EOS Amsterdam - EOS Gov Telegram Channel summary August 9 – August 10 2018/每日总结8月9日-8月10日

in #eosamsterdam6 years ago (edited)

(Summary from 12:00 August 9th till 12:00 August 10th)

User Khosi in response to User Jem: We all worked on a governed blockchain. For months. Where were these ‘anarchists’ than to tell us that we were doing the entire thing wrong? User Kyle: Self-governing was the promise. Khosi: That equates to governed, by self. Have we fallen short? User Kyle: We fall short if we hand power over to those who wish to govern us. I vote for BPs who will make the right decisions for steering the EOS blockchain in the right direction, not an alliance, not a board of directors, not ECAF – who are all self-appointed. Khosi: On the Alliance, I do not know how any set of token holders could possible tell another set not to self-organize. Ironically, those who do not like the idea of an Alliance must organize against the Alliance. It’s the only way possible to defeat its creation. Several Users agree with this.
User Martin: A governed blockchain is not a blockchain with a government. The alliance idea to me sounds overly forced. I don’t get why. Can anyone point me to where I can read more about it? User Sun Tzu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=5&v=ldNSwuOMMg0

User Thiago Canellas: I really believe @TheAwakenment have really solid points, would just say that the path here is to have as much angles as possible, all backed by thoughtful argumentation based on research. That should contribute to have a more educated token holder/voter that have access to all possible angles. We shouldn’t go to the bi-partisan model but for the open discussion on all matters. I believe we are evolving towards that.

User Wacko Jacko: Guys, a general question about blockchain technology. According to new EU regulations, people have the right of “forgetfulness” (not sure if you call it that way in English but it basically means that people have the right to have certain data removed when that data aren’t ‘necessary’ anymore).
As far as I know, blockchain technology can’t guarantee this right since no data will be removed, only overwritten. How could this be solved in your opinion? User Samupaha: Those regulations can’t be enforced because it’s impossible to remove data from a blockchain, so either they must be changed or blockchains become illegal. Wacko Jacko: ‘They’ as in regulations? Samupaha: Yeah. User Ville Sundell: Your copy of the blockchain can be treated as a copy of a publication. Journalists cannot call all the readers of his/her printed magazine to burn all the copies. After all, you know perfectly well that your ‘publication’ will be a) public, b) perpetual.

User Khosi: I doubt if arbitration orders are meant to usurp the power of a token-holders vote. In fact, there is no provision for that. User Emma: Exactly. Arbitration is supposed to enforce the will of token-holders. User Thomas Cox: No, Arbitration is supposed to decide what contracts say and mean in specific cases brought to the Arbitrator by two parties. Period. User Emma: A constitution is a contract written between the states or citizens (parties) to form a government of limited powers. It is not a rulebook which is a collection of business policies, business rules and terms. User Thomas Cox: Generically true. But this is not a generic case: http://www.nortonrosefulbright.com/knowledge/publications/167968/legal-analysis-of-the-governed-blockchain Emma: I read the document, and as I said earlier, it’s just another legal analysis. It’s not definitive. Thomas Cox: It's the legal analysis used by the people who wrote the EOS Mainnet Constitution. That makes it a little more than just another opinion.

User Thomas Cox and User Kyle talk about a 5 star based video debating system. Thomas Cox: This sound like something that would appeal strongly to Jamie Joyce, who is working on something that I think, is highly parallel. https://www.linkedin.com/in/justjamiejoyce Kyle: Do you know the name of her project? Thomas Cox: It’s called the internet governance.
User Kyle later states that more details on this will be coming out in the Whitepaper. The aim is to create a truly decentralized debating forum whereby all EOS related ideas and discussions can take place and anyone can respond to anyone else’s viewpoint.

User Sharif Bouktila shares Bootcamp eosDublin new learning portal for EOS. www.eosbootcamp.com

User Thomas Cox shares his attempt at a summary of EOS governance elements: https://app.wisemapping.com/c/maps/723767/public

User Daniel Keyes: We’ve been making progress on the referendum system: https://medium.com/@eosnationbp/referendum-roadmap-update-bb8223423c51

User EOSYS Yong Jun shares information about the first global web conference EOS ignite: Sign up: https://www.crowdcast.io/e/eos-ignite-conference More information: https://eosignite.com
用户Martin:受管理的区块链不等同于有政府的区块链。对我来说联盟的想法听起来过于强迫。我不明白为什么。还有其他相关文章可供借鉴么?用户Sun Tzu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=5&v=ldNSwuOMMg0

用户Thiago Canellas:我相信@TheAwakenment有着坚固的论点,只是说这是尽可能多的角度,所有这一切的论证都是经过调查研究后的产物。从所有可能的角度去看事情,这应该有助于建立一个受过更多教育的代币持有人/选民。我们不应该参加双党派模式,而应该公开讨论所有问题。我相信我们正朝着这个方向发展。

用户Wacko Jacko:小伙伴们,一个关于区块链技术的问题。根据新的欧盟法规,人们有“遗忘”的权利(不确定是不是这么叫的,但它基本上意味着当数据不再“必要”时,人们有权删除某些数据) 。
据我所知,区块链技术无法保证这一点,因为没有数据会被删除,只会被覆盖。你认为怎么能解决这个问题?用户Samupaha:这些法规无法实施,因为无法从区块链中删除数据,因此他们必须被更改要不然的话区块链即为非法。 Wacko Jacko:'他们'你是指法规? Samupaha:是的。用户Ville Sundell:您的区块链副本可视为出版物的副本。记者不能打电话给他/她的所有读者要求烧掉所有的副本。毕竟,你完全清楚你的“出版物”将a)公开,b)永久保存。

用户Khosi:我怀疑仲裁令是为了盗用令牌持有者投票的权力。事实上,没有这方面的规定。用户艾玛:没错。仲裁应该强制执行令牌持有者的意愿。用户Thomas Cox:不,仲裁应该决定在某种特殊情况下合同在双方向仲裁员提起的具体案件中的条款和含义。用户艾玛:宪法是指在州或公民(政党)之间签订的合同,以组成有限权力的政府。它不是一个集结商业政策,商业规则和术语的规则手册。用户Thomas Cox:一般情况下是对的。但这不是一般情况:http//www.nortonrosefulbright.com/knowledge/publications/167968/legal-analysis-of-the-governed-blockchain艾玛:我读过这份文件,正如我之前所说,它只是另一个法律分析。这不是确定的。 Thomas Cox:这是编写EOS Mainnet Constitution的人使用的法律分析。这使得它不仅仅只是另一种观点那么简单。

用户Thomas Cox和用户Kyle谈论了一个关于5星的视频辩论系统。Thomas Cox:这听起来像是对Jamie Joyce会很有兴趣的东西,Jamie Joyce正在研究我认为非常类似的东西。 https://www.linkedin.com/in/justjamiejoyce Kyle:你知道她的项目名称吗?Thomas Cox:它被称为互联网治理。

用户Sharif Bouktila与EOS共享Bootcamp eosDublin新学习入口。 www.eosbootcamp.com

用户Thomas Cox分享了他对EOS治理要素摘要的尝试:https://app.wisemapping.com/c/maps/723767/public

用户Daniel Keyes:我们在公投系统方面取得了进展:https://medium.com/@eosnationbp/referendum-roadmap-update-bb8223423c51

用户EOSYS Yong Jun分享了有关第一次全球网络会议EOS点燃的信息:注册:https://www.crowdcast.io/e/eos-ignite-conference更多信息:https://eosignite.com

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