Should Parental Authority Be Overriden for a Sick Child?

I was checking Facebook yesterday and was presented with a terrifying video that my friend shared. The title of the video by Arthur L. Caplan, PhD is Parental Authority Should Be Overridden for a Sick Child. Here is a link to the 4.5 minute video from November 01, 2017 under Perspective > Ethics: Today's Hot Topics, Disclosures.


In the video, the doctor sets up the case for families who do not follow what the doctor prescribes for their children. The following are notes I took while he was speaking. He says they do not want to take their child to the doctor for religious reasons or they may follow a more natural or homeopathic treatment. He discusses the obligation of the state to override parental authority. He suggests if you know someone who is a family who is not taking action with a child with a life threatening condition/sick to report them and let social services handle it. Courts will then override parents if they feel the need to intervene where the child can benefit. He says that if a child is sick and the midwife or whoever is concerned, that should be reported to Child Welfare or the police. Then they will investigate and make sure the child is being protected. He believes that parents should be prosecuted to "send the message" that not taking your child to the doctor is not acceptable. They, however, should not be sent to jail since they are already grieving the death of a child, but should instead be sentenced to community service. That, apparently, lets the community know that prayer will not be accepted as the alternative to medical care. "At the end of the day, child welfare, the child's best interest, can override parental discretion, parental choice, and in some instances, it has to."

I think most parents today are not avoiding various medical treatments because of ignorance. Parents today are able to research on their own, find alternate treatments, and even come up with a plan to present to the doctor. Using the internet, parents are able to figure out if their child's only option is chemotherapy if they are told they have cancer, or perhaps if there might be another type of treatment that might have better results and less side effects. This doctor is basically saying that someone who looks for alternatives is putting their child at risk and should be reported. Then CPS steps in and your child's health is now completely out of your hands as the state will take them into custody and make decisions for them. For example, Charlie Gard.


Will they just stop with reporting sick children? What about reporting parents who choose not to vaccinate their children? What about parents who choose homebirth instead of a hospital? What about parents who decide not to circumcise? We already know that this each item is an issue. When I lived in the US, I regularly wondered if people I knew would not like the decisions I made for my children and would report me to CPS. We did not follow the rest of society in every way with our children. We would research and do what we believed was best, based on our understanding of what we found, knowing our children, and what our conscience led us to do. Sometimes that went along with the norm and sometimes, it was against it.

This man is saying that parents should not have the right to do that. He is saying that if a doctor says to do this, it should be done, no questions asked. So he is saying a doctor can never be wrong in his or her diagnosis? I believe that God has gifted doctors with years of education and experience, but I do believe that they are human and make mistakes. There are cases of CPS being called when a parent seeks a second opinion.


Parents have a responsibility to their children to take care of them and do what is best for them. I do not believe throwing away insulin and praying for healing is the answer, but I also do not believe the state forcing parents to submit to their rule is the answer either. Parents must be able to make an informed decision for their child - seeking second opinions, consultations from others who have been through the same thing, friendly advice.

I saw a post recently on steemit called Healthcare is Going Bionic - First Ever Digital Pill Approved. While this sounds really cool and is amazing technology, it still gives me a Big Brother feeling. The doctor will be able to tell if you took the medication he prescribed you and he will be able to report you if you do not take it. I had a discussion in the comments with the author and we have gone back and forth a few times - feel free to read them if you would like.

Concluding Thoughts

CPS is not your friend and is not the answer. Often they are not on your side and only want to get the child out of your protection so they can do whatever they want (whether you agree with it or not). I do not want someone who does not know me, my situation, my child, or our beliefs to make decisions for me or my child. I am the parent and I will make an informed decision after praying, consulting others, getting a second opinion, praying some more and doing a lot of research. When it all comes down to it, every parent wants to do what is right for their child, and they want to have a healthy child.

