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RE: Legal Kidnapping – Fight CPS

in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)

I'm sorry i saw this so late.

This issue strikes a cord with me personally.

Where I grew up there were families all around that had been broken up by CPS. I grew up learning to not trust them. Whatever they get in their mind is "neglect", which changes case to case and day to day, they will take your kids over. Even if it is completely unwarranted. All they have to do is say the right things on paper and they have full legal right to kidnap your kids and put them with whatever family they choose.

Many of these families are worse than the original family ever could have been. If you have religious beliefs or things you do or do not do in your family, these wishes will not be respected at all, in any way, because the decision is now legally up to the family that took your kid.

It was only 5 years ago that CPS kidnapped my son actually (because I had weed) even though my brother and the rest of my large, loving family were there to take him. He had so many people willing to take him yet they didn't care. They would rather steal him, confuse him and traumatize him.

They put him with a family that had no time for him, fed him sugar at every meal, horrendously unhealthy food, brought him to church and tried to force a religion that we don't believe down his throat (we are non christian family) not to mention made him believe that we had left him for dead.

In a plethora of ways that the Child court does not look at we were FAR BETTER PARENTS than the family they put him with that were just trying to collect a check. Because of the way they were raising him he was sick basically the entire time he was with them (4 months). This family couldn't even take care of the basics correctly.

My brother had to actually become a foster parent in the CPS system (not a lot of red tape i might add) and then request for him to be the first kid they took on just to get him in a family that would actually take care of him.

Does anyone care what that type of shit does to a kid? When an outsider steps in and takes you, you don't realize you've been taken or what is going on. The only thing you are left to think is that your family abandoned you.

My son will be traumatized for life because of this. They thought he was to young to know what was going on, idiots. It's been 5 years currently, yet if I go out to the car without telling him where i'm going he thinks i've left him and i'll come back in 5 minutes later to find him balling in the corner, telling me things like he thought I was going to sell him or give him away. He also has no tolerance for any person in uniforms, wearing lanyards or carrying clipboards. I've seen him cower and go mute when the mail man drops off a package. It's the most heartbreaking thing you can ever witness.

There are occasions where the CPS does something good yet they are far and few between. Now that the organization is there they have to keep their teams employed which means going out of there way to find "unfit parents" where there are none just to keep the lights on.

Listen, if anyone reading this doesn't have much money, or makes family decisions that go against the norm of society in your area, PROTECT YOUR FAMILY!... teach your kids about these people and what they do or you and your child might be next.

If you are noticing a family that is doing something with your kid that you don't agree with stay the fuck out of it! Do you really want to be responsible for this kind of trauma in someone so young? Do you really want to be the catalyst that creates a serial killer or worse because of the trauma this causes in a mind so young?

Stop turning in the families you thing are bad to cps... if you actually care then help these families instead. The real truth is that there are very few families, no matter how bad off they may seem, that actually neglect or don't love their children.

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