Why Blockchain is the Only Answer for Environment, Empowerment, Climate & The Undev Nations.

in #ecotrain5 years ago

You have all seen the endless list of naysayers & straight out LIARS about Blockchain & Bitcoin. Rich elitist controllers, central bankers, “free range-slavery” promoting leftist politicians, to bankers & economists who hate the people getting a level playing field opportunity. But LIARS they are, as there are many problems which Blockchain can help solve which the establishment has either completely failed in, or in reality never wanted solved at all & has obviously avoided solving.

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The most Glaring Examples of are the Financing of Startups, and the financing of Breakthrough CleanEnergy Innovators like AlphaOmegaEnergy with 2,888 Climate Change killing techs.

Take for example the fact that 99% of crypto promoters only operate on a pay up front basis and abhor helping any projects no matter how valuable like an AlphaOmegaEnergy with 2,888 Breakthrough CleanEnergy Technologies who has outright solved, no wait, absolutely massacred the Climate Change Problem. The problem isn’t Blockchain, it’s that AOE doesn’t have an investor to pay the $300,000 promoter’s fees to achieve an ICO as they are a Startup. The Crypto promoters are generally corrupt pay to play companies and regardless the merit or value of the project, they are not interested unless you are paying up front.

AlphaOmegaEnergy for example has already been valued at +1 BILLION USD for IPO by one of the biggest institutional Crypto Investment company’s underwriting arm, SBI Securities. They don’t have anything to do with Startup funding however, don’t know anything about it, and SBI is too big for a tiny Startup like AOE. But they sure know what it’s worth on IPO day and they are willing to invest 50+ Million on the day after our seedround investor funds us. When Crypto Promoters like “Jimmy Bong” and others refuse to help or even respond however, people literally die by the millions.

World Health Organization stated over 15 Million people are going to be Killed by Air Pollution and Air Pollution related Illnesses in 2019. Think the Crypto industry cares? Believe me, they don’t. If they did, they could obviously use this tool for good to help get funding for the greatest innovators in humanity, but clearly that is not what is coming out of the programmer mentality. It seems that schools and universities have done a good job programming some more coders, but looking at their industries, the values side seems to be severely lacking among the highest paid industry practically on earth. For example when have you seen them EVER build anything for the third world or less fortunate nations? There is almost nothing in such direction in far more years than Crypto has ever been around. It is very hard to name anything and I am aware of such industry already where most people are not.


Some naysayers lie that “Blockchain isn’t new, it’s 8 years old, if it was going to solve any problems, it would have already.” Some of them are even bullish on Bitcoin and not others which actually have developed better underlying tech. They claim Bitcoin isn’t centralized but ignore the fact that Bitcoin has nearly all mining capacity in China, or that Binance’s CEO said he could reset the entire Blockchain after a 41 million dollar internal typical Chinese hack. Bitcoin also has a big problem in the endless amount of hacking going on. Bitcoin is definitely NOT an institutional grade form of cryptocurrency the way the keys, wallets, and nodes systems work, but there is still the entirely open possibility of a Startup making a new protocol that does this to needed standard.

99.9% of the world can not code also. The crypto industry ICO fever only began 2 years ago, with the mainstream media only beginning to take notice 1 year ago. The promoters and developers had so much money thrown at them that they avoid all projects of merit unless those little projects can throw magic money and pay to play. Scams are still rife and major hacks have not slowed down. Some professionalism around blockchain has increased slightly but the industry is still predominantly a cess pool of programmer and coder mentality which is very much a hit and run “ethos” to make money on one project and move to another, nothing long build style, everything about the new gimmick not lasting solid projects, with really a freelancer unstable method that doesn’t ensure a lot of completion ever for the money.

Total Decentralization is also very hard to achieve. Those attacking it for the coder mentality breaking the tool & use, when the entrepreneurs haven’t had time to adopt and develop nor chance to raise the needed funds when 1 Trillion dollars has been sucked up into the coder’s “Bitches and Lambos destruction & never complete anything Godless shitfest” vs the mission oriented entrepreneur’s Real Economy Real Change The World funded over Blockchain or using Blockchain to solve some of the very real financial barriers propped up by the greedy centralist elites.

