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RE: Facebook Now Demands That You Hate Targeted People Or You Will Be Banned, Too!

in #facebook5 years ago

I reckon at this point the people left on Fakebook are wholly down with fascism and censorship, because they're sheeple. There's a significant segment of the population that has no ability to be free and soveriegn, and furthermore has no interest in it. They just want to be told what to think, say, and do to keep their Soylent coming. About an equal number of folks have some degree of interest in freedom, are able to responsibly undertake it, and some even cannot survive without it. The remainder are damaged sociopaths whose concept of quality of life is measured by how much control they exert over others, ranging from the mildly socially impaired to full blown psychopaths.

My guess is that ~90% of sheeple have accounts on Fakebook now. Since research has revealed that ~3% of people are sociopaths, we should be able to derive a rough number of folks that are able to be free to some degree, and what percentage is sheeple incapable of it. This should be informative for political considerations and future policy initiatives.

I reckon we should let folks opt out of freedom in return for welfare, and the loss of suffrage. We need to preclude sociopaths from political office. Most problems solved right there.



People use social media to feed their need for narcissism. This platform is no different from Facebook, in that the medium satisfies their need for self-adulation; only, Steemit deludes the muck into believing their unlettered, ignorant opinions actually have equal value to that of the experts and professionals. Bad ideas have killed more humans and wrought more misery than actual sociopaths. In fact, when the Huns come riding over the seven hills, only the sociopaths and the aristocracy are capable of killing the Huns to preserve civilization. The rest of the muck, the so-called "99%" are content to hide behind their betters, when social matrices collapse around them. Censorship of bad ideas by a social media platform is a positive trend towards maintaining social order. Left unchecked, these purveyors of failed ideas and disproven concepts will have the muck eating grass, leeching the sick, preventing intercontinental travel lest ships fall off the edge of the Earth, and enacting other lunacies.

I don't think anyone of merit considers their opinions on matters they haven't well researched to be equivalent to well-informed persons', but indicate in the comment you are replying to that there are plenty of people I reckon of limited merit. While Huns today are a dire threat, as we bear witness to across the world and particularly the Middle East today, soon that will not be the case. Censorship seems a dire threat to honest folks speaking their minds today, but that censorship is of limited impact, since it is mostly focused on grand public fora, and grossly neglected on less overused platforms.

No threat to survival is greater than censorship, as knowledge of dangers and how to secure one's self and family is existentially important. Blind and dumb, we may be led like sheep to slaughter. The censors aren't trying to prevent knowledge itself from being disseminated, except on the platforms they exert undue influence on, so the dumb and blind are that way by choice. Free folk cannot help them, as they will not help themselves.

It is the sociopaths that will lead their flocks astray, to graze them on unsuitable pasture because that is what profits their masters most, not what best supports them. Only those capable of freedom and reason will be availed of true facts and remain competent to withstand catastrophe when it comes.

The uncensored information circulating the modern garbage media serve only to confuse and blind the public, as they are nothing more than propaganda, infomercials, paranoid delusions, failed ideas, debunked concepts, and trivialities. Much of the nonsense that you are defending from censorship does not have any relevance to "secure one's self and family," but are disinformation or knowledge that are irrelevant to their station and lot in life.

While Huns today are a dire threat, as we bear witness to across the world and particularly the Middle East today, soon that will not be the case.

It is with this blithe sentiment that the Romans plebeians cut-off their own thumbs, while the Roman aristocracy busied themselves feeding their pet chickens. When the Visigoths came burning and raping across Italy, they were proven wrong. So too, will the West, once again, discover that it is not singing kumbaya by the campfire that keeps the Huns at bay, but trained and willing killers led by their betters.

"Much of the nonsense that you are defending from censorship does not have any relevance to "secure one's self and family," but are disinformation or knowledge that are irrelevant to their station and lot in life."

It is fortunate indeed that I am not subject to your interpretation of my needs or station. IMHO, you would get me killed, or worse.

Depending on your perspective, either the Romans or the Visigoths - or both - are the Huns. After all the Huns were not a decentralized community of free people, were they? No. They were the footsoldiers of an empire.

Empires are fading my friend, and will soon be relegated to the trash heap of history where such barbarism belongs. The future is freedom, where even your whimsical nostalgia for tortuous slavery will be allowed you. Do not expect me to lament with you the failure of pathological tyrants to persist over a couple beers in a happy future day. I expect, instead, we both to rejoice at our good fortune to celebrate their demise as we see fit, without any license or permission necessary.

No FB no more since 5 or 6 years...

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