EOS - Vote for the Community - Vote for Charity

in #eos6 years ago (edited)


Why are we working so hard?

For the last few days - and indeed for many months - teams all around the world have been putting blood, sweat, and tears into launching the perfect EOS Mainnet to the community. The world watches as the EOS community bands together to make sure a single, secure, robust, available network is presented to the public with the hopes of changing the world.

In this drive to the finish line - this goal of launching a pivotal new technology - it can be easy to lose sight of the purpose and passion that brought us together, as a community, and as a block producing candidate team.

The members of Team GenerEOS found each other and were united by a common goal - the goal of building a social enterprise that can give back to charity, the community, and incubate the next generation of change in transparent social giving, blockchain development, and decentralized communities.

How are we going to do it?

GenerEOS is built on transparency. From our net surplus of block rewards we'll be giving a minimum of 10% immediately to charity. What do we mean by net surplus? We are completely self-funded and block rewards will have to cover our expenses to operate as a block producer.


  • Server Infrastructure Costs
  • Local tax obligations
  • Professional services required to run a business
  • Making sure Tim, Nathan, Ralf, Tom, and Tai can eat and have a roof

Everything left after meeting these obligations is our Net Surplus.
You might ask why we don't give it all straight to charity - this is a fair question. We have a desire to do more than just give to those in need. We want to change the world of giving and help those who want to develop in this space.

Net Surplus Contributions:

  • 10% (minimum) straight to community selected charities and outreach
  • Invest in our personal Dapp and DAC development
  • Start an incubation fund to support other Dapp developers in the giving and community outreach space
  • Invest in improving our technology and infrastructure
  • Invest in a savings fund to account for fluctuating vote representation

We are hopeful that as the economics of being a block producer - especially in these early days - becomes better understood and more stable, we can begin contributing ever increasing amounts towards charity and outreach.

Why does my vote matter?

At the start of the Mainnet launch the vast majority of EOS is staked. The only way to start the unstaking process and release these tokens for personal use is to achieve a 15% minimum vote towards block producers by the community.

Every token holder can vote for up to 30 block producers and are strongly encouraged to do so. If you have 100 EOS staked all thirty producers receive a vote equal to 100 EOS. The sooner you vote the sooner the chain will unlock - this means you can access your EOS and this means we can start giving to charity.

Please vote using a safe and secure method - never share your private keys and only use a verified offline transaction signer. We personally recommend using Scatter and EOS Portal.

A vote for GenerEOS is a vote for Charity

We recently announced the first outreach we will give to.

By voting for Team GenerEOS you are voting for a block producer that will give back. This is an opportunity to let the entire EOS ecosystem support charity without you having to personally dig deep into your pockets. And we want you to help us choose who we give back to.

Please take a moment to complete our Google Survey to Choose a Charity you are passionate about.

We will use the results of this survey to select the charities and community outreach that will receive support immediately from our block producer awards. In time we will develop a dApp and DAC to support this, but we are committed to getting the community engaged right now.

We are working hard on participating in the Mainnet launch to give you the EOS network everyone deserves - Please help us give back to those in need as well

About Us

GenerEOS is a social enterprise block producing candidate with a mission of promoting and supporting scalable and highly reliable block production whilst giving back block rewards to charities.

Based out of Sydney, Australia, GenerEOS is founded by a team of like minded blockchain enthusiasts with diverse backgrounds and a passion to make a difference in the world and fostering the spirit of generosity by giving back.

Public Presence

Website: https://www.genereos-sydney.io
Steem: https://steemit.com/@genereos
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/FfqLYBDQkv5vSkiLsh34IA
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/GenerEOS
Github: https://github.com/generEOS
Medium: https://medium.com/@generEOS
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/generEOS
Charity Selection Survey: https://goo.gl/forms/zLJ6QHPogUtxA6G22


Great to see more BPs focusing on social causes, we want to reshape the social and economic reality of Venezuela and empower the region. Good post @genereos. Greetings from #EOSVenezuela

thanks EOSVenezuala we think EOS can help change the world, especially for the less fortunate

Hey love your project and teams direction...can you please direct me to a good how to vote tutorial? Cheers

Thank you so much! Currently this is the best tutorial out and is filmed by the guy behind scatter -

We will be putting our own tutorial out soon.

You will have to wait until the mainnet is launched to pick the right chain. We will keep everyone updated on the status of the launch as information rolls in.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.30
TRX 0.12
JST 0.032
BTC 59241.52
ETH 2989.75
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.71