Gardening, Yam Cultivation

in #farms6 years ago

images (67).jpeggardening, yam cultivation

Hello steemians, today i will be sharing with you some homestead experience on my mother garden which is located at the back of our home, the garden has various agricultural products ranging from yam, plantains, pepper, tomatoes, cocoyam. But for this article I would be deliberating on a particular agricultural product which is yam, Yams are edible agricultural product which is consumed almost everywhere in the world, this agricultural product can be processed into a dessert recipe either be roasted, fried, grilled, boiled and smoked.


Yam provide one of the best sources of starch. Today I will show you how you can easily grow Yam, at the back of your compound, sir back relax and enjoy.

1.The first stage to begin in cultivating a yam, is to first prepare the land you want to use in cultivating that yam, ensure the land is cleared, If there are bushes and grasses in the land, and then allow the weeds to dry up with the soil and form organic manure on that soil to aid good yam production.

images (74).jpegLand preparation | image source

After the first stage is completed, dig heap or ridge beds, give at least one meter space between each ridges, yam are best grown on loamy soil, but otherwise ensure the soil is rich in organic matter.

2.The second stage is the planting of the yam, Yams are usually best planted during rainy season within the months of February and April... the head of the yam should be planted on that already digged heap or ridge beds. The planted yam should be weed about two to four times to ensure healthy yam when harvested.

3.Stage 3 is the harvesting of the yam, thus this is the finial stage, how do you know when your yam is matured and ready for harvest?. This can be easily identified when you noticed that the stalk and leaves shows yellowish signs of drying up... harvesting of yam product is usually done by hand using sticks, spades or diggers. When harvesting your tubers of yam, ensure you carefully dig around the ridge of the tuber, to avoid damage to the tuber, because damaged tubers do not store well and spoil rapidly.

see-my-cassava.jpgharvesting | image source

4.The fourth stage is optional demanding on the mass production of the yam, if the yam was cultivated for commercial use or family use.. The 4th stage include the storage of the harvested yam product, yam should be stored in a house protected from direct sunlight and rain.

images (73).jpegstorage | image source

Thanks for visiting my blog and reading this article, Hope it has been of great help.


Thanks for sharing this post @abiye


(to be a part of this community; ensure to always use #farms and #steemchurch for agricultural related post)

Beautiful cultivation. Thanks @abiye

Good sowing, the truth is to plant a few square meters of this good fruit, Excellent brother @abiye

Wow,this is awesome and great,really nice farm you got here and the works are great,nice post.

Wow, what a wonderful post about yam cultivation. In addition, yam are very important in nigeria because it can be use to make alot of food. Yam can be yellow and white. Yam can be pounded, it cqn be cooked, fried, roast and lots more.
I love yam alot. Yam can be use to eat oil, egg, beans and lots more.
Thanks @abiye for this wonderful post.
Also to @farms @snifficurry @sirknight @steemchurch. Thanks to you all. For this opportunity.

This is very a concise and explicit post on how one can go about yam cultivation. It was very helpful.
Thanks for sharing @abiye.
Kind regards.

The yam is very nutritious and rich, especially in the soup ... some people do not like it very much but in reality it is very good, you can make creams, croquettes, sauces and many other things.

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