Facebook page owners will also be held responsible for Facebook's privacy violations from now on

in #facebook6 years ago (edited)

Yesterday the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) decided that Facebook page owners (incl. small businesses and solo-preneurs like me), will now also be held responsible for any of Facebook's violations of privacy.

English article here
German (more detailed) article here

Many solo-preneurs will give up

We are all soo fatigued from trying to comply with everything.

What about those entrepreneurs who make most of their sales from their facebook page and ads? I wonder how many small business owners throw in the towel now, if they haven't already. The GDPR already brought many to their knees (I closed one website completely).


Image from Pexels.com


Here in Europe and especially Germany it's impossible to follow all the GDPR rules (we're not even allowed to use Google fonts anymore unless we have added disclaimers everywhere... ) and while it has been a full time job to try and implement all the things it required, we will all live in uncertainty and worry of potentially violating some of the requirements. It's crazy.

And now this on top of everything...

I will close my Facebook page, just like I closed my German website. I have better things to do than live in fear of maybe, possibly, potentially, violating some rule from a tiny small print that some government employee decided, who has never run a business.

On the bright side...

This will (hopefully) give the final push to the rise of decentralized, private social networks on the blockchain, now that more and more people will begin to actively look for an alternative.

"Isn't there another platform where we can hang out?"

Someone asked that in a business group on Facebook today.

We have Steemit, even though it doesn't really provide an alternative for business pages and groups. It's a pity and a missed opportunity in my view.

The upcoming ONO launch on the other hand couldn't have better timing. I don't know if ONO will provide a suitable alternative for Facebook when it comes to business pages and communities, but from what I've heard so far, it does sound very much like it.

R.I.P. Facebook?

I think we are witnessing the gradual disappearance of Facebook and centralized social media right now... It's kind of fascinating. It's just sad that it will probably bring along the disappearance of many small businesses as well.


There is no bright side on this honestly ... The new "Union of European Socialistic Republics" or UESR (replacing USSR) is working as it should, full power to the government to do whatever they want ... this new law will start in Facebook and in some momment will be extensible to all the social medias ... it is how it works sadly, they always start for one, normally the big one.

Edit: I am just waiting for them to declare that is illegal to use descentralized applications because they can not control them and can not ensure our "security" ... you know, it is just for to make us more secure from the bad people.

That will probably happen, but it will be temporary. They can't control things they can't control :)
It's just stumbling blocks. The consciousness transformation is on!!

Temporary? That would be very nice but ... What do you think will happens when some people start to go to jail for to visit a website or explorer a Blockchain in this case? As everything made illegal, "normal" people will avoid to do. Also will be not so easy as you think ... forget about apps in the Appstore for your phone, you will have to be all the time behind a VPN (it could be make illegal too very soon the use of one because just "bad" people would need to use one, we know that :P ), or make your own blockchain explorer (using it with VPN), use a Linux extra-computer for to use it on this for security and, and, and ...

How many people do you know will do any of this? ;)

They can control the human part of the chain (is the way thay have been doing it til now and the only one possible) and this is the problem.

Pd: I can not see at the momment so many websites, tweets in Twitter and videos in Youtube, so many that is getting really annoying. It is like in Cuba, why do I want Internet if I can not see what I want? As I say before, welcome to the UESR!

If you predict the future by what happened in the past (in your reality) and believe that history keeps repeating itself then you are probably right.

I'm actually also predicting the future by the past, but in my reality I've seen a peaceful revolution before, when a whole country lost its fear and suddenly the impossible happened and the wall came down. This can happen again. On a much larger scale.

I believe in evolution of consciousness. And in the power of people losing their fear of the powers that be. Every stumbling block that the old guys put in our way will spark more creativity and innovation.

This shift is everywhere - in our values, in technology, in money - those things can't be undone anymore. They're in the "field" now. We are in the middle of the clash and yes the road is rocky but I'm convinced humanity will come out on the other side much happier :) Even if we won't live to see the other side of "temporary" anymore. But I'm pretty sure "temporary" will mean a span of less than 10 years, not of hundreds.

And let's not forget that the current people in power are also not immune to an upgrade in consciousness :) I'm not worried.

Reality is not subjective ... as a very bad example, If I punch you in the face will be my reality and yours too because of the pain and the blood you will feel.

Believeing in something does not means is real (Thanks God for that XD :P ) Reality there is just one.

