Farms: Spinach | Cultivation and properties.

in #farms6 years ago (edited)

Scientific name: Spinacea oleracea.

Spinach is an annual plant belonging to the amarantáceas family, it is an excellent food loaded with many nutrients, it is also low in calories. They are grown throughout the year and can be eaten fresh in salads, cooked or fried. The health benefits of this plant are due to the presence of proteins, vitamins, minerals, fiber, pigments and phytonutrients.

  • Spinach is rich in vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, E, K, folic acid and several antioxidants, also has minerals such as: iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, iodine, calcium, manganese, magnesium and zinc . , which contributes to a healthy diet.
  • Help to maintain the arterial pressure.
  • Improves vision, combats macular degeneration and cataracts.
  • It helps to lose weight and increases muscle strength.
  • It diminishes the appearance of gastric ulcers.
  • Protect your brain.
  • It helps fight against cancer of the bladder, prostate, liver and lung.
  • It decreases inflammation and the appearance of atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes.
  • Strengthens bones.
  • Control diabetes.
  • Strengthens the immune system and reduces tiredness and fatigue.
  • Helps keep hair and skin healthy
  • It has laxative properties.


Types of spinach.

Curly leaf spinach or Savoy: it is the most popular, eaten cooked by its firm texture. Requires a good wash with water before cooking. Its leaves are wavy, crisp and dark green.

Smooth hello spinach: It is also eaten cooked. Its leaves are much larger, softer and more tender than the previous ones. They are very easy to wash. It is always advisable to wash them before consumption.

Spinach Baby: it is smaller and more tender than the previous ones. It is used for the preparation of different salads. This variety is smooth leaf and harvested early. It has a sweeter taste and less amount of oxalic acid.

Spinach cultivation.

  • The soil must be moist and rich in organic matter. In the case of pots, add compost to the soil. This plant does not accept acid soils and prefers P.H values between 6 and 6.5, in case the soil is very acidic, add lime.

  • This plant needs little heat to grow, so it is recommended to plant it at the beginning of spring or in autumn.

  • The sowing is done directly on the ground, the rows are made at a distance of 30 cm and, to sow the seed, make holes 2 cm deep. In the case of sowing in a pot, the seeds should be spread on the surface.

  • Spinach is a plant that grows without much sun, that is, it is preferable to plant or sow in places that have a lot of shade. This plant tolerates the sun, however, you must be very careful not to be too hot places.

  • This plant requires to be in humid earth, nevertheless the most advisable thing is to water every time that the earth is drying, we must avoid the puddle since this one rots the roots.

  • The cultivation of spinach is about 2 months for the harvest, it is not necessary to tear the whole plant at the time of harvest, simply remove the outer leaves and the internal ones grow back quickly.

  • To maintain their nutritional properties, it is recommended to keep the spinach in plastic bags and then refrigerate them (it is kept fresh around 5 days), before consuming it, they should be washed in order to remove the existing residues (land), the stems and leaves discolored or damaged should be discarded.


Pests that attack the spinach crop and its control.

Beet nematode (Heterodera schachtii Smith): Produces knots that cause the plant to wilt. This pest is controlled with nematicides such as Dichloropropene, Metam-sodium, etc., prior to planting.

Pegomia or beet fly (Pegomya betae Curtis): They pierce the epidermis and penetrate the interior of the tissue, forming galleries that, when joined together, form silvery spots. This pest is controlled by sprays directed against the larvae. In what detects the presence of this pest, the treatment must be applied quickly.

Aphids (Aphis fabae Scop and Myzus persicae Sulz): cause an obstruction in the foliage of the plant. A single attack of this pest can damage the entire production, since it gives the plant an unpleasant appearance. This pest can be controlled with Alpha Cipermetrin 5% 0.06-0.08% concentrated suspension, etc.


We must be very careful with this crop because spinach does not support serious attacks, as it quickly loses its commercial value.

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