in #farms6 years ago

A banana is an edible fruit. Its botanically a berry produced by several kinds of large herbaceous flowering plants in the genus Musa.
Bananas are extremely healthy and delicious.


They contain several essential nutrients, and have benefits for digestion, heart health and weight loss. Aside from being very nutritious, they are also a highly convenient snack food.
Bananas aren't just the world's most portable snack. You can also use bananas in your beauty routine, to grow houseplants, polish silver, and more. The calories in bananas are moderate enough to include in your diet without causing weight gain. Bananas alone won't make you gain weight, but if they're part of a high-calorie diet, they will be one of several foods that contribute to extra pounds.

Like Most Fruit, Bananas Are Very Healthy. They contain fiber, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B6 and several other beneficial plant compounds. Although bananas are unsuitable on a low-carb diet and may cause problems for some diabetics, overall they are an incredibly healthy food.

Bananas are sugary fruits, so eating too many and not maintaining proper dental hygiene practices can lead to tooth decay. They also do not contain enough fat or protein to be a healthy meal on their own, or an effective post-workout snack. Eating bananas becomes significantly risky only if you eat too many.


Adults should consume about 3,500mg of potassium per day, according to the UK's National Health Service. The average banana, weighing 125g, contains 450mg of potassium, meaning a healthy person can consume at least seven-and-half bananas before reaching the recommended level.

Amazing things you need to know

As a summer treat for friends and family, peel and cut four ripe bananas in half (across the middle). Stick a wooden ice-cream stick into the flat end of each piece. Place them all on a piece of wax paper, and then put it in the freezer. A few hours later, serve them up as simply yummy frozen banana-sicles.


You can use a banana as an all-natural face mask that moisturizes your skin and leaves it looking and feeling softer.
In order to keep your skin feeling smooth and radiant, create a body scrub with a banana. There are many different variations depending on the kind of scrub you need. For a gentle scrub you can mix a mashed banana with brown sugar. For a medium scrub try mixing in oatmeal or sea salt. If you really need a heavy duty scrub grind apricot pits at home and add it to your banana to really dig deep into your pores.


Warts are stubborn and gross, so needless to say nobody wants one. A natural way you can go about removing one is by using a banana peel. Cut a piece of ripe banana peel to cover the affected area using the inside and keep it there overnight by using some medical tape.

Everyone wants pearly whites. Banana peels contain citric acid, which will help lighten surface stains on your teeth. For natural teeth whitening at home, after giving your teeth a good brush, simply rub the banana peel on the surface for about two minutes every day. Your smile will not only be whiter, but brighter!

If you don’t have the time or calories to spare, try making ice cream out of bananas. All you have to do is freeze your peeled bananas and blend it in a food processor or blender. The result is an ice cream-like consistency and a satisfied craving.

Bananas contain a fair amount of fiber, as well as several antioxidants. One medium-sized banana (118 grams) also contains (1, 2, 3):

Potassium: 9% of the RDI.

Manganese: 14% of the RDI.

Net carbs: 24 grams.

Fiber: 3.1 grams.

Vitamin B6: 33% of the RDI.

Vitamin C: 11% of the RDI.

Magnesium: 8% of the RDI.

Copper: 10% of the RDI.

Protein: 1.3 grams.

Fat: 0.4 grams.

Each banana contains only about 105 calories, and consists almost exclusively of water and carbs. Bananas contain very little protein and almost no fat.

Bananas Contain Nutrients That Moderate Blood Sugar Levels. Bananas are also rich in a fiber called pectin, which gives the flesh its structural for. Unripe bananas contain resistant starch, which acts like soluble fiber and escapes digestion.IMG_20180612_114440_895.jpg

However, this may not apply to diabetics, which should probably avoid eating lots of well-ripened bananas and monitor their blood sugars carefully when they do.

Bananas contain nutrients that can help moderate blood sugar levels after meals. They may also reduce appetite by slowing stomach emptying. Bananas May Improve Digestive Health. Dietary fiber has been linked to many health benefits, including improved digestion.

Bananas contain mainly two types of fiber. Bananas are fairly rich in fiber and resistant starch, which may feed the friendly gut bacteria and help protect against colon cancer. Bananas May Help With Weight Loss. No study has directly tested the effects of bananas on weight loss. However, bananas do have several features that should make them a weight loss friendly food.
Bananas May Support Heart Health. Bananas are a great dietary source of potassium.
Fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of dietary antioxidants, and bananas are no exception.

However, it is a common misunderstanding that the dopamine from bananas acts as a feel-good chemical in the brain.

On the other hand, ripe (yellow) bananas contain lower amounts of resistant starch and total fiber, but proportionally higher amounts of soluble fiber.

Unripe bananas are a great source of resistant starch, and may therefore help improve insulin sensitivity.
However, the reason for these effects is not well understood, and not all studies agree on the matter. Unripe bananas are a good source of resistant starch, which may improve insulin sensitivity. However, more research is needed.

It may sound a bit like a lark, but using a banana peel is actually a great way to put the shine back into your silverware and leather shoes.

Banana peels have anti-inflammatory properties, which means they are great when it comes to bug bites, minor scrapes, poison ivy, and sunburn. All you have to do is put the banana peel on the affected area and press it like you would a cool compress. You can repeat this process until you feel some relief.

Banana peels, like the fruit itself, are rich in potassium, an important nutrient for both you and your garden. With their high content of potassium and phosphorus, whole bananas and peels are welcome additions to any compost pile, particularly in so-called compost tea recipes. The fruit breaks down especially fast in hot temperatures. But don’t forget to remove any glued-on tags from the peels, and be sure to bury bananas deep within your pile (otherwise they may simply turn out to be a meal for a four-legged visitor).

Eating a banana several times a week may reduce the risk of kidney disease by up to 50%. Bananas may help relieve muscle cramps caused by exercise. They also provide excellent fuel for endurance exercise.

Get a banana farm today


Thanks so much for reading...
Till I come your way next time...
I remain your sugar lovey dovey @oredebby


Linda y deliciosa creación de Dios jejeje

Hmmmmmm, me diste ganas de comer platano jeje

If one doesn't like banana, these pictures with make him have it as favourite. Nice article on banana.

So Bananas help in whiten the teeth
But I have been taking alot of it lately although not the way you prescripbed here

I will try this out
Thanks for sharing

But I have been taking alot of it lately

...yet your teeth is not white


One reason I love bananas is the fact that the nutrients in it can take you through a 3hours gym experience. Most times I can't eat early before the gym but two fingers of banana and am feeling so strong...

Nice article ma'am.

I knew how good eating an apple a day can be, but I had no clue when it comes to bananas. This is a well-researched post. Thank you for sharing. By the way, you just made eating bananas cool again. Lol

I guess it is fruit week for you. Lolz


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