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RE: Debunking Shits About Evolution - Episode 3 [The Future Of Technology And Evolution]

...are these alterations purely natural or are they influenced by external forces like technology

Hmm, is this question not redundant and pointless? Because what you call "technology" is nothing else like extended or materialized brain power and a geniune product of natural selection. Like that we devolped in addition to delicate hands, computers and other stuff to improve our bodies (and brains). So at the end of the day ALL is still natural selection.


Got to agree with this. Not much has been debunked from what I've skimmed through of this so I'll give up with this instalment. @samminator, you might benefit by taking a look at Richard Dawkins' The Extended Phenotype. Technological advances / political ideologies etc may allow more of the 'unfit' to survive (and even thrive) but if the poor can 'breed like rabbits' as they're often accused of being able to, then there's a fair argument that it is them who are indeed the fittest and not the sexless types who can do quantum mechanics in their heads but who struggle where their libido is concerned. Evolution does not necessarily result in more 'advanced' forms. It just tends towards those most suited to surviving getting round to passing on their genes at an increased rate compared to those not as well suited. Hence, there are still lots of 'simple' organisms.

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