Anything that contributes to more decentralization is a great contribution. To call a blockchain or any new funding mechanism for business as centralized is anti-sense and also anti-choice anti-freedom and anti-humanity. The 4,999 out of 5,000 startups that never get $1 in funding need every chance and opportunity they can get. These liars about Blockchain being valuable certainly as their “5 years and nothing built” records show, are not only not helping, but they don’t want to either or would have built a lot in those 5 years. It doesn’t matter if a small business is in control of a Blockchain, they were never in control of any funding mechanism before at all nor had the chance. Now they have the chance, the consumer has the choice, and the world is more decentralized and the people have more freedom again.

Claiming that “If it was possible someone would have done it already or someone would have achieved it already” Is clearly very very ignorant a statement to make. We have innovators all over the world that can’t get funding, in fact, AlphaOmegaEnergy has 2,888 Breakthrough CleanEnergy techs, can’t get a single $ from the 1.5 Trillion a year Climate Cartel or even the very first name drop, and the Crypto promoters obviously aren’t people that care for the environment nor Climate Change issues as you certainly don’t see any meaningful projects supported by them, instead you see endless BS casinos and gambling dapps. What a fkng joke. Sorry guys, but it’s sickening to watch this.

Only 1 in 5,000 Startups ever gets a deal, only 20,000 of the 10+ MILLION new businesses that start globally each year ever get $1 in VC funding support.

Blockchain CAN solve this. The problem is NOT the tool of Blockchain, it is the ethics problem of the Coders and participants in the Blockchain & particularly in it’s promotion Industry.

I hereby propose regulations that every crypto participant, advisor, promotion firm, needs to enroll in and take a continuing education credits program in ethics and morality, (even basic morality) which makes them focus on Blockchain For Good, Social Enterprise, Third World Nations, Poor and Disadvantaged, Communal Welfare programs, and helping startups get funding. 50 hours of CE ethics credits a year in order to work in Blockchain industry, with 35 of those hours on those main topics.

With the average so called “values set” (can we even call it that?) of a blockchain coder being “F Climate Change no one gives a F about Climate Change people want money and bitches” There needs to be regulation that demands values and ethics coaching, morality programming, and minimum societal participation standards. Its not that Blockchain can’t Change The World, it requires FIRST the people who ACTUALLY WANT TO to be given the support, and that equals money to be able to build this. I personally have never come across such a mindset in the coding industry let alone the much seedier Crypto side of it, and especially not the promotion side of it.

Perhaps “Jimmy Bong” will begin his very first foray into helping a Social Enterprise Startup get onto Blockchain and NOT pay to play when they don’t have the money. My advice? Don’t hold your breath. He is far too busy watching the sex talk of a Macafee or the slanders of him by those projects he got tattoos of or some other sellacious BS instead of actually helping those Change The World who are serious about doing so. Then he is talking “Blockchain built nothing in 5 years” No, wrong, YOU built nothing in 5 years, when you could have, and when Startups ask you to help, you just ignore them. This isn’t to single out “Jimmy Bong” or Jimmy Choo or any of the endless slog of others, as they are all pretty much the same echo chamber of robot like NPC behavior, determined to ignore the other 7 Billion of us in the world as they all struggle and die.

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People like these crypto promoters keep whining about “Blockchain is a solution looking for a problem” WRONG. The coders are BLOCKING this tool being APPLIED to REAL solutions because they just are not at all Change The World people and thats why they are not all helping the Change The World projects like AlphaOmegaEnergy, and the absolute ocean of Startups that don’t have the coding expertise nor the funds to hire that, thus need help from existing Blockchain companies and participants to raise the funds to be able to then hire them & Pay for the $300,000 average to launch a Blockchain project and the coding side of it. The coders in the Blockchain industry are deliberately ignoring all the REAL Change The World projects and doing nothing to help them get on board unless they have $300,000 to drop in their laps from the sky from day 1. Now they are whining how the industry is slow, the money isn’t just magically dropping in their laps, and they just sit idle looking endlessly for up front paying projects and never build anything that is not pay to play.

