oh yeaa, have been waiting for you my girl!!!

Wishing you all the best, good vibes and smooth sailing.
You are an inspiration!

Aww thank you @carolynstahl that is so sweet of you! I'm just trying to spread the healthy lifestyle is all ;)

Crazy busy life in a such peacefull environment might not be easy 😜

Haha well that is true ;) it's too tranquil here for things to get too out of hand <3

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