Do they teach us to be parents?

in #english6 years ago
Hello to all my dear stemians, I hope you are all well, this morning I went to work and on the way I asked myself this question: Do they teach us to be a father? The title of my publication. For such an unknown I found many answers based on stories seen, told and my own experience, the same ones that I will share with you at this moment.

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Good for those who think that being a father is to father a child or buy everything we never had (I include myself in this), I tell them that they are wrong, being a father goes much further than just giving life to a baby, of giving him everything material that we as children never receive from our parents, being a father is also raising, teaching the good and the bad, educating, rewarding for good acts, applying character and above all learning to say "NO" at the right times.

I have friends who had their first child at an early age and who are now single mothers, and have had to cover or better fulfill that role of dad for the simple fact that the biological father fled because he was afraid , or because he thought he could not keep it, or simply because he thought the creature was not his because he was told he was sterile or because he could see it from someone else. And after the babies are 12 years old or older, the parents want to return and now if they "take charge" of them, after all the mothers of these creatures have had to go through.

We also have parents who stay with their mother or children and who "take care" of them, but do not really want them, and I say this because they never share with them, prefer to go out and have a few beers with their friends to be with their children, or even have another woman and perhaps other children, that is, another family, a second life (in some cases maybe more than two families), at least I am not a supporter of that, no I like it, and with the economic situation in Venezuela I also wonder how they do to maintain those two or more families, I do not admire them but it is interesting to know how they do it.

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Bringing a child to the world is a Blessing of God, regardless of the economic situation of the country, or even if it is a boy or girl, the latter I say because there are parents who when their wife is pregnant immediately think and begin to wish that he drinks male, now I ask, why do not you want me to be a girl? Does being a girl break your pride? A girl can also play soccer, baseball, basketball (although it does not look very nice but they can) and if they do not like any of those sports they will feel proud because if education is good they know that one day they will be good women, women They can also do many things that we men do (and some things are even better than we do).

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Photo taken from my ZTE Blade Apex 2 phone.

For some parents it is easier to tell their sons: "lie down with as many women as you can in life, so you will be more macho than the others", that is a lie, I ask: Does he sleep with 500 women during his life? more man than the one who slept with only 10 or maybe just one? I say no, rather you can get a sexually transmitted disease, and because that same dad who said such words to his son, because he does not tell his daughter: "lie down with as many men as you can, that makes her more woman ", that if they do not tell you because they know that it is not good at all.

Gentlemen nobody said being a father would be easy, but it is a chaotically wonderful way, I say chaotically because the first years of our children's lives are tremendous, but they make us laugh and cry, besides the wonderful moments that we live with them. they will repeat themselves so they should make the most of them, play with them so they are too tired because they had a strong day at work, help them with their tasks when they do not understand, take them for a walk to the park or take a walk around the mall so do not buy anything but just to see their children happy, see that joy, that smile on their face, surely make them happier than they already are, they must also teach them from a young age the good and the bad, educate them, teach them values, in order to enjoy every moment with them, remember that the children are borrowed and someday they will leave home, and with them a piece of their life will go away, but the time s reward for having been good parents.

I am the father of a beautiful girl, my princess is only two years old, she is starting her life and together with my wife @michedi we will educate her to be a good woman, my girl I love her with all my soul, and I know that I am not the best father in the world because I have much to learn in this wonderful way, without more than saying, just wish you a happy day, happy weekend, be careful and may God bless you today, tomorrow and always.

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Photo taken from my ZTE Blade Apex 2 phone.


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