I have a big question that we must all ask ourselves about the EOS vs ETH debate.

in #eos6 years ago

How long until the argument becomes

"ETH was never intended to run dapps because its really meant to be a store of value like gold."

Have we reached this threshold yet? Because I am calling it. Screenshot this thread. Call the president. Do everything to record this prediction. It is a matter of days nights and weeks. I can feel it. If its not EOS to make it happen it will probably TRX, NEO, IOTA Vechain to make this happen.

Who will make the final and singular killing blow where it will be suddenly true that ETH was never meant to handle dapps. ETH is a store of value to be pared with litecoin like a savings and checking account.

Also :

Lets all bow down to the notion that "Steemit would only be good if it was on loom." Which will be the running gag of the dapps space for many months and years. X would only be good if it was on LOOM.

That's two predictions for the price of one folks.


Yeah agree pal, I still owe that other guy a response RE Eth.

As much as we slam eth in it's current state, it was the protocol that proved out smart contracts on the block chain. I was a big fan boy last year until I read the EOS whitepaper.

Ethereum is a blockchain platform that went live in 2015. At its core, Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts.
While EOS is a blockchain platform that operates using a similar model as Ethereum, although Ethereum was the first platform to launch in this space. It is yet to be launched and is slated for a June release. While there are similarities, EOS is not exactly the same as Ethereum, from a technical and practical perspective.

I like EOS and looking forward to see it in action. the idea of zero transaction fee is very good.

lol...that's a great prediction. I still cringe when I hear people make that excuse for Bitcoin

Hey dawg, Bitcoin was never meant to be money!

At that point I was just fucking like lol

All forms of reality has left the building.

Haha..!! Two predictions for the price of one... Liked it..! You are predictably too awesome when it comes to crypto currency.

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