Their spewing of “5 years of endless amounts of money has gone in and there is nothing built”, and “I have this solution but refuse to apply it to the problems of the world and the great causes because they cant pay me up front first!” Is NOT a problem with Blockchain unlike these Liars lie. It’s a fundamental ethics and values problem with the people like those speaking it, who refuse to help the Startups, Socents, Impact startups & charities that need the support.

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That they don’t care one iota (as seen in THEIR nothing built as they TALK change the world.) Face it a complex crane doesn’t build projects, it’s those who know how to operate it that build projects.

They are pretending the 4 Billion people that have no access to the most basic electric related services like toilets and clean drinking water don’t even exist, like they could never ever even possibly think of them or helping them. Their statement “Looking for a problem” like as if they can’t possibly find any problems in humanity to apply this to, is not only revealing of ineptitude but of corruption, total lack of humanitarian ethos, and I would even argue total moral bankruptcy.

It is no wonder that “crypto” a name synonomous with darkness, is awash with scams, cons, frauds, darkweb, hacks, thefts, privacy over philanthropy, and an ethos of “Bitches and lambos” rather than any observed REAL Change The World with instead an ethos of “Pull up your britches and go help the Cambos.”

One of these so called “crypto promoters” who as far as I can tell hasn’t done anything for any Socent, Impact nation, or unfunded Startup said “Even if by some miracle a popular app is created on a blockchain, a centralized equivalent without the extraneous blockchain will be cheaper, faster, more reliable, more maintainable while having the exact same single points of failure as the “decentralized” blockchain-y version. Or put another way, any popular dApp is destined to lose against a centralized competitor on cost, speed, features and scale.”

Unfortunately his above statement is completely false, negative propaganda, deliberately or at very least blindly short sighted in the typical selfish world of high-paid rich city programmer industry that never thinks of anything but themselves and their pay to play bank balances.

The Fact is, in the Regulated stone age world of Fiat that Startups have to compete with, there are no centralized apps which allow the entire world from any currency to be able to invest in the world’s Startups and innovators at all seamlessly, with speed, and without endless onerous restrictions that don’t bar them from the opportunity. How can an African from Nigeria invest in my CleanEnergy Startup when he knows thats the future salvation of his country in a fiat based Dapp across international banking cartel restrictions, fast, easy, and with low fees? He can’t and he won’t be able to in 5 years. With Blockchain he can do it tomorrow for free or less than $1 and we can pay him return. “Jimmy Bong’s” world of financial platforms and crowdfunding apps refuse to deal with either his nor my nation at all whatsoever and will still be refusing in another 5 years.

“Jimmy Bong” doesn’t have a fkng clue what he is on about. He should be immediately sentenced to 5 years of hard labor building socent projects in an undeveloped nation for “Dereliction of duty while in position of incredible influence to enact change.”

The problem only lies between the speaker’s ears and heart, where he has never spent a single day of his life thinking about or helping those from the 200 nations NOT in the top 40 crypto countries, who the top 40 refuses to even do banking with & where their startups can not even sell their goods with Paypal or others. Crowdfunding is blocking their entire nations from access, even IF they can get on, they are not allowed to pay any returns to backers, VC don’t invest to their countries, and there are no other fundraising possibilities and lending industries don’t even exist there. Consultants demand pay to play, Investment houses and bankers, and so do all others.

Blockchain is the solution to the problem, but these guys like a “Jimmy Bong” or other “promoters” etc are only propagandizing against using it as the solution for the world, instead of themselves making it happen. What is he promoting after all? Certainly NOT Change Anything, just for more to zombie like centralize to Bitcoin, controlled evidently by the corrupt Chinese who would usurp the entire market when one of their fellows rips off the whole system yet again, (how fully predictable) using his “Non-decentralized Bitcoin” for yet another typical 41 Million dollars stolen. Next year again, tick tock, and before then another 90% of Chinese exchanges would have embezzled all the money just like every other year in Chinese p2p and financial tech. That has been going on a lot longer than Bitcoin also. It hasn’t changed, it won’t change in 5 more years.

