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RE: Healthy Boy Forced into Chemo by 'Medical' Tyranny, Taken by CPS from Mother Who Refused

This is maintenance therapy given some time after the initial cancer treatments have worked to make sure the cancer stays in remission. Chemotherapy is risky, though, which is why the mother should've had the right to a second opinion.


Chemo is a scam. It is the only prescription in the USA where the prescribing doctor gets a kickback from every administration. A continued commission if you will.

All medical studies to bring it to market were done by the company pushing the poison and any patient that died during the study were not counted. There is a good chance it does more harm than good.

Similar findings were reported in this meta analysis. Chemotherapy has near-zero effectiveness.

Medical corruption is a dead serious matter.

100% agreed. I'm yet to see a single case where Chemo has saved a life by curinga cancer.

Yes, she should have the sole rights, not have it removed because it contradicted what doctors wanted.

One doctor.

Birthrates are plummeting. Events like this play a small part in causing it.

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