Remember this 17 yr old Kid back in the Day ?? Made $30 mil by Selling App to Yahoo

in #entrepreneur5 years ago

His App back in 2013 called Summly basically aggregated condensed long form into 400 words to make it easier to read articles and posts.

He started it when he was 15

and then sold it to Yahoo for $30 mil. in 2013 at the age of 17 yrs old. He came up with the idea because he was continually googling for information to do school work and thought it would be cool to develop an algorithm to make this information easier to access and more concise.
So Summly was born.

My question...

is what would you do if you made a tenth of that with Steem ?? :) Would you buy more than a sweater like he did at the time lol

Robert Andrew


I would create so many things! My own fashion brand, liquor, dapps, restaurant, concert etc just for the fvk of it. I love to create things. And the best part is I'd have the money to hire professionals to do it.

That's funny, I was just thinking this morning about a coin that I have been mining for a little bit now and what I would do if the value suddenly jumped to even $2 per coin. I think I would convert probably 3/4 of it to Bitcoin and then use some of those BTC's to buy Steem. The rest I would pay off bills and invest in some long term markets. It would be awesome to become a dolphin or whale overnight and start throwing around some upvote love!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.30
TRX 0.12
JST 0.033
BTC 63642.15
ETH 3126.93
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.87