The Many Pieces Of Ourselves

in #ecotrain5 years ago


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The Many Pieces Of Ourselves

There are times and places where things never seem like they should be, where the idea of normality is something that is laughed at or frowned upon. For what is normal, how can such an idea exist, an idea that is meant to encompass us all. Normal in the eyes of some, is unnatural and unjust in the eyes of others. How lovely it would be to be able to write that as a statement of our times.

When, we live in a time where we do not feel this need to put people in boxes, this need to be able to define who people are, and to do so by the labels we place upon them.

Indeed where has this idea of judgement come from and why does it still exist?. I sure we all have our own ideas about this. I mean, we know that when we pass judgement on others, what we are actually doing is identifying negative characteristics in ourselves. Surely how some one chooses to live their life is none of our business unless of course they are causing harm to others, themselves or the environment.

Yet when that harm occurs and especially if it is directed towards self or others it is often over looked. How many intervene when they see me one being treated wrongly. How many people today suffer in silence, because in reality they know that if they do reach out they will be shun upon. What does this say about the world we live in today?


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Our world is wonderfully diverse, wonderfully creative and yet when we engage with others, is that what we talk about? How many times have you interacted with others, only to have them talk poorly of those in their life, to focus on the negative aspects of their personality, rather than the good. Are we not all human, are we not allowed to make mistakes, to trip up. Isn't it only natural to get things wrong, so that we can learn and move forward. Are we not all perfectly imperfect?

If we only focus on the bad, on the negative actions of others, is that not really a reflection on how we look at ourselves. How we see others, tells us a lot about how we see ourselves.

Image for one second, what it would be like to wake up each morning and take the time to express gratitude towards yourself. And, to do so, by the way that you think, the food that you eat and the love that you show yourself. Who would you become? Would you be so quick to pass judgement on others.

Everything starts from self. The way that we think and act will always first and foremost be directed towards ourselves, even if some people seem to be are projecting everything outwards, they carry it all within. We all carry the words we say, the thoughts we create inside of us, the make us into who we are. If we choose to only see the negative, then we carry that with us. Each thought that is formed is really the building blocks of our self.

Just as the world is diverse, so are the many pieces or parts of ourselves. One of the best ways, to honor ourselves is to embrace all of these pieces. To not bury them or hide them, to not feel shame or disappointment when certain parts of ourselves are exposed. But instead to acknowledge that we can not have the one without the other. That it is through the most difficult of times, that we will receive the greatest learning, that we will in effect come out stronger.

We are all perfectly imperfect.

8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp



I love that question: "What would it be like to wake up every morning & express gratitude to yourself?" A tender thought. Thank you. x

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thank you my friend xx

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