As my friend said on Facebook,

Wake up people. They will take away our rights. They will fight to prosper their pockets even when a natural alternative is available and more effective. Be careful how you vote. Losing parental rights is very serious!
This makes me sick. Parents can choose to abort a baby at a time they stand a chance to live but if a parent makes a decision against western medicine for the sake of their child the gov considers them neglectful.

I support @familyprotection and their mission to protect families from abuse of government agencies around the world. Please subscribe to their blog and support them as well.

If you have any thoughts about this, please share it with me in the comments.

We must unite together @familyprotection
Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes.

Thank-you @apanamamma for using our tag and helping to bring awareness to this important issue.

Thanks for the comment! Yes, it is an important issue and one that most parents don't even consider.

Thank you for bringing up this subject. Yes, people do call CPS if they don't agree with the way one raises their children. In fact, when my son was born 8 years ago, his sister was only 16 months old. She had some cradle cap but it was mostly on the top of her head and I would put oil on it each day and gently remove what I could, without hurting her. My mother in law kept hammering on and on about it, and told me I should do something about it. Long story short, her and the husband ended up going to OUR GP and they made a report to CPS about it...(I didn't find out till much later that it had been them who got them into our week after my son was born!) Not long after that, they brought my daughter to the playground and then home with them. When we went over there, she told me with a huge grin on her face that she had removed all the cradle cap on my daughter. My daughters top of her head was bright red and in some spots even bleeding! I couldn't believe what I saw and asked her what she had done to remove it. She told me she used a playing card to scratch it off!!! But that was ok, at least she got rid of it....She hurt my child to get her way and then had the nerve to call CPS on me because of cradle cap! The stress this caused, almost made me stop breastfeeding (milk supply went down) but she probably would have been happy with that too, because she seemed to hate the fact that I breastfed. My old GP here in Ireland reported me to CPS because my son wasn't fully vaccinated....So yeah, they can and will report people to CPS for not being mainstream. And people can get into big trouble for minor things like cradle cap....

That is so crazy!! Used a playing card to scratch it off of her head?? Yikes! That's pretty weird!! Yeah, I have never trusted CPS. We used to have to sign paperwork at our pediatrician if we were "delaying" vaccines and answer crazy questions that had nothing to do with raising children (like about guns, smoke alarms, etc. in the house). We finally switched to a more natural doctor and no forms or weird questions. Thanks for leaving a comment.

Don't get me started on that woman! She always wanted a large family and 'only' had three boys. She wanted girls....She adored my daughter, my son was...meh...Every time when my daughter was over at their house, she immediately change her clothes into something she bought (almost as if she wanted to tell me that I didn't know how to dress them properly) and when I collected her, she had to take it off again. They had stacks of clothes that the kids had never worn, because by the time they'd go for a visit, they'd grown out of it...Now I think that it's probably a good thing they only had those three boys...They did a pretty crappy job at raising my kid's dad that's for sure...Yeah, I had this question from our old GP when my son had an ear infection (and a bad cough): if he was up to date with his vaccines. As if that had anything to do with his ears or chest....

Wow, that is pretty crazy. Changed the clothes when they came and left!! Very unusual! Sometimes you have to wonder about people... ;)

There seem to be people that think children are the property of the government, or that the medical establishment knows best in all cases. If you don't agree with this then you might have the courts, judges, police, and cps coming to take your children away. From there they may place the children in an environment you don't agree with or start giving them medical treatments you don't agree with.

Yeah, definitely scary that so many parents just go along with what they're told instead of researching for themselves. If parental authority is taken away, where will they stop? We have to fight and vote to keep parental rights!

We live in dangerous times - the more families try to escape the system, the harder they fight to take away parents rights.
A few weeks ago, there was a story in our local papers about the 'degenerate parents' who refuse to take their daughter dying of cancer in for more chemo and surgery, that after many years of hospitals and useless treatments.

