Why do children need rules and limits?

in #edu-venezuela5 years ago
Hi, I’m @roseri, welcome to my blog: #maternidadwithpurpose

The child needs rules, restrictions and prohibitions. According to age, so try to try this world and the main person in your life, are your parents. Try the limits of the physical (knives, hot irons, plugs ...) of the world, and the limits of the interpersonal. Because he still doesn't know where they are.


The father needs to show these limits. And if with the plugs it seems clear, how to do, with interpersonal limits it is a bit more difficult, especially for those parents who have a problem with this. There is only one approach: to get a child to accept consistently and methodically, without changing his "testimony" of what is acceptable and unacceptable in his family. Preferably within the framework of generally accepted morals and law.

Parents are free to decide for themselves what they want to instill in their children.

The rules not only facilitate the upbringing of children, but they are also essential. Trying to raise a responsible and cooperative child without age-appropriate limits is like trying to raise a goldfish out of its fishbowl. Far from silencing the spirit, rules are needed for children to thrive:


  • Prepare children for the world. The limits provide a framework for your child to understand what is expected of him and what will happen if he does not comply. Having family expectations, such as "not hitting" or "toys must be collected before bedtime," and then imposing consequences if you break the rules will help you better adapt to new situations.

  • Teach children to socialize. Some rules are just basic manners: say "please" after making a request, saying "excuse me" before interrupting. If you set the policy of using polite words at home, your child will not only be more pleasant, but also learn appropriate ways to get what he wants.

  • They provide a sense of order. Certain rules help a child predict what will come next, such as "Wash your hands before eating" or "Hold my hand when we cross the street." Even young children tend to cooperate better when they know what is required of them, and that helps them gain a sense of belonging.

  • Children feel useful. Clear boundaries tend to reduce power struggles, because children do not need to constantly test it to find out where the boundaries are. This does not mean that your children will never test you; It only means that after the hundredth time they will realize that it will not take them anywhere. Your little one will understand what you want if you state your rules positively ("You can only eat in the kitchen or in the living room"). Similarly, reinforcing your desirable behavior encourages you to cooperate even more ("Thank you for paying attention while I speak").

  • Keep children calm. No matter how often children act as if they want to be in control, having too much power is scary. Intuitively they know that they need an adult to be in charge, and they have their parents to guide their behavior.

  • Help with the safety of children. The truth is that many domestic rules, like many laws, are designed to protect our children: "Do not light matches" or "Wear a helmet when riding a bicycle." When we insist that our child comply with safety regulations, we help him prepare to comply with the law.

Set rules

Make sure the limits you set are in line with your child's development. Some guidelines:


Don't be too strict.

In an effort to be firm and avoid deterioration, sometimes parents can set too many limits; unwittingly, they end up severely restricting their children's behavior.

  • Take into account your child's age and abilities when making rules and, when possible, give an explanation of their reasons.

Be consistent.

When you allow a certain type of behavior one day and then overreact to the next, you are bound to confuse your child.

  • Create fewer rules that can be applied consistently, rather than many that are applied irregularly. Remember that being consistent does not mean being inflexible.

Give your child participation.

If you let your child have something to say about the house rules to be established, as well as what the consequences should be for breaking them, this may motivate him to be more cooperative.

  • Choose a quiet and relaxed moment to discuss the issue.

Establishing and enforcing the rules is a labor of love that helps protect your child's safety.

Source of information:


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