And let's not forget that the current people in power are also not immune to an upgrade in consciousness :) I'm not worried.

hehehe you are really, really, really optimistic ;)

Edit: I hope when we meet again you do not punch me in the face to share your reality with me :P XD hahahahaha

Edit: If I would not care about you I would not even started this comments ... but I care :)

I know, this is fun ;) Even though you broke my computer when you said Reality is not subjective and made everything shut down. 😱 Does. Not. Compute. (In my subjective reality).

I hope when we meet again you do not punch me in the face

Look! Even you have a little bit of Optimism!!! 😜

I really hate to be so pessimistic about all this ... but it is better than living with illusions because it is more likely that they will die of pure disappointments. And so far, what has really improved? All this human development that has been achieved so far is used to crush us in some way ... And about Blockchain, for now they are just trying to erase the border between Decentralized Blockchain and Private Blockchain, there are several publications on the subject.

Imagine Thomas Edison would have been pessimistic out of fear of disappointment? We'd all be sitting in the dark now... ;)

There's a difference between vision and illusion ;)

This whole thing is an illusion so we might as well be visionaries and direct our creative energy to make this illusion the way we want it to be.

Oder??? ;)

Thomas Edison before or after killing elephants and dogs to prove that Tesla was wrong? So pesimistic he was about his tech that he needed to do that ;)

There's a difference between vision and illusion

Both for me are smoke screens, in the real world you need real solutions no Illusions or Dreams ... usually they are both used to crush us more and more if we follow them... and I do not want to live a dream or an illusion hmmm no, Why should I want? I would not be living my life any more ...

I was forced to live tha majority part of my live the reality of what I was living and it was good so I could realize how bad it was the system and so on ... Would the same happens if I would have been living with an illusion or a dream without seeing the real problems we had?

We need to change a lot of things first before creating new "stuffs" or they willl be created with the wrong foundations ... and is what happens all the time from my understanding ...

Edit: The last paragraph is the explanation of my pesimistic point of view

Unfortunately after what I've seen yesterday I now see that as a risk indeed ...

This is a comment I'm posting for people who run into the newly erected "GDPR wall".

Yesterday the EU Observatory and Forum organised a workshop (the first of its kind), where people from technology, the legal profession and regulators came to discuss how GDPR applies to something so disruptive as blockchain.

For me it was very alarming with respect to the huge dampening and stifling effect GDPR could have (if the current interpretations prevail) for blockchain innovation. I've written a detailed personal account in this post "Blockchain and GDPR - A Call to Arms"

I think steemit has well and truly proven that there is customer demand for a decentralised social networking platform. The race is on now to build and scale.

God thanks bin ich da seit Jahren raus!!!! Info Wird geteilt! Hugs

Hey! Danke für deinen Beitrag! Darüber war ich mir nicht bewusst. Seit ich auf steemit bin, nutze ich facebook kaum noch, aber ich bin in ein paar Gruppen dabei, die ich momentan noch nicht verlassen möchte. Heißt das ich muss bei allem was ich so teile doppelt aufpassen? Ach das ist alles so kompliziert, ich steig da schon gar nicht mehr durch und muss mich nochmal einlesen. Danke jedenfalls!!!!

Im Moment bezieht es sich nur auf Betreiber von Facebook Seiten. Bestimmt sind Gruppen als nächstes dran, aber es betrifft immer nur die Betreiber, nicht die Nutzer oder Mitglieder.

It's ironic. Facebook says "It's our data. We'll do what we want with it. Screw you." The law says, that if you have an account, "You own the page, you comply."

Really? Legally, it's not the individual's page. It's FACEBOOK'S page. Facebook is letting you have an account on their centralized platform. From an IT perspective, this is PROVEN.

So for the law to come down and say something like this is beyond ignorant and dangerous. I don't blame you for folding up shop. I also would support other alternatives. I'll check out ONO to see what it's like.

It just makes no sense, does it.
[keeps shaking head]

Ohne Worte! Die ticken doch echt nicht mehr richtig... Aahhh, wo bleibt bei dem ganzen Datenschutz-Mist der gesunde Menschenverstand? Dir danke für den Artikel, hatte es nicht mitbekommen. Resteemed!

Und wo bleibt noch Zeit, sich ums eigentliche Business zu kümmern? ;)
Danke! x

thanks for letting us know

It's time for Facebook to slowly die I think.

Resteemed :-)

Merci :)

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