in #farms6 years ago


Moringa is a tree capable of feeding the world and purifying water among other things. And that is why today, my friend from the farms, I am going to talk to you about this plant, which is a source of health since it has the healthy properties and benefits of this tree, which has been studied how its production can be implemented worldwide. but I'm going to tell you how to plant moringa at home.
Moringa is a fast-growing cadufolio tree native to the north of India, which thanks to growing in any soil and adapting to long periods of drought has become the mainstay of many peoples living in extreme conditions .
This tree can be exploited in its entirety, as well as its long fruits; the seeds, roots, bark, leaves and branches provide rich substances for our body nourishing us generously or allows us to prepare multiple natural treatments that according to Ayurveda could cure more than 300 diseases.


Moringa, also known as the tree of life, is a plant of Indian origin that has multiple medicinal and nutritional properties, so it became a basic ingredient for therapeutic purposes of traditional Indian medicine.
It is a tree that can reach 10 meters high, resistant and leafy. Its cultivation is typical of warm and humid environments, so today it is common to find it in Asia, America, Africa and the warmest areas of Europe.

Moringa has a worldwide recognition thanks to its complete nutritional level, which gives rise to its use in numerous natural remedies. In addition, you can take advantage of both its root and its fruits, its leaves and its seeds.


Its properties include its high content of vitamins (A, C, B, E and K), its source of minerals (potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc ...) or its antibiotic effects, its inflammatory action or its amount of antioxidants.
All this translates into healthy benefits to treat heart disease, diseases of the kidneys and skin, as well as anemia, bronchitis, overweight and obesity, menopause, diabetes, hypertension, hepatitis, epilepsy, tuberculosis or cancer, among many others.


The nutritional and medicinal value of moringa has made it one of the most precious trees that you will surely want to have at home
The Moringa can be cultivated from seed or by cutting the young branches, as it is simpler to get the seed this will be the method that we will treat here.
It can be planted in a pot or directly in the ground, remember that it is a tree that grows a lot and very fast if you are going to put it in a pot that grows about 40 liters or more, because when the plant is young it is quite fragile and It is not convenient to do transplants.
Loose soil, it is best to mix it with sand in proportion of one part of sand to 3 of soil. They are planted a centimeter or two deep, water carefully rather than never puddling the earth. It is advisable to put two or three seeds when they have 3 or 4 pairs of leaves, choose the plant that looks stronger and remove the others. When planting, it is advisable to leave a tutor at the beginning since it is a very weak plant at the beginning and will need it .


Once you have planted the seeds or planted the cuttings, as well as if you have directly purchased the moringa and something grown, you must take into account the care you need both for maintenance and growth.


Light: thanks direct light.

Temperature: the ideal temperature is between 22ºC and 35ºC. Being a tree of tropical climates does not support frost, but neither temperatures above 40ºC.

Irrigation: it is very resistant to drought and rots if it has excess water. It is important that the soil is well drained and the soil always moist.

Soils: Moringa needs light, well drained and somewhat sandy soils. It can grow well in poor soils, although it is recommended to add a layer of organic fertilizer when planting it.
The moringa is a tree that can become quite tall until it reaches 5 meters in height, or 10 in its adulthood.
Apply it once a year to limit the height and also remove the old branches to favor the springs. In just 8 months after sowing and with the necessary care, your moringa will start to bear fruit, some pods that ripen after 3 months and that can be harvested.


Moringa is used medicinally to fight diabetes and cancer, diseases that are very present today. That has led to many studies and clinical trials. As well as the expansion of its cultivation, as well as the development of numerous applications such as supplements, supplements and extracts to have its multiple benefits.
Whether as a food or supplement to gradually enter the diet and any strange effect suspend, it is not usual any kind of side effect to consume the moringa but as with every person is a world.


The intake of Moringa, whether dry or fresh, increases the body's natural defenses.
Promotes the cellular structure of the body, which helps cell regeneration and protection
It controls in a natural way the levels of serum cholesterol.
Powerful action Fungicide.
Embellishes the skin, reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, rejuvenating you inside and out
Promotes the normal functioning of the liver and kidney.
decreases arsenic levels in the blood
Provides energy
Antispasmodic, also promotes proper digestion.
It acts as an antioxidant.
It provides a healthy circulatory system.
It is an anti-inflammatory.
It produces a feeling of general well-being.
Regulates blood sugar levels, making it a great ally when it comes to fighting diabetes
Anti carcinogenic, also helps reduce the impact of radiation and chemotherapy on cells


I do not recommend its use in pregnant women, since it can cause uterine contractions or spontaneous abortions.
Moringa also makes the blood thicker, so if you have coagulation problems, cardiovascular or if you are in a medical treatment to thin the blood, consult your doctor before consuming Moringa.


First, this plant can be eaten almost completely, but what is fundamentally consumed are its leaves and pods with seeds.
For consumption it is best to remove the pods when they are green and cook them as if they were green beans (beans, green beans, green beans, green beans, beans ... etc.). The leaves are cooked as if it were spinach, we can add them in preparations such as pasta, stews and soups. You can also eat raw salad; or let dry and crush as a food supplement.
Seeds that are already ripe and dry can be ground to make a kind of curry.
The roots when cooked have a flavor similar to horseradish, so it was widely used by the English.

Moringa is a tree capable of feeding the world and purifying water among other things. And that is why today we are going to talk about this plant that is a source of health and has an enormous potential that has led to studies on how we can implement its production and consumption worldwide


I hope that my article has been useful.
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