Is the determination of the intelligences possible?

in #edu-venezuela5 years ago (edited)

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The capacities are multiple and the word intelligence often tends to be associated with academic intelligence, but in itself, people have a talent, a special form or skill, to do activities, reasoning, or competences.

Can all intelligences be worked in the same way?

They can not be worked in the same way and this is because a part comes in the genetic code. It is clear that those who have an attitude, for example, with music should be encouraged.

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The fact that the child has a talent does not mean that he is obligated to live or that he always depends on him, so each child must be encouraged according to his abilities in that part. To polish, mold and develop this can be done thanks to the plasticity of the brain that has that capacity for learning.

How do we know that children have a certain intelligence?

It is necessary to work on the competences and capacities, the potential of the person and there help them in what costs them a little more.

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Normally, the intelligence tests have a reliability and validity to measure what they say they measure, and what we usually determine in schools is more related to mathematical logical intelligence and linguistic intelligence, which is in itself the academic intelligence

To determine it without a test, is with observation, and this observation goes with the game. At early ages around five (05) years or so it is notorious to see how the child stands out for the way in which he builds, for example, with:

  • The game of legos.
  • Way of writing.
  • The way he paints.
  • The passes he makes with the ball.
  • The relationship you have with other people.
The normal thing is that a child who stands out, wants or chooses the sport or activity, this is because he feels comfortable and bright.

The child should be left alone to choose and feel capable, this also promotes their self-esteem.

Analysis of the different intelligences

Defining Intelligence: Understanding the 8 Different Intelligences

Linguistic intelligence: It is a very complete intelligence, where the two hemispheres intervene, and are the people who have the ability to express themselves and write well, among which are mentioned:

  • Singers.
  • Poets.
  • Writers.
When the lyrics of the singer-songwriters are heard, this comes from linguistic intelligence. It is the ability to express emotions in a clearer way, that have perfect words that reach the feelings.

The musical intelligence: In the group of musical intelligence is not only the people who make up, but those who sing and dance, is a way of understanding music. They include, for example, the great geniuses such as Mozart and Beethoven, who were able to write scores and create music.

The logical mathematical intelligence: It is the one that is determined and that helps to understand, reasoning, numerical, logical processes. They become evident in scientists, engineers and others.

Spatial intelligence: It is the ability of people to see the world in three dimensions. They are like a projector that reflects what they have.

Emotional intelligence: It is the least genetic, in the sense that it is very moldable and can be learned.

Is emotional intelligence the most absent in the classroom?

In schools there must be a subject that works with emotional intelligence. When a child is taught to express themselves in public, to relate to other people, to accept criticism, to understand their own emotions and strengths to empower them, we have a much more successful person, so we have to train the children.

The brain has plasticity and everything can be enhanced, we must work on it so that it does not become impoverished.

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Capacity is not what you have to value as such, but the effort you have to do things.

Greetings to educators and motivators of education.




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