All in The Spirit Of Freedom- What Does That Mean?

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)


I have kind of got into the habit and quite an enjoyable habit at that, of posting about Freedom as part of @eaglespirit's freedomfriday initiative. I think there are so many different types of freedom's that some of us take for granted, that we just don't even think about. And of course, what some people consider as freedom others do not. One person's ceiling is another person's floor and all that jazz. Some even believe they are free when really they are not!

Freedom at times is really just a state of mind.

Freedom is such a huge topic and so much of it depends on where you were born, on how you were born. Some definitely have more freedom than others, because of that and because of that their idea of what it means is completely different too. But one thing we all have in common is the freedom we actually give ourselves. The freedom we give ourselves to create and dream, to envisage and fulfill all that we wish to achieve.

Do we allow ourselves the freedom to be present, to be really present in the moment. The freedom to be by ourselves, to listen to that inner voice that speaks to us. How much freedom do we actually give ourselves to just be?. The be the person we really want to be. How many people have their brains filled with the thoughts of others, the voices of others, telling them what is expected of them..


When you allow yourself some time to sit quietly alone, what voice do you hear?

We are so conditioned to listen and follow others, that sometimes even the idea of following your own initiative is unthinkable. Because why would you trust yourself, really do you think you are wise enough or clever enough to lead your own live? Can you even hear that voice anymore, or are you surrounded by other people's noise. Have you forgotten how to listen?

I know so many questions, but what is your answer to them and how does that make you feel. For a long time when I was growing up ,I had very little confidence in my own abilities. Of course I now know why that is, but really I sometimes felt so inadequate. When I looked around at other people, people who were super confident in what they were doing, who really believed in themselves, I felt so jealous, so alone and unworthy. I really was never given the freedom to explore and discover my own abilities, yes I was given space and yes I roamed the country side. But the words that were spoken to me and the beatings I was given, took that freedom away from me. It is every child's right, to have the freedom to discover who they are. That freedom is so important.


The Freedom To Discover and Be Who You Are!

I have moved on from that, I have grown in so many ways and I found my voice and my confidence. But maintaining that is another thing all together. Depending on where and how we live, we are constantly bombarded daily by other people's voices, by other people's expectations of us. So many are like putty and become molded into something, that was by the hands of others. So many people today, have very little say on how they live their lives. When you think about it, we are groomed from a young age to listen to others, that all of our most important learning comes from others. We are pushed away from our inner voice, so that other people's voices are forced upon us.

But our inner voice, this is our inner power. It is this voice that wants us to to be caring, to share, to strive to create a better world, a world that has earth care at it's center. So you can understand why there is such a strong push for us to move away from than, to move away from who we really are. So that we can commit our lives to the lives of others.

So is that freedom taken from us or do we hand it over. I think it is a bit of both. On the one hand we are raised to listen and obey, yet on the other hand we do have the choice to not listen, to not hand over our power. Some are just blind to that and some I think do not want the responsibility of making those decisions.

But we do have a choice and we do have the freedom to take it back any time we want to.

8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp



Grat post, thank you!

I like to discern between react and respond. The former implies repeating deeply engrained patterns which we have taken over from others without questioning them, hence we create all these roadblocks in our lives, to the point that we even forget the origins of certain behavioral patterns. Responsiblity, on the other hand, is the ability to respond. Seeing each moment detached from the meaing we gave it in the past, hence opening our inner doorway toward creating new, more healthy patterns based on self-empowerment.

thank you @alexaventuria, yes you say it perfectly it is indeed react and respond. It is so so important to take responsibility for ourselves and our actions and to take that path towards self empowerment xx

I want to come back and read this again because I only had time for a quick scan this morning. However I am really glad you posted a freedom post for freedom Friday and have inspired me to do the same. I have got into the habit as well xx

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thank you lovely, I am a tad bit early for this one, going by Australian time I am, but felt inspired to write it today xxx

this is so good trucklife and exactly what i needed to hear today!!!

The freedom to be by ourselves, to listen to that inner voice that speaks to us. How much freedom do we actually give ourselves to just be?.

The tarot reading i did just a couple hours ago gave me basically this same message- especially about being silent and listening when i'm with myself. as we move into the colder months, i love them because they give me more time and space to do just this... thanks for this beautiful reflection! XO

thank you, I do find it very interesting how some really believe they are free yet are en-caged by others ideas and thoughts. How much freedom of thought do we really have. Okay not so much you and me, but I do see this so clearly sometimes. Thank you for your feedback, it makes me so happy to hear you found it beneficial ,much love beautiful one xx

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