For Undeveloped nations, getting funding and finance to them, Blockchain is the only solution, the only answer. None of the others are working. This is the very first time in human history where global finance has been truely decentralized and Republic-ized. A republic is far better than a Democracy as as we endlessly now see all democracies being usurped and with them the human rights of the people, with even the most strong democracies being railroaded into a choice of “Stripping your human rights or stripping even more of your human rights” But in a Republic, human rights are God-given and they are unable to be taken away or stripped by anyone not police not government, not elitists, no one. A Republic is one more Big Step further away from tyranny than Democracy. This is what is needed as government form for every nation, and Blockchain is it’s equivalent for undeveloped nations that have the right to use it. (China, Cambodia, Vietnam, Muslim nations all banned)

Due to the corrupt, anti-human regulations propped up by the democracy cartels, Startups Cant IPO until they are huge companies. This solidifies financial advantage to the big corporations in corrupt dealings with officials, eliminating competition and keeping the poor poor. The big business lending gets the lower pricing, and government has no insurance pools to spread risk among the packs to then empower the Startups. Nothing of the kind has even been proposed to my knowledge to blend them and of course the corporations would be 100% against it. Only the “New Age communists” like an American AOC would support such.

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VC industry wont double in number of firms in just 5 years, so it will still be less than 0.05% of startups ever getting a deal, so the startups need more options, NOT LESS OPTIONS. They need more tools, and for the VERY FIRST TIME the Blockchain industry needs to BEGIN helping the Undev nations, and the Startups with Change The World missions and Charge, not merely hunting for bitches & lambos like some heartless mentally deranged neolithic parasite in only the richest 21 cities in all of human history.

Support Blockchain, it’s a must for the future of all humanity.

Support Alpha Omega Energy if you will, we have contacted over 100 Crypto promoters who have all told us basically to F off if we can’t afford to Pay to play, usually insulting us that we are too poor or crazy if we think we can get help without paying up front for it, or something of the like.

We have solicited over 300 Climate Change orgs who absolutely don’t give a F that we have the 2,888 Best CleanEnergy Techs in human history, they only care if we are slandering the politicians they hate, or we are endlessly pumping Climate Doom scenarios like they are on social media. They don’t want to apply their solution to the problem either, just like the Crypto industry refuses to do so.

We are trying to raise our seedround on the Blockchain, 2.6 Million, paying you 3X return just like we have to pay VC, but to you the people instead. This is advantageous for us, and you. We have every receipt, willing to submit to nearly any onerous set of financial controls, 100% a Mission oriented Social Enterprise, Ignored by Bill Gates, Dicaprio, Gore, Greta, AOC, Feinstein, All of Canada’s Climate everyone, Blocked by Katheryn Hayhoe, (a Christian? BS) Blocked by SG government everything for protesting they are doing nothing about the 10 million dying a year, blocked by WEF, UNDP, Fakebook, Linkedin, Insta, (still have 12 sopros)


Winner Top 3 National China Startup Competition

Winner Best Project

Winner Most Valuable Project

Winner Most Likely To Succeed

Winner Techstars 54 hour Fintech Weekend

Winner at a growing number of incubator pitch events where there were no real investors in attendance.

#1 Raising Real Startup Business model in Cambodia history

But, despite this we Raised more money on Blockchain than all other sources combined, totalling 90+% of funds raised to date, and we haven't raised enough to hire any Blockchain firms to help us, and none have.

184 Megawatts of demand order backlog, over 300 install locations waiting for us to get funding, but the establishment only has endless BS excuses and lies, and never any Change The World support,

With your help and investment we can launch humanity into the Alpha Omega Energy era.


There is only One Life, what Impact will you make with it?

“We Changed The World!!”

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Financial Platform Website = ficleanergy.com (95% complete)

Blockchain Sustainability ImpactInvesting VentureCapital Cryptocurrency

Alpha Omega Energy
CCTWO - Chief Engineer 2,875 New Energy and Energy Related Technologies. Small Private Innovator of Change. #1 In Breakthrough Energy Solutions. Charge It All!!


I sincerely applaud the idea of ethics and morality training and teaching the use of the Blockchain for the Greater Good. Some really strong an important points in your post - thank you.

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AlphaOmegaEnergy (aoecoin) the World's #1 Breakthrough CleanEnergy Startup is going on the Blockchain this year with 2,922 new techs, for our Seedround paying 3X fixed Return minimum to our investors. Pre-sales is open now. Can visit our steemit and check us out!

We changed The World.png

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