Oh man, that is so sad. Quality of life at the end I guess is what the parents cared about. We do live in dangerous times, so true. Thanks so much for the comment! I appreciate you stopping by. :)

Not until great activist stands up to counter many of this "totalitarian" inclined set of people, they will keep trying to push parents' freewill and right to decide for their children into oblivion. Somethings are just not the Business of the State!, they need their noses limited. Nice post @apanamamama, Thanks

Yes, I totally agree! They do continue to push/blur the line between what the parents can decide and what the government can and will decide. Parents need to realize that this is a serious issue!

Videos like this only work to erode the core authority of parents. It is an attack on the family and is sad. Alternative medicines and second opinions are vital in the decision making and health of children. Is there only one authority ...the doctor? NO! What about someone who may have cancer or some other concern and just wants to end the pain rather than prolong the inevitable. this could fester into other areas of medicine and other age groups than just children. As well documented in this post, this opens up a can of worms...home birth, circumcision, vaccines...etc. Where are the good medical professional with a heart that would take on a doctor or video like this? This is so insane. It erodes freedoms too. And we think we are living in a free country when we hear daily of these attacks on our choices to be free. Yes we need to stand up and stifle conversations like this that attack our God given rights to do what is right. Thanks for a wonderful post.

Thanks for the comment! Yes, it is definitely an attack on the freedoms we have and parental right to decide about their child's medical course of action. It could definitely be carried into various other areas and we have already seen a lot of that. The government just has too much control and they like it that way. Parents don't need to be able to decide what is best for their kids if the government has already decided that for each and every one of them. Yikes. Scary.

Wow great awareness post my friend. Thank you for sharing your notes and thoughts with us on this. Someone is always watching. You really have to be careful who you let into your life and know your business. Anytime you go against the doctors orders will look like neglect in someone’s eyes. I’m like you, my husband and I always research different alternatives before we go with what any medical professional says. To be honest we just use our doctor to tell us what is wrong with our children and then we go and research the best and safest solution. I wish every doctor were like ours...he knows they are there as a service to us when we need them and the decision on what to do next is left to us. We’re not ashamed to admit we pray first and ask for guidance and then we continue on from there. We have learned that most pharmaceuticals only pacify a situation and not correct it. We don’t just want to pacify a condition, we want it to go away and those are the solutions we search for. But of course that is part of the business because it keeps you going back to the doctor. Thanks again for sharing this information.

Thanks for the reply. That sounds like a great way to use your doctor. We have started using a doctor here and the language barrier is kind of a problem, so I usually can't even figure out what they're saying is the problem to research! Yikes! We need to get better with that, but we've only had minor stuff here - amoeba (from drinking water out of a garden hose), rash (that we got from the cats)... It is true that most pharmaceuticals don't correct the problem and it does keep their customers coming back! Big money! Hope you had a great weekend! :)

Oh wow yes I hope it gets better with being able to understand your doctors. I’m glad you’ve only had minor issues and no big ones to deal with.

Me too! :) My Spanish is good, but there's always room for improvement. And 5 healthy kids is a lot to be thankful for! :)

Yes it is!!!!!! We are truly blessed :)

I for one would not take kindly to someone telling me how to treat or care for my children when they are unwell. It scares me to think that this actually happens, I see alot of current medicine as toxic and would never consider giving it to mine. Up until now my children have been given homeopathy and herbs as remedies. I am a big believer in prevention rather than cure, so they have and my youngest is breastfed and we try to eat organic food mostly.
We need to stand together, keep educating ourselves and be aware. Thanks for sharing @apanamamama

Thanks for sharing. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure - is that how it goes? :) Nice that you work so hard to prevent! Thanks for the comment and stopping by. :)

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Well alrighty. Thanks for the information. :)

Infinite striving to be the best is man's duty; it is its own reward. Everything else is in God's hands.

- Mahatma Gandhi

Thanks! I've seen comments from you before but never received one. :)

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