The plastic echo of a nomadic splash

in #existentialism6 years ago (edited)

Sometimes when you are waiting for something time can seem like an eternity especially when you're feeling a little bit wiped out and your mind is playing tricks on you...


A plastic echo the size of a nomadic splash and caught in the flat-bone exactness of a multitude of things, was in limbo again and drawing on the walls with colouring pens…
I of course was not going to go home without my chips and so gave a whistle.
Yes, said the plastic echo, what can I do for you?
I want a bag of chips and hold the salt, I said.


Sit over there and wait, said the plastic echo and then turned around and promptly marched through a door it had been holding up its sleeve, and left me quite alone contemplating my fate, or whatever else I felt like doing.


As the years went by I tried not to let my passion die inside, but the nearer I got to midnight the more I felt I had been fooled and so looked for someone to complain to, but seeing no-one else around I turned inwards and tapped my shoe up and down, and fumed.


So there I was, with so much that I wanted to do to make me happy, and not a stairway to heaven in sight.
The time came when there was nothing else to do, so I shouldered my spare change onto my shoulders and heaved my way out of there; back out into the dark night to try my luck somewhere else.


Images from Pixabay


I had to read it twice...

That